I gained weight after my best friend died. |
=> i am 5'7 and i am 235lbs i just started gaining weight afrer my best friend in the whole world commited suicide and i need help losing weight i am in to dancing and running track but it just doesnt help
Our deepest sympathies for the loss of your friend. Losing someone close can be hard. It sounds like you believe you coped with the loss of your friend by eating. Food can be great (although unhealthy) comfort in sad times yet I encourage you to find other ways to grieve. Many communities have a place called hospice that offer free or low cost counseling to kids and teens. Here you may even be able to find a support group with people your age who have also lost someone close. Letting yourself grieve this healthy way may allow you to see food differently. You may begin to see it as fuel not comfort. Keep dancing and running. You may not feel like it is helping yet it is making you healthier.
Is it okay to lose weight if you are not overweight? |
=> im not over weight but is it okay to lose a couple of pounds
Please check the weigh calculator on this site. If you are not overweight, it may be unhealthy to lose weight, particularly if you are near the lower limit of your healthy weight range. Our bodies naturally fluctuate a few pounds for fluid shifts. It may be unhealthy to lose on purpose if you are not overweight.
My classmates call me fat. |
=> Hi lucy i'm overweight and want to loose alot of weight cause some of my classmates call me fat that's annoying alot of cute boys probably don't like me cause i'm fat if i was skinny they would probably like me please help me lucy
Sounds frustrating! Sometimes it is hard to look different from your classmates. Sometimes, people can be unfair which can make it even harder! Remember, you are NOT alone. There are other people who are go through the same thing everyday. You will find many on this site. Check out the bulletin boards and chat room. Consider finding a weight loss buddy. Encourage each other to exercise and eat healthy. Even more, support each other when days are tough. Good luck!
Why is losing weight so hard? |
=> i always end up buying lunch and buying foods that arent good for me but its just so hard.
=> Hi Lucy, I am 12 almost 13 I weigh 200 lbs. I want to lose weight, but don't know how to go about it. My mom is real concerned and is always wanting me to not snack as much and exercise, but I hate exercising, and I just have a very hard time telling myself no when it comes to junk food. Overweight runs on my mom and dad's side, and I know it's always going to be a struggle for me, but can you give me ideas as to what to do?
Losing weight is hard because most overweight people are hooked on the pleasure, comfort, and soothing that they get from rich food. They eat for reasons other than hunger. It is a lifelong habit, and typically parents, who are overweight, pass the habit on to their kids. To break the habit and lose weight you have to replace the pleasure, comfort, and soothing that you get from food with pleasure and comfort from other things, like pets, hobbies, sports, volunteer work, social activities. Furthermore, when you try to change a lifelong habit, you will feel quite "antsy" for a while, almost like coming off a drug, but it will pass. Taking it in baby steps is the way that works for most people. Cutting down on things a little bit at a time like soda, junk food, second helpings, and large portions is the idea. Each time you cut something down, you will feel antsy, but it will pass in a week or so. Then you can cut down something else, and so on. Have a plan, so that you will have something distracting to do when you feel antsy, like take a walk with your dog or a friend, or ride your bike, or work on a hobby, or shoot basketball, or go dancing. Support from friends also helps tremendously. The kids on the bulletin boards and in the chatroom support each other in their struggles. It's hard to break a lifelong habit, but it can be done.
Are vegetarian's healthier? |
=> umm...i am very overweight and also a huge animal rights activist and i have always wanted to go vegitarian and i really want to know whether or not making such a move with help or hinder my weight loss and if it will help me....are their anythings tah ti should be doing to keep myself healthy at the same time. THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!
Many people stop eating meat or become a vegetarian to be healthier. You can stop eating meat and be healthy or not. If you want to stop eating meat because of your beliefs, make sure you have balance with your meals. Always have a good source of protein (beans, soy, eggs, dairy, etc) and your sources will vary according to how strict of vegetarian you want to be. Consider talking with a doctor or dietitian about how to balance YOUR meals if you stopped eating meat. They can look at your diet more closely and see if you need a multivitamin or any supplements. Good luck!
It's too hard to stop eating the foods I love! |
=> I am 15, 5'9 and i weigh 190lb. I dont want to be overweight and i know that i am. I am trying to stop eatign all the foods i love but it is real hard. i wanna weigh 130 or 140 but i just cant seam to lose any weight. How can i change???
Sounds like you are frustrated since you can't give up the foods you love. Who said you HAVE to give them always? I think it is okay and important to eat certain foods-cookies, chips, ice cream and others like them-once or twice a month. I call them birthday day foods. This is what I mean. The day of your birthday (mine is the 19th of May) every month, make sure you let yourself have one of those foods you love so much. That is okay and you will still lose weight. That is eating in moderation! Good luck!
Help! All of my friends are skinny! |
=> i need help and bad!!! im Bout 5 6 and i weigh about 185 or 190!all of my friends are sooooooooo skinney and tiny!! so i hate going shopping with them! my whole family is pretty BIG.so that doednt help me much!!! so what should i do??? please please please email me back!!!
It can be hard to look different from everyone else. Remember, everyone's body is shaped differently. Some people will never be "tiny" yet they can still be healthy. Start making one or two goals for yourself. Goals should include changes in your eating or exercise. Keep track of your progress and make sure you reward yourself without food! Good luck and stay positive!
I am at risk for obesity! What should I do? |
=> hi. i used that weight calculater thingy and it said that i had a risk of becoming overweight. Does this mean i have to lose a lot of weight?????????
Being at risk is a warning that your body could become obese. It means that you may want to include physical activity into everyday. It also means that you should make your meals well balanced. You may or may not need to lose weight. I would talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you. Good luck!
Do I have an eating disorder? |
=> hi lucy i feel like i have an eating disorder i spoke to my mom about it and she said even if i did have an eating disorder i wouldn't think it. i only weigh 77.5 pounds compared to both my step sisters who are both in the hundreds and i never really seem to be hungery i am so confused what do u think of the problem
You seem concerned about your health because of your low weight. A person's weight is one part of an eating disorder. It is not the only way to tell if you have an eating disorder though. Your health is important so I would talk to someone about it. Consider talking with your mom again or another family member. Maybe talk with your school counselor or your doctor.
Read the information on this website to learn more about eating disorders or check out another website: www.somethingfishy.org.
I will NEVER lose weight-please help! |
=> im overweight ( 15 yrs, 150 lbs. and 5'4"). ive tried many times to eat healthy and excerise so to lose weight but i can NEVER stick to it. any advice
You need to think positive! Most people need to try at least 20 times before being successful at weight loss. Keep trying and you can be healthier. Set small goals and reward yourself when you reach them. I believe in you!