Here is where we answer your questions about your weight and reaching your weight goal. Our site provides general health information only and cannot give medical advice.
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 Best Exercise for Weight Loss

=> Whats is the best wieght loss exercise routine?

 The best exercise routine has two parts. They are:

1) Any movement that gets your heart beating faster. This can be dancing, playing, jumping rope, walking, swimming, biking, basketball, football, and many more.

2) Any exercise you enjoy! An exercise you enjoy will be one you can do most days of the week. Be sure you find something you like and you know you will stick with it!

 How Can I Suppress Cravings?

=> is there anything that can supress cravings in a healthy way?

 Here's how to curve your next craving:

1.) Next time you start to feel a craving come on, say hello to it. Don't try to ignore it. Let the craving know you are aware that it is around.

2.) Ask the craving why it came around now. Maybe you are bored or lonely. Maybe you just saw a pizza commercial on TV. There may be a reason why you craved a certain food. Find out why.

3.) Next, get out the list of things to do. Keep this list in a handy place where you can always run to in time of cravings. Some people go exercise. Others squeeze their hands together tight. Some people like to draw or write when they get cravings. Some people even draw what the craving would look like outside of their mind. Use your imagination and do things you enjoy. Activities will help you get through the craving.

4.) Let someone know you are craving a food and you need help. Phone a friend. Talk with a parent. Meet online with your weight loss buddy. Surround yourself with people who can help support you through the craving.

5.) Drink some bottled water or flavored water.

6.) Allow yourself craved food once or twice a month. This will not break your weight loss efforts. Rather, it will keep you focused and healthy.

 I Have SO Much To Lose....Where Do I Start??


 One hundred pounds can be a lot to think about. Losing weight is hard enough so let's break that 100 pounds up! Many kids and teens using this site have lost over 100 pounds. They did this by setting smaller goals to not get overwhelmed. I encourage you to do the same. Start by making a goal to get to 220 pounds. To do this, try making a food goal and an exercise goal each week. Weigh yourself one time per week to measure your results. Other things to try to keep you on track:
*Write down how much you eat and exercise each day. This helps many kids and teens to eat healthier and exercise more.
*Find a weight loss buddy on this website. Many other kids and teens need to lose 100 or more pounds. Help each other stay on task.
*Check out the success stories on this site. Reading about other kids and teens who have done this can help you believe in yourself!

I believe you can do this! It will only happen if you believe in you too!

 Summer Weight Loss Help

=> What is your advise to loose weight before summer comes around?

 Many kids and teens seem to want to lose weight in time for summer. A person does not gain weight in just a few months. A person cannot lose weight in a healthy way fast too. Let this extra burst of motivation help you get started and used to eating healthier. I encourage you to make two goals each week. Have one goal be a food goal. Have the other goal be an exercise goal. For example, try this week to eat fruits as a snack (instead of chips) and to walk for 10 minutes each day. Each week, see how well you did. If you were able to meet the goal, pick another to add. If not, try again. You may not lose all the weight by summer, yet you will be making your weight a lot healthier. Be patient and you will lose the weight!

 I Sneak Food!

=> My family is very supportive yet I lack motivation to do anything. Eating healthy is not an issue, i do but I will lie and borrow $$ when I am away from home to get the treats i don't need. Its really starting to show, what do I do? I can' stop.

 Many kids and teens sneak food. Many feel bad or guilty for doing this. Sometimes eating differently to lose weight can be really hard. This can be hard on you and your brain. Your brain is used to getting these higher calorie foods. I do not think you lack motivation, you just do not have the right tools yet. Try these tools:
*One or two times per month, let yourself have a high calorie food like cookies, pastries, chips, etc. You maybe sneaking them because you are never allowing yourself to have them. Having them two times per month will not affect your weight loss.
*Make sure you are eating enough each day. This means you are eating a breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks between if you get physically hungry. Sometimes, people crave higher calorie food because their brain is not getting enough energy from food. Make sure you are not dieting to strictly and it may help you say no to higher calorie food more often.
*Next time you get a craving for a higher calorie food, tell your brain it is lying to you. Do not let your brain trick you into believing you need it. This is a craving. Cravings last 10 to 30 minutes. Try to find some things you can do for this amount of time that can help distract your brain. Some kids and teens just squeeze their hands together tight until the craving goes away.

 Fast Food Addiction!

=> How can I stop being so addictive about fast food?

 Fast food is cheap, tasty, and....fast. Eating too much fast food, as you know, can make a person get too large. Here are some ideas to try and get you unhooked:
*Before you step into a fast food joint, write down what healthier items you will order. Choose the smallest sandwich (usually a regular hamburger) with a fruit side and diet drink or milk. If you don't, you may smell those French fries and change your mind. If going in is too tempting, ask a friend or parent to go for you or go through the drive thru.
*Try to avoid fast food places. This means not riding your bike past them. It also means avoiding the food court at the mall. Seeing or smelling the fast food may trigger some to overeat. Sometimes getting through the trigger is too hard. Try your hardest to avoid being around them.
*If you feel yourself wanting to eat fast food and you are not hungry, do this: tell your brain it is lying to you. You do not NEED the food. Find ways to keep your mind occupied for about 15 to 30 minutes. You can do this by reading a book, riding your bike, going on a walk, or calling a friend. You can even squeeze your hands together really tight.

 I Am Treated Differently!

=> My Question is:why do the kids at school treat you me different then they do the skinny people? Because I aint no different.

=> Every one makes fun of me waht should i do?

=> I am almost 8 years old. The kids at school call me fat and it makes me mad and sad.What can I do when they say this?

=> My entire life i have been made fun of not just because i am tall but because i'm overweight..I have tried to ignore every one who tells me i'm ugly because i'm "fat" but the stress of it is wearing me down. Why do people like to hurt overweight people just because they dont look like every one else?

 That sounds tough. I know many kids and teens who are too large complain about being teased at school. There is no good reason why other kids treat you differently. It is not fair. Here are some suggestions to help you out:
*Help your classmates get to know you inside instead of just your weight. Join a club or team after school. Here you can actually get to know people better. They will learn more about you. And, you will learn more about them!
*Watch to see who else is treated differently. Ask that person (or persons) to hang out with your after school or join a club with you. Over time, you can become friends. And, there is safety in numbers. Together you can stand up to the bully.
*Meet with your school counselor, a trusted adult, or your parent. Talk to them about how the teasing hurts your feelings. Do this to get the feelings out. Sometimes talking, drawing, or writing down your feelings helps.

 How Do I Prevent Diabetes!?!

=> Dear Lucy, I am 12 years old and afraid of getting diabeties because my dad has it and some other family member. My brothers are all overweight and so am I. What should I do?

=> If you could give me some advise I would be happy to here from you because I need to lose weight because I am borderline dibedic and if I don't start losing weight I'll get plain dibedices

 Having diabetes can be tough as you know. Diabetes is when a person cannot use food for energy. They need to take medicine so their body works the way it needs to. A person with diabetes needs to check her blood sugar a few times a day and has to eat at certain times of day. If a person with diabetes does not control something called blood sugar, then it can damgage her body. I am glad you are trying to prevent getting the disease!

The best way to stop yourself from getting diabetes is by getting to a healthier weight. Some studies suggest that if a person loses just 10 pounds, it can help prevent the disease by a lot. To get to a healthier weight, I suggest:
*Eat 3 meals a day...be sure to include breakfast!
*Eat a snack between meals if you feel physical hunger
*Snack on fruits and veggies instead of chips, candies, or pastries.
*Drink milk or soy milk at meals. Make sure the milk is low fat or fat free
*Drink only water or calorie free drinks between meals. Try to give up soda, juices, and juice drinks.
*Get your heart beating faster through exercise everyday. You can do this by playing outside, running, walking, dancing, biking, playing a sport, and jumping rope.

I hope this helps!

 Too Embarrassed to Tell Mom

=> I have a very hard time telling my mom that I want to lose weight and diet. Beacause I feel embarrassed to talk to her about it. I also am to embarrassed to excercise with my family there. Do you have any tips on talking to my mom?

 It can be hard to tell a family member or friend we are trying to lose weight. Many kids and teens say they are afraid they are going to fail (again) and that is why they do not want to tell anyone. Others say they are embarrassed they are overweight and talking about it maybe too painful.

Sounds like you know it is important to tell your mom about your plan. I agree. She may be able to help support you. Consider writing down exactly what you would like to say to your mom. Tell her you want to eat healthier and feel stronger. Write down how you are planning to do it. After writing down your thoughts, ask your mom for a moment alone with her. Make sure you ask her when she is not busy. If she is, ask her when you two could have a moment and schedule it! Then, read her your letter. Or, just give it to her. You maybe surprised by her support! Good luck!

 What's the Point!?!

=> I really need to lose weight. I am tired of being fat but I am not dedicated enough to be on a diet.I know thats the only way out of it though but I eat because I feel depressed and I feel depressed more because I'm fat. What's the point? Dieting takes to long!!!

 Sounds like you want to lose weight yet know that your emotional eating is too tough to change. Whoever said weight loss was easy was SO lying, right? Changing your eating, especially emotional eating, is going to be tough. We cannot deny that. Realizing you eat when you are depressed is the first step. The next step is trying to find other ways to deal with your saddness. You mentioned that your weight keeps you feeling down, I wonder if it would help to meet with a counselor. Talking with this person about your feelings with your body and struggles to lose weight, may help you feel better about you.

While working with a counselor, consider not "dieting" as you know it. Try to eat only when you feel physical hunger and stop when you are full (learn more about it by clicking here. This will be tough and it may not always work out like that. That's okay! This next step maybe the hardest, yet it will be the most important one!

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