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From jenni, Age 16 - 01/05/01 - IP#: 204.180.106.xxx  Click here to reply  
my name is jenni a.k.a luna and iv been able to help
alot of people with there weight problems.
i went from a size 15 to an 8 in a month and a half.
and i know i can help someone out there.
with the right support im sure you can lose all the weight u want
please e-mail me at fubu_reject@yahoo.com
Reply from Jillian, Age 13 - 08/09/01 

From unknown, Age 11 - 01/05/01 - IP#: 203.124.2.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey everyone.Guess what my waistline is.Yup,that's right.It's 36in.My height is about 1.56cm and my weight about 150 pounds.At least i lost 5 pounds since last month.Does anyone know how 2 lose 50 pounds? If U do,mail 2 me at natassja89@hotmail.com Thanx!
Reply from Kate, Age 13 - 01/12/01 

From beth, Age 13 - 01/05/01 - IP#: 203.101.17.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi pplz,
well i live in australia and there are alot of kids like me in australia,and i had i idea, i think we should make a blubberbuster teen camp,were we can meet each other, meet new people,have fun and at the same time loose weight,so if anybody is interested in helping me try and provide a camp plz reply to me.
thanx c ya later
Reply from Candice, Age 14 - 01/06/01 

From Dan, Age 18 - 01/04/01 - IP#: 24.113.8.xxx  Click here to reply  
"Tip of the day"
Want to know something about vegetables and fruits? They both contain alot of fiber.. whats fiber good for?? Well.. from an eating stand point, fiber tricks your mind into thinking you are full! so it burns fat and makes you think your full.. takes away those hunger feelings!

From Rosie, Age 13 - 01/03/01 - IP#: 24.66.240.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey all! I'm really confused, cuz I did a BMI test thingy at onhealth.com and keepingkidshealthy.com, and it said my BMI was 22.5, which was perfectly healthy according to them. I then came on this site and it said I was in the 89th percentile for my BMI and the 96th for my weight according to my age. It also said I was above the 97th for height. There are only 100 Grade 8s in my school, and that means I'm heavier than 96 of them. When I read that, I felt like I was gonna throw up. Not inducing bulimia or anything, it just made me feel so much fatter. I've lost 15 lbs unintentionally since I moved here a year ago, and it seems like every single girl in Gr. 8 at my school is under 100 lbs. We were doing a thing in Science where we were calculating our weight on other planets to see the effects of gravity, and I felt that I had to lie about my weight. I constantly wear baggy clothes, so... (view more)
Reply from Kate, Age 13 - 01/08/01 
Reply from Emily, Age 12 - 01/08/01 

From Amy, Age 15 - 01/03/01 - IP#: 207.137.53.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey guys,
Well I was wondering if any1 was interested in being my weight loss buddy!Because the only way to success in anything is through accountability!!! I really want to drop like 10-20 lbs. I'm not like overweight or anything-I'm 5'3''& weigh like 120- But over the summer i only weighed 115 & I want to get back there or even less! So if youre interested post here or email me goddessgrl13@yahoo.com
thanks & God Bless!!! :)
Reply from Charlotte, Age 14 - 02/26/01 

From Ariel, Age 14 - 01/03/01 - IP#: 131.187.133.xxx  Click here to reply  
I was wondering if anyone would like to be penpals. I don't feel comfortable with leaving my address on here for everyone to see. So if you don't mind leaving your address in a reply, I'vd be very grateful! I'm asking this because I don't have e-mail or a computer at home. Thanks!!!! GOD LOVES YOU!!!!!! =^..^= (feline!)
Reply from Kate, Age 13 - 01/08/01 
Reply from Sugar, Age 15 - 01/03/01 
Reply from Amy, Age 15 - 01/03/01 
Reply from Jacquelyn, Age 12 - 01/03/01 

From Ariel, Age 14 - 01/03/01 - IP#: 131.187.133.xxx  Click here to reply  
Just to let everyone know: Ice water doesn't burn a lot of extra calories! I was watching a health show on TV. They said it's a myth just like some people in another country think sitting in a hot room and sweating will help you lose weight. But they said drinking ice water burns a few calories. I say that's good, because it adds up. I say you should keep on drinking it, no matter what the "experts" say. Besides, you need to drink your water!

