From matthew, Age 11 - 11/20/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi, I'm having really problems, I'm 5'1 in height and between 170-80 pounds (11-12st) It's really getting me down, I get teased at all the time. I'm really obese. If I see food I eat it, and the school canten is murder, all them chips and donuts, I always really pig out, I can't run for anylonger than 30secs and in P.E in school i have to run a mile, It's awful, anyone got any tips, please send them. From a desprete 11 year old called Matthew
Reply from Laura, Age 18 - 11/21/02 - IP#:
From Patrick, Age 11 - 11/20/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
First of all I just want to say that I have lost 3.5 lbs. I used to weigh 185 and now I weigh 181.5. Hooray for me! Also, I was just looking at the bulletin board rules and it said that no "gainers" and "fat admirers" are allowed. What the heck are those?!? If anyone knows anything about "gainers" and/or "FA"s (fat admirers) could you PLEASE tell me? Not very many people are responding to my posts, and I wish they would.
Reply from kay, Age 12 - 11/22/02 - IP#:
Reply from Jay, Age 13 - 11/21/02 - IP#:
Reply from henry, Age 13 - 11/21/02 - IP#:
Reply from Heather, Age 16 - 11/20/02 - IP#:
From sophiya, Age 14 - 11/20/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
does anyone here know what grapenuts are? I eat TONs of them, and they are low fat high fibre but will they make me fat?? i eat about 2 bowls a day, they are my favorite food. can i eat them?? luv soph
Reply from Laura, Age 18 - 11/19/02 - IP#:
From caprice, Age 14 - 11/20/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey everyone! i'd just like to say thankyou to laura! she has helped me alot. If you ever need help about weightloss then laura gives great answers! r u going to do nutrition at college did you say? from Caprice
Reply from Laura, Age 18 - 11/20/02 - IP#:
From Caprice, Age 14 - 11/20/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
someone was saying they needed to know how to make themselves throw up, to get rid of food, but thats really bad for you! i did that before, and starved myself, and over did excercise. i lost loads, but then put every pound of it back on! so please dont do it, because it slows your metabolism down as well. plus you feel weak all the time, and look ill and pale if you starve yourself, and if you feel weak and hungry you wont wanna excercise. So im guna lose weight the healthy way, and i jus wan2 say good luck to everyone, because we can all do it! no matter how much weight you want to lose you will do it, just have confidence in yourself!
Reply from Laura, Age 18 - 11/20/02 - IP#:
From chris, Age 14 - 11/20/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
how can i get rid of the rolls of fot on my bellly?
Reply from Laura, Age 18 - 11/21/02 - IP#:
From Rockerbaby - 11/19/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Reply from Laura, Age 18 - 11/19/02 - IP#:
From Rockerbaby - 11/19/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi you guys!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm really tryin to loose weight I really need tips and support but no 1 ever replys me. I really need to loose sum weight Im 4'5" and i way 134 ( I gained a lot) My mom is currently overweight. I let food ruin my life last year . I felt that my life was over ppl pease reply i really need your help and support. I have a GREAT bf who said hell love me even if i weigh 800 lbs. I think he is the greatest human being on earth. He makes me feel like i can do every thing if i try. Wen we were doing pull ups this year evevy body has 2 watch u and he and my girlfriends were the only ones who gave me standing ovation for 1 pull up. 1 pull up can u believe that i thought i wood only get 0 like all the years before that.. Well please reply and ill keep in touch Lots of luv, ~Rockerbaby~
Reply from Rockerbaby - 11/22/02 - IP#:
Reply from Lara, Age 12 - 11/21/02 - IP#:
Reply from Rockerbaby - 11/20/02 - IP#:
Reply from Lara, Age 12 - 11/20/02 - IP#:
Reply from Laura, Age 18 - 11/19/02 - IP#:
From Laura, Age 18 - 11/19/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I wish I could help you all. I know how it feels to feel "STUCK". I can't even STRESS how amazing just exercising and eating right can help you lose weight and regain some social security.I will give any advice. I love talking about nutrition and healthy lifestyle.If you really put your everything into losing fat. It can be accomplished in as little as 5 months LIKE ME!
Reply from Laura, Age 18 - 11/19/02 - IP#:
Reply from Rockerbaby - 11/19/02 - IP#:
From Laura, Age 18 - 11/19/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
The BEST advice I can give to everyone is to stop "dieting" or thinking of "losing weight". (both bad words). What you need to do is incorporate exercise and eating sensibly into your life forever. Stop obsessing about your "weight" and "diet". Do like I did to lose my weight, just gave up and starting my new life exercising everyday and eating right. I felt clear in my body. I still eat junk in moderation.(when I feel a craving I eat a little piece and then drink some water and go outside and walk). I lost a lot of weight in only 5 mos. I feel good in my new body. It feels good to be able to run and not get out of breath. It feels good to know my health is not at risk. My depression is almost gone, and my social anxiety is too.
Reply from DESERAY, Age 13 - 11/20/02 - IP#:
From Amanda, Age 13 - 11/19/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey guys listen. i know you all say making yourself throw up and not eating is not healthy at all for you, i know its not. see i try not eating all the time. i give in to food i think i am addicted to it. everytime i am bored or watching tv i have to have something to eat. when i have nothing to do i make cookies and just eat the dough or just pig out. i really cant stand it, this isnt how i want to live my life. i really want to be able to throw what i eat up. it would make things so much easier for me because then i wouldn't have to deal with trying not to eat as much, i would just throw it up. anyone know how to make themselves throw up? i've tried sticking my fingers down my throat and pulling on thaty thingy that hangs down in the back of ur throat(my friend told thats what she did) and it doesnt work. i just gag. how can i actually throw things up! thanks a lot, Amanda
Reply from Melissa, Age 12 - 11/28/02 - IP#:
Reply from Laura, Age 18 - 11/19/02 - IP#:
From ray ray, Age 11 - 11/19/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey i really need some help i can't stay on my diet at allbut i NEED to lose weight an i really WANT to if u have any advice please repley my sn (screen name) is eminemmmss02 if u want u can leave ur email adress thanxluv,ray ray
Reply from Laura, Age 18 - 11/19/02 - IP#:
From Matt, Age 14 - 11/19/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
How much should a 5ft 4in boy weigh aprox? What waist should he have?
Reply from Laura, Age 18 - 11/19/02 - IP#:
From Laura, Age 18 - 11/19/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
A lot of people think that exercise will help you lose weight, when it's really what they're eating. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables, and eat your "junk" food earlier in the day. At night you should eat sensibly, so that you don't sleep with all that heavy food.Then, the exercise will help. Good luck.
From Rachel, Age 16 - 11/19/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
something's wrong with the old chatroom
Reply from fatty, Age 15 - 11/20/02 - IP#:
Reply from Rachel, Age 16 - 11/19/02 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |