From henry, Age 13 - 11/09/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
congrats ray ray!!
Reply from Ray Ray, Age 11 - 11/09/02 - IP#:
From Matthew, Age 19 - 11/08/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hello,My whole life I have been overweight. It is a constant struggle that is only made more difficult by society's standards and judgments. During my junior year in high school, I lost alot of weight. In fact I was losing it way to fast. Personally, I loved it. I looked wonderful and girls were giving me attention. However, I found that even after I lost the weight, I still had many personal issues that I had not dealt with. After a year or so, I have gained most of the weight back. I am currently in college, and I struggle everyday with my eating. However, I am going to overcome it.I want to be healthy and I owe it to myself. I have to. I guess by saying it here, I feel that I can inspire myself, and maybe I can inspire others. From what I can tell, I am the oldest one posting so I just want others to know, that weight loss can be done. Care for self. I have found that... (view more)Hello,My whole life I have been overweight. It is a constant struggle that is only made more difficult by society's standards and judgments. During my junior year in high school, I lost alot of weight. In fact I was losing it way to fast. Personally, I loved it. I looked wonderful and girls were giving me attention. However, I found that even after I lost the weight, I still had many personal issues that I had not dealt with. After a year or so, I have gained most of the weight back. I am currently in college, and I struggle everyday with my eating. However, I am going to overcome it.I want to be healthy and I owe it to myself. I have to. I guess by saying it here, I feel that I can inspire myself, and maybe I can inspire others. From what I can tell, I am the oldest one posting so I just want others to know, that weight loss can be done. Care for self. I have found that through my weight difficulties, that deppression comes with it. It saddens me yet comforts me to know that others are dealing with the same issues. To the younger kids out there, don't give up hope. In order to lose weight, you must first accept and love yourself as you are before any change can take place. Trust me I learned that the hard way. I am happy to say that I now see that my weight goes hand and hand with deppression, my environment, and compulsive eating. I am ready to overcome it. To others who are overweight, NEVER LET ANOTHER PERSON TELL YOU OR MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE YOU ARE NOT WORTH IT, BECAUSE YOU ARE, HEAVY OR NOT. (view less)
From Heather, Age 15 - 11/07/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hello, I hope that everyone will find the time to give me some advice. I am 5'3" and 131 lbs. I exercise almost everyday and I still have no sucess in loosing weight. I don't want to loose alot or do anything that is unhealthy to my body. Does anyone have any advice for me?
Reply from Jennifer, Age 30 - 04/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from melo=kelo, Age 15 - 11/08/02 - IP#:
From Patrick, Age 11 - 11/07/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi, I can't tell you my name (so I just post as patrick). You (whoever "you" is) might have read my posts here before, but anyway, I'm going to tell you now that I've been overweight since I was in preschool. I remember that when I was 9 I was 4' 10" and 140 lbs. My BMI was like 35 and it stayed the same for a while. When I was 10 I was 5'2" (about) and 170 lbs. Now, even though I weigh 185 lbs., I'm actually thinner than I was becuase I only gained 15 pounds and got 5 inches taller (I'm now 5'7", maybe even 5'8"). I don't know what stopped me from gaining more weight, but anyway, now I'm actually starting to lose weight. Over the summer, I was like 188 lbs. and I started gaining more weight, but when I entered middle school, I'm starting to lose weight because of gym. I now weigh 185 lbs., and my BMI is 29, and I'm planning to lose 5 lbs. a month. It's a modest goal, but by my birthday ... (view more)Hi, I can't tell you my name (so I just post as patrick). You (whoever "you" is) might have read my posts here before, but anyway, I'm going to tell you now that I've been overweight since I was in preschool. I remember that when I was 9 I was 4' 10" and 140 lbs. My BMI was like 35 and it stayed the same for a while. When I was 10 I was 5'2" (about) and 170 lbs. Now, even though I weigh 185 lbs., I'm actually thinner than I was becuase I only gained 15 pounds and got 5 inches taller (I'm now 5'7", maybe even 5'8"). I don't know what stopped me from gaining more weight, but anyway, now I'm actually starting to lose weight. Over the summer, I was like 188 lbs. and I started gaining more weight, but when I entered middle school, I'm starting to lose weight because of gym. I now weigh 185 lbs., and my BMI is 29, and I'm planning to lose 5 lbs. a month. It's a modest goal, but by my birthday (in February), I'll have lost 20 lbs if I lose weight at that rate. By the time I graduate from 6th grade, I'll weigh 150 lbs. if I lose 5 lbs. a month. Really, all I'm going to do is eat NO snacks at all, apart from the occasional carrot or apple, so I'll just eat 3 meals a day and nothing else. I eat ALOT of snacks, sometimes even up to 10 Oreos a day, but I don't gain any weight. I figure if I eat no snacks whatsoever, then I might actually lose weight. My goal is 120 lbs. by the end of 7th grade. Then I won't be so self-concious. I don't take off my shirt when I go swimming, and I wear my gym uniform over my regular clothes so I don't have to change clothes in P.E. If anyone else is my age (11) and is self-concious too, please respond to this post. (view less)
Reply from Patrick, Age 11 - 11/14/02 - IP#:
Reply from Shayna, Age 11 - 11/14/02 - IP#:
From becca, Age 13 - 11/06/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey y'all... im not actually overweight but im not skinny either... none of my weight is muscle. im 5'3 and 123 or 4. i wanna get down to 110 or 115 by january and im looking for a weight loss budy. my email is
Reply from Laura, Age 18 - 11/18/02 - IP#:
From Jillian, Age 12 - 11/06/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi, I am 157, 5*5 and i like this really cute guy. the one thing is he might like me if only he got to know me but since i am fat he will not i really need some help so mabe he might go out with me!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply from PINKSY1, Age 17 - 11/07/02 - IP#:
From Alex, Age 17 - 11/06/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi. I'm 17 about 5'8" and last I checked 312 pounds. I feel like a walrus. I've always been chunky, but it didn't really bother me until one or two years ago when I started to really pack on the pounds. I'm gaining weight faster than I can afford new clothes, so my big, fat belly just hangs down over the front of my pants and almost out of my shirt! I play football, where it is good to be big, but I'm so fat that I really am having trouble keeping up. I know my problem is I eat too much... I can eat three big macs three large fries and two large cokes in a regular sitting... I'm really not as worried as to what I look like, but to what this is doing to me. I know this big flabby belly is not healthy. I also want to run faster for football. I would be happy to get down to even 250.
Reply from Alex, Age 14 - 11/09/02 - IP#:
Reply from Jay, Age 13 - 11/06/02 - IP#:
From PINKSY 1, Age 17 - 11/06/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey all! How is the diets going? I haven't been watching what I eat lately.
Reply from Shayna, Age 11 - 11/09/02 - IP#:
From Alaysia, Age 13 - 11/06/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey ppl ima 13 yeers old n i weigh 140 and ima 5*5 i have lost sum weight but i lost mah confidence iight tday i had coaco pebbles(breakkie),1 powdered donut and lowfat milk (snak) 3/4 of a roastbeef sandwhich (lunch) um then i had two of those sweddish fish things and 3 doritos and then mah mami made rice and a stirfry w/ chicken in it for dinnah iight holla at me so i know wuts wrong and wut i gotta change
Reply from Ikin, Age 15 - 11/07/02 - IP#:
From Natasha, Age 15 - 11/06/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
hi my name is tash and im 210 pounds and proud chocolate crisps and junk food rules give up on the diets ur never gonna succed
Reply from Shayna, Age 11 - 11/14/02 - IP#:
Reply from Jennifer, Age 14 - 11/08/02 - IP#:
Reply from Ray Ray, Age 11 - 11/06/02 - IP#:
From Katie, Age 17 - 11/06/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi, I am 5'9 and 200lbs. I am looking for someone i can talk to that shares my same problem. Hopefully we can use eachother for a support system and shed some pounds:)
Reply from emily, Age 12 - 11/10/02 - IP#:
Reply from Shayna, Age 11 - 11/09/02 - IP#:
Reply from hans, Age 18 - 11/08/02 - IP#:
Reply from Mel, Age 14 - 11/06/02 - IP#:
Reply from lindsey, Age 15 - 11/06/02 - IP#:
From Victoria, Age 14 - 11/05/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
hi Im 5'1 1/2 and I wiegh 128.People say im not fat but i want to loose 10 pounds because I carry alot of weight in my thighs.I use to be 150 and I looked bad then I was admitted to the hospital and didnt eat much.Now I want to loose wieght about 10-15 punds but now since im out Im addicted to candy and all the bad junk.I need some real motivation even though Im really active and sport y my diets all wrong can somone help me out or e-mail me at thanx alot
Reply from Laura, Age 18 - 11/18/02 - IP#:
From Angel, Age 12 - 11/05/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi, I want to go on a diet my friends help me I have a goal and I have help from my parents too kind of I mean I am really over wieght. Can any body recommend a good, easly wieght lose program to lose 60lbs?
From Ray Ray, Age 11 - 11/05/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I hate myself alot. I'm depressed all of the time and I need someone to talk to. Please help me. If you want you can leave me your email adress and I will email you. By the way I weigh 217 pounds and I'm 5'5. Love you lots, Rachel(Ray Ray)
Reply from Ray Ray, Age 11 - 11/11/02 - IP#:
Reply from Lara, Age 12 - 11/10/02 - IP#:
Reply from Lara, Age 12 - 11/10/02 - IP#:
Reply from Lara, Age 12 - 11/10/02 - IP#:
Reply from hans, Age 18 - 11/08/02 - IP#:
Reply from hans, Age 18 - 11/08/02 - IP#:
Reply from Joanne (again), Age 19 - 11/08/02 - IP#:
Reply from Joanne, Age 19 - 11/08/02 - IP#:
Reply from freind, Age 11 - 11/07/02 - IP#:
Reply from Ray Ray, Age 11 - 11/06/02 - IP#:
Reply from Mel, Age 14 - 11/06/02 - IP#:
Reply from jenny, Age 14 - 11/05/02 - IP#:
From Jamie, Age 13 - 11/05/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I have noticed that most people that are thin have all ways been thin or didnt eat/threw up. Is it only me or have other people seen it this way? I just thought that was odd cuz my sis and mom have always been thin and they always complain about being fat.
Reply from thin, Age 16 - 11/06/02 - IP#:
Reply from Ray Ray, Age 11 - 11/05/02 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |