From Melanie, Age 12 - 11/13/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey, I wegh 190 lbs but I have a lot of musel. I wear a size 18 or 38. I am 53 and 12 years old. Do you think I should lose weight? I am going to anyways so how can I do it? Should I walk one day, ride bike the next and so on? What else could I do?
Reply from Melanie, Age 12 - 11/14/02 - IP#:
Reply from Grace, Age 13 - 11/13/02 - IP#:
From RAY RAY, Age 11 - 11/12/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Reply from gigi, Age 14 - 11/13/02 - IP#:
Reply from Kiersty, Age 17 - 11/13/02 - IP#:
Reply from Lara, Age 12 - 11/13/02 - IP#:
Reply from ray ray please read this, Age 11 - 11/12/02 - IP#:
From Heather, Age 16 - 11/12/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hello everyone. Im 16 ^ i guess it says that though eh? Anyways im 5'1 and I weigh 137 lbs as of today. I used to way more (160 something at my biggest) but lost alot of weigh last year (i was down to 127 at one point, yay.) Anyways Ive put a little bit of weight back on, and though im still happy, Id like to get into a little bit better shape and stuff. Just thought I would share this pointless story...more later.
Reply from Kiersty, Age 17 - 11/15/02 - IP#:
Reply from Heather, Age 16 - 11/14/02 - IP#:
Reply from Heather, Age 16 - 11/13/02 - IP#:
Reply from Kiersty (:, Age 17 - 11/13/02 - IP#:
Reply from amanda, Age 15 - 11/12/02 - IP#:
Reply from Sara`, Age 12 - 11/12/02 - IP#:
From Paul, Age 13 - 11/12/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
How much should a good weight loss goal for me be. right now im around 5'4" tall and 245 lbs .... is this fat ???? thanx for the help.
Reply from Jay, Age 13 - 11/12/02 - IP#:
Reply from Rache, Age 16 - 11/12/02 - IP#:
From big boy, Age 15 - 11/11/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
i weigh 210 and 5-9 i cant stop eating as you can tell im on the c food diet. i gained weight so bullies wouldn't tease me when i was 12. i trained and put on mucsle the teasing stoped i told my parent the bullies backed off they rewared me with food. then when i was 14 i started to put on weight a bit to much due to my parents i went from 150 muscel to 195 fat and bullies tease me when i was skinny and tease me more now that i'm fat now i went from 195 to 220 5 months. any help.
Reply from heather, Age 14 - 01/03/03 - IP#:
Reply from Jennifer, Age 14 - 11/13/02 - IP#:
From April, Age 13 - 11/11/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I really need some help you guys. I'm gaining weight alot. Over the past month i've gained 8 pounds! I dance 5 out of 7 days a week a total of 10 hours every week. But i just can't stop craving on the junk food like cookies and patatoe chips. How do all you guys controll yourself to not eat the sweets and stuff? I'd really appreciate it if someone would give me tips or pointers. Thx every one! ~April~
Reply from message 4 ella louise - 11/13/02 - IP#:
Reply from Ella Louise, Age 13 - 11/11/02 - IP#:
From Kiersty, Age 17 - 11/11/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi everyone, how are you all doin? I've been doin bad, only one day I did almost perfect. I thought it might be helpful if I posted some tips, or at least some of the things I do to lose weight. First thing in the morning, exercise. I do tae-bo or some other video, or some kind of cardio for 30 -60 min. (60 is best) I eat 1400 cal. a day, or at least I should, that is a good number for me. Having 5-6 small (as in snack size, 200-300 cal.each) meals spread throughout the day keeps your metabolism revved up, and keeps you from getting hungry, I have heard. Also eating protein w/ every meal will keep you from getting hungry as soon. Some of the foods I eat are, cereal (whole grain), milk, (I aim for 3 cups a day), fruit, oatmeal, cottage cheese, yogart (lite uasually, it has 1/2 the cal.), Sliced deli turkey/ham, tuna (made w/ lite mayo), I use these things for... (view more)Hi everyone, how are you all doin? I've been doin bad, only one day I did almost perfect. I thought it might be helpful if I posted some tips, or at least some of the things I do to lose weight. First thing in the morning, exercise. I do tae-bo or some other video, or some kind of cardio for 30 -60 min. (60 is best) I eat 1400 cal. a day, or at least I should, that is a good number for me. Having 5-6 small (as in snack size, 200-300 cal.each) meals spread throughout the day keeps your metabolism revved up, and keeps you from getting hungry, I have heard. Also eating protein w/ every meal will keep you from getting hungry as soon. Some of the foods I eat are, cereal (whole grain), milk, (I aim for 3 cups a day), fruit, oatmeal, cottage cheese, yogart (lite uasually, it has 1/2 the cal.), Sliced deli turkey/ham, tuna (made w/ lite mayo), I use these things for sandwiches, (on whole grain bread), or eat them plain for protein. Cheese, (although high in fat, doesn't have carbs so it doesn't have to many calories), lite microwave or airpopped popcorn, pretzels, salad w/ lite dressing, veggies. I uasually stay away from fruit juice, b/c although it is "healthy", it has lots of sugar, and it is better to eat the fruit itself, which has as many vitamins, less calories, and fiber too. Most of these foods are fiarly easy to pack along in a insulated bag, along w/ an ice pack. The most annoying and time consuming thing for me is measuring everything, and calculating calories. But I know a lot of the stuff automatically now, and it is pretty easy for me to remember. If I don't have time, I'll just take an energy bar, (Cliff and Luna are THE BEST!) They have lots of protein, vitamins and minerals, Cliff has lots of fiber, and Luna tastes awesome. For supper I have whatever my mom fixes, in moderate portions. I try to drink 8-8 oz. glasses of water a day,(how I do it is 4-16 oz. glasses). Also, 3 cups of skim milk a day, as I mentioned before. Sometimes I have diet coke, or Crystal lite, (5 cal!). Well, I know this is very long, but there's probably some stuff I forgot, Oh well! Good luck to every one, you can do it! (view less)
Reply from Laura, Age 18 - 11/18/02 - IP#:
Reply from Kiersty, Age 17 - 11/11/02 - IP#:
Reply from notallowed, Age 12 - 11/11/02 - IP#:
From melo=kelo, Age 15 - 11/10/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Reply from Jay, Age 13 - 11/10/02 - IP#:
Reply from melo=kelo, Age 15 - 11/10/02 - IP#:
Reply from Jay, Age 13 - 11/10/02 - IP#:
From melo=kelo, Age 15 - 11/10/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
From Whitney, Age 13 - 11/10/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey Everyone! I'm 5'8" and weigh 179lbs. I know alot. I really need to lose weight and my goal is to be 155 lbs or lose 24lbs by March which is when I'm in my cousins wedding. I know it will be alot of hard but thats why I think I need a weight loss buddy to help me. If anyone is interested either leave a message or e-mail me at Thanx!
Reply from Laura, Age 18 - 11/18/02 - IP#:
From Joe, Age 12 - 11/10/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
hi everyone i read a lot of the posts today and i guess i wanted to share my story with you guys. bout 2 years ago i lost a LOT of weight I felt soooooooooooooooo much better my confidence was much much better and since ive been puttin it back on day by day and im getin depressed again , teasd again so i just need to talk to some people about experiences or just how they are handling the horrors of being fat all over again. if you like email here is mine please help me out
Reply from Jay, Age 13 - 11/11/02 - IP#:
From Jenn, Age 13 - 11/10/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey everyone! Well I haven't lost much weight so far b/c I just started my dieting rutien. I cut back on the sweets ( and yes it was hard but it is worth it in the end) I also do a 45 min. workout everyday (Cindy Crawfort i think thats how you spell I also drink nothing but water and sometimes gatoraid. Also when I am watching a TV show I do crunches during the camercials wich helps. I do about 30 push ups (gurl ones) a day. Me and my friend also go runnig whenever we are together which is really fun! So I will update this later when i loose more weight but if any of you want to email me go ahead i'll answer back or BYE and GOOD LUCK !!!!
Reply from Kiersty, Age 17 - 11/15/02 - IP#:
From tigger, Age 14 - 11/09/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
i am 132 pounds and my waste line is 38" , but i think i am over my supposed to be weight. over the last three years i have gained a lot of weight. i used to run all the time and do outside activities but know all i do is stay inside. i am 5'4" and i fell so tired of looking at my self in the mirror and seeing how fat i look and i'm tired of a role hanging over my pants. what can i do?
Reply from Jennifer, Age 13 - 11/10/02 - IP#:
From Shayna, Age 11 - 11/09/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi guys i like this really cute kid, and he like loves this girl who's like 40 lbs. whereas im 110 lbs. I need some help, and trust me im doing this for myself, not for him cuz i really feel drpressed that im overweight, and when i get depressed, i EAT. How can i stop eating junk food?
Reply from Ray Ray, Age 11 - 11/11/02 - IP#:
Reply from bdfjkaskf - 11/10/02 - IP#:
Reply from Shayna(Well Ray Ray...), Age 11 - 11/10/02 - IP#:
Reply from Ray Ray, Age 11 - 11/10/02 - IP#:
From Ray Ray, Age 11 - 11/09/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
First of all i'm a gurl!!! Ray Ray is my nickname my real name is Rachel. Second who said everyone was obsessed with me??? P.S.I think you're jealous because everyone know who I am!!!
Reply from Kim, Age 15 - 11/15/02 - IP#:
Reply from Ray Ray, Age 11 - 11/09/02 - IP#:
Reply from Shayna, Age 11 - 11/09/02 - IP#:
Reply from Lara, Age 12 - 11/09/02 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |