What about Weight Watchers? |
=> Hey I'm 12 years old and I weigh 213 pounds. Me and my mom are on the Weight Watchers diet but I don't really like it because she is always on my back. I need to lose 73 pounds. Is there a safe way to lose it in 8 months? If so please tell me how!!
Weight Watchers can be a great food plan for many people. It teaches portion control, healthy eating, and provides support. Sometimes, though, the support can be overwhelming. It sounds like your mom wants you to be healthier yet she can get a little too into it. Consider talking with her about what you need to help support you as you become healthier. Maybe the two of you can plan the grocery list together or go walking together. The two of you can make a plan of ways to best support each other through this new way of eating. Remember, she needs your support too!
How can I feel better about myself? |
=> i feel so bad about my self my friends say im not fat but i look in the mirror and all i see is this giant 5;7 180 pound elephant and i cant help it im bigger than my mom and my dad im having trouble i can walk good and its just when i run or jog do u have any advice on like a diet besides fruit please help me it really getting 2 me and i want a boyfriend in high school and if im fat im gonna be lonley and i dont want that do please help me
p.s (crying)"
Kids tell me that looking different can be hard and it can make them feel alone. Sounds like you feel frustrated and sad about your body. Consider talking with your parents, your school counselor, or another trusted adult about your feelings. In order to live healthier, you may need to feel better about yourself. Check out the chat room and bulletin board. Many other people are going through the same thing as you and may be able to give you support. Good Luck!
I'm addicted to sugar and other foods. What can I do? |
=> I am 16 and weight 160. i have an addiction to sugary foods and i never get full it seems . im sick of fake diets and i can not stay commited or have self control. i need help please . i wasnt to be skinny again, i just dont wana spend money on a lame diet nor do i know how to stop my eating addiction.
Food is fuel for your body yet it can also be some people's best friend. Many people who are overweight feel addicted to food. The only way for them to lose weight is to learn more about their addiction. Consider finding out more about your addiction too! Write down when you eat and WHY. Consider your feelings-do you eat when you are lonely, bored, sad, or happy? Once you figure out why you eat, find something else instead of food. Maybe you can go walking when you are bored, write poetry when you are sad, or call or IM your friend when you are lonely. Make food your fuel and find other ways to soothe your feelings! Good luck!
I'm injured and can't exercise. What else can I do? |
=> hi! I have knee problems and I am probably going to have knee surgry within the next few weeks, which won't allow me to exercise for approxamentally 6 weeks. What type of exercises can I do in the mean time?
There are many exercises a person can do without getting out of her chair! Please ask your doctor before trying any of them. There are chair aerobics, chair yoga, and chair weight exercise tapes and television shows. Consider looking up these topics in your local television listings, video store, or at the library. After watching it a few times, you may be able to do the exercises without it!
What about meal replacement shakes? |
=> I was wondering, are those meal replacement shakes healthy? And do they full you up?
You may have seen products advertised to overweight people to help them lose weight. These products can be incorporated into a healthy meal plan yet they should not be relied upon everyday. Consider using these products every once in awhile. Maybe use them when you are traveling or have to eat on the run. Besides, these companies know how much you want to lose weight and sometimes promise things that eating healthy will bring you too. Eating a balanced and healthy diet can be cheaper than buying those shakes or bars!
How can I lose weight fast? |
=> Hi Lucy. I read how you lost weight and i was wondering could what would be your advice on someone who wants to lose 25 pounds in 1 month.
Losing weight to be healthier is a serious decision to make. Sounds like you are motivated right now to be healthier. I suggest that you take it slower than one month. Your body cannot lose weight safely that fast-it can very dangerous! Try setting a goal of losing one pound per week or even going down one pant's size in three months. Setting smaller and a more reasonable goal for weight loss will help you remain healthy, keep you feeling good to perform your best in school, and help you keep the weight off long term. Good luck! And make sure to check with your doctor about your weight loss plans.
Why is losing weight so hard? |
=> I'm 14 and weight 290 pounds. I cant never seem to stick wih the diets. I tend to eat the most at night and I never work it off. What are some exercise suggestions you could give me
=> hi....i'm a 14 year old girl who weighs 185...everytime i go to stores i mostly don't get my sizes so i have to go to womens store...i have tried focusing on trying to work out or eating healhty..but it only works for like 2 days...is there a way that i can loose weight in healthy way??
Sounds like you are frustrated since you haven't seen results. Losing weight is hard work”¦and it takes time. People who are most successful in reaching their healthy weight keep trying many different times at changing how they eat. I suggest you keep on trying! Set small goals every week so you can see some success. Maybe try eating a fruit and a veggie at each meal or try to be active for 10 minutes everyday. Set 1 or 2 small goals each week and make sure you keep track. At the end of the week, pick 1 or 2 more goals. It will take awhile to get to your healthy weight and it will happen!
What about exercise? |
=> Please help me I need to loose weight I weigh 194lbs and I'm only 13 years old but I don't look like I weigh 194 lbs I need a good excersice plan that I can do like when I come home from school or before I go back to school which is in 4 weeks.
Exercise or physical activity helps many kids and teens be healthier. Any exercise is good exercise just make sure the activity gets your heart beating faster. This can be walking, dancing, jumping, or even cleaning! Your activity does not have be fancy or need any sort of equipment. Every little bit helps and try to be active (and getting your heart to beat faster) everyday. You may even want to be active a few minutes before school starts, a few minutes after school is out, and a few minutes before bed. Good luck!
What about weight loss tips? |
=> Hey Lucy! im 13 yrs. old. How in the world did u lose that weight that is so imcredible. hey can u give some tips that how u lost the weight!!! Please reply soon!!!
Losing weight is hard work and sometimes you get frustrated when you don't see weight come off fast. Sometimes this makes you sad and you sometimes want to give up. My friends kept telling me that my body was already healthier by eating differently and being more active. I listened and realized they were right. Even though I didn't see weight loss quickly, I was still helping my health. And, eventually, it does happen. So I encourage you to eat lots of fruits, veggies, low fat dairy products, lean proteins, and drink lots of water! Be active everyday! And lastly, keep it up! And make sure to check with your doctor about your weight loss plans.
I'm trying, but I eat when I'm depressed and bored. |
=> Hello, I am 13 and I weigh almost 160 and I an about 5'3. I don think I am healthy. But it is a mystery to me why am i this way. It seems that when i'm bored I eat and when i'm depressed I eat. But I am also on the dance team, I work out at the YMCA,and when I wake up and before I go to bed I do sit ups. They just dont seem to be working. I want to change it. Because I have just recently learned that almost 60% of our american population is obese, and i don want to be one of those people. Pease help me.
You have done a lot to make your body healthier! You have been more active at school, the gym, and at home. Sometimes it's hard to not see results from all of this hard work but inside your body is already smiling! You have helped build more muscle from your activities, which will help you be healthier.
Keep up the activity. Next time you are sad and feel yourself reaching for food for comfort, call a friend from the dance team or the YMCA and try to get together. Moving around can help our bodies feel happier and less sad. If you can't meet a friend, turn up the radio and start dancing to chase the blues or boredom away!