From Marcos, Age 18 - 01/03/01 - IP#: 209.197.167.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey guys, I am overweight too and I am determined to lose weight. I was looking for people my own age (17-19) who I can talk to, exchange ideas, lowfat recipies etc...) email me at wilder99@hotmail.com and maybe we can help each other out... cheers
Reply from Lindsey, Age 18 - 01/17/01 
Reply from Mr. Dan, Age 18 - 01/09/01 

From ~*SuGaR*~, Age 15 - 01/02/01 - IP#: 206.172.171.xxx  Click here to reply  
I'm really depressed about my weight!!like really! today after i ate dinner i found myself up in the bathroom throwing it up!thats the first time and i cant believe i did it! i just dont know what to do anymore! i feel like the only way i can actually lose weight is by not eating or throwing it up after! please help me! i dont want to live like this! i weigh 175 and am 5'3"!! i hate how all my friends are tiny! and how they want me to go shopping with them and i refuse cuz i know i will get embarrassed cuz i cant shop at all the small size stores they do:( please! if u have any help for me then PLEASE e-mail me! at hippi_hoe@hotmail.com PLAESE!! thanx for your time
Reply from Jen, Age 13 - 05/08/01 
Reply from Jacquelyn, Age 12 - 01/04/01 
Reply from Ariel, Age 14 - 01/03/01 
Reply from meg, Age 14 - 01/02/01 

From Jacquelyn, Age 12 - 01/02/01 - IP#: 64.12.104.xxx  Click here to reply  
I am very overweight. I don't tell my friends my weight or size in pants. I am very embarrassed, and here I am telling you all. I am 12, going on 13 in June,and I wear a size 16. I am very fat. This may sound stupid, but I have a paper route. I walk 2 miles everyday, and I really have no choice, because the paper route is a must do...everyday. I weigh somewhere from 160-180. I have no clue how much I weigh, because I am not so sure if the scale I use is accurate. I am trying to cut down eating a lot, and eat 20 grams a day. Everyone is giving me comments that I look like I am losing a lot of weight. My pants are even starting to feel a bit loose, but I want to get down to a single digit. I don't even feel like I am losing weight, though. I am fat. I mean, the pants may feel lose, but I could just be thinking that because I want them to feel loose. Does anyone have any tips? Also, maybe... (view more)
Reply from A Mom that Cares, Age 38 - 01/15/01 
Reply from Ariel, Age 14 - 01/03/01 

From Jessa, Age 14 - 01/02/01 - IP#: 209.105.52.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey! Well i'm 5'9" and about 135 lbs. I know i'm not overweight but like most of you guys... I feel like I am! I know i'm not fat because I am very tall, but i Just feel that way! I don't know what to do to make myself feel better about myself, can anyone help me?
Reply from mal, Age 15 - 06/15/01 
Reply from Alison, Age 15 - 01/10/01 
Reply from Alison, Age 15 - 01/09/01 
Reply from Maryann, Age 14 - 01/08/01 
Reply from Ariel, Age 14 - 01/03/01 

From Lauren, Age 13 - 12/31/00 - IP#: 64.12.102.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey, well, i have a problem...not Realllly...but its more of a self concious kind of thing. ok im 13....5'6 and way 139. i feel so big. like this summer i played softbal and swam..i was in a size 5 and weighed like 115..and when it became winter i just turned into a big bubble. Im not FAT, b/c im tall...but i just feel sooo big. I have a great life, a boyfriend, and all that good stuff....but its what i think about myself....thanks...
Reply from kevin, Age 13 - 08/08/01 
Reply from Rosie, Age 13 - 01/05/01 
Reply from Ariel, Age 14 - 01/03/01 
Reply from S, Age 16 - 01/03/01 

From Dan, Age 18 - 12/31/00 - IP#: 24.113.8.xxx  Click here to reply  
Tip of the day..."Try eating more often, but more simple. Try eating small amounts every 1 or 2 hours.. such as a banana or apple. fruits and vegtables are the best.. plus.. lots of water! lots and lots!"On a personal level... I benched 270 today.. I was quite happy:)Mr. Dan
Reply from nick, Age 14 - 01/25/01 
Reply from Lindsey, Age 18 - 01/17/01 
Reply from Candice, Age 14 - 01/02/01 

From jeff, Age 13 - 12/30/00 - IP#: 4.34.201.xxx  Click here to reply  
ive been too fat my whole life. i decided dont want to be fat anymore,, b-cos i want a girlfreind. but i dont know how to eat. anybody figured this out/? thanks, jeff.
Reply from S-z-to the b, Age 13 - 01/01/01 
Reply from Dan, Age 18 - 12/31/00 

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