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From "free jenny"(willy whale), Age 13 - 08/01/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 205, Wt. 5'5 - hey evry 1! i just got bak from my 1st practice and it was cool....but i really need to lose just my belly and upper arm fat.i want to feel better around all these skinny people.i have atleast a month n a 1/2 to lose my stomach fat.please help!!!!
Reply from Caroline, Age 11 - 08/02/05  - IP#:
Reply from Kendal, Age 13 - 08/02/05  - IP#:

From kaylee, Age 12 - 08/01/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2, Wt. OVERWEIGHT - hey if anybody is online rite now and ppl that have msn or hotmail them IM me cuz im like really bored so im me at

From Samantha, Age 13 - 08/01/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5.3", Wt. 140 - Hey guys! I am 13. Im not over weight but i look chubby. I want to lose at the least 20-25 pounds. Is there any good exersizes that you know. Im kinda lazy so is there any you know that you dont have to workout that much??? PLEASE HELP!! Thanks, Sam
Reply from Caitrin, Age 12 - 08/02/05  - IP#:

From Elizabeth, Age 12 - 08/01/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4, Wt. 144 - i really need help! i havn't lost a pound all summer and my goal was to lose 25 by the end of august (i know that not possible now). if anyone has any fast (but not unhealthy) weight loss tips or diets that work and keep the weight off i would really like to hear it. thanx and good luck to everyone
Reply from Elizabeth to Lexi, Age 14 - 08/03/05  - IP#:
Reply from Lexi, Age 12 - 08/03/05  - IP#:
Reply from Unknown, Age 11 - 08/03/05  - IP#:
Reply from Ally, Age 12 - 08/03/05  - IP#:

From courtney, Age 1 - 07/31/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1, Wt. 144.8 - i need a diet i can stick to, any suggestions
Reply from shanice lee, Age 12 - 10/04/05  - IP#:
Reply from michelle, Age 13 - 09/23/05  - IP#:

From Josie, Age 12 - 07/30/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 4'10.5, Wt. 125 - hey eveyone!!!!! im gunnu go on a diet again but this time i know it works. all i eat is special k bars and yogurt and exercise like hell, after all it worked for me last year! if yea wanna get any tips(exercise or the deit) just im me at weirdo4life2004, or to jsut plain talk!!
tata and wish me luck.
Reply from Caitrin, Age 12 - 08/02/05  - IP#:

From niki, Age 13 - 07/29/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. ~, Wt. ~ - do slim fast work fast and good?? is that all you eat? how manny a day? how quick will it work? IS IT SAFE??
Reply from Becca, Age 13 - 07/31/05  - IP#:
Reply from Josie, Age 12 - 07/29/05  - IP#:

From niki, Age 13 - 07/29/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. ~, Wt. ~ - do carbs affect more than calories?
BECAUSE I REALLY need to loose some pounds
And what is the best exerisize to get rid of flubbor???

From ~*Haylee Nicole*~, Age 13 - 07/29/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. non, Wt. non - Hey everyone! its me um...i started this waight watchers book that like had points and i dont know how to use it, my aunt said that to many points is bad but she said if u dont have enough points then its bad also i dont know how many points i should have!?! its comfusing if u have used it before and u know my anser please replay or e-mail me
Reply from Ally, Age 12 - 08/03/05  - IP#:
Reply from kelly s., Age 12 - 07/30/05  - IP#:

From I would like to help - 07/29/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. n/a, Wt. n/a - Hello. i see you all are having difficul times with your weight.Wel here are sometips on how to lose weight. Well as everyone says eat good and no sweets.If you have a trampoline i suggest that.Swimming is good you just have to keep doing laps and laps and swim as hard as you can. you should stretch that helps i no it seems liek it doesnt but trust me it does. and other sports r good. Here are some tips that i have found usefull. Well u no if ur sitting around on the computer or watching tv u like have to eat so i suggest get a big cup of ice then put water in it and eat all of that and ur full.Also for a snack in between meals jello is good half a cup is just 5 calories!! well i hope those are usefull tips have fun ta ta
Reply from krystle, Age 11 - 08/05/05  - IP#:

From Im here to help u - 07/29/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 0, Wt. 0 - hi u guys! there was this lady who lost a lot of weight. i asked her how. she said that it was hard for her to get used to cutting off sweets and stuff like that, so she discovered that by eating really good fruits and veggies like apples, cherries, berries....she would get the same satisfaction of sweets!! if u need tips email me
Reply from Bianca, Age 12 - 08/03/05  - IP#:
Reply from corinne, Age 12 - 07/29/05  - IP#:

From ~*Haylee Nicole*~, Age 13 - 07/28/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. non, Wt. non - Hi everyone, its ur good friend Haylee i wanted to say everyone good luck on losing waight who really wants to lose it! if u want to chat with me add me if u have msn LOVE YA ALL! *kisses* u rock zach,the other zach,libbyz,kaykay,meg,joshy-poo,scottydo or scotty hottie,patrick and cynthia

From diana, Age 12 - 07/28/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5, Wt. 160 - hey guys , i would love to lose 20 or more pounds till september, i think im making progress yesterday i ate less than 800 calories i know, and today did 55 jumpingjacks and 20 situps, my boobs r 34DD ! I really dont like them at all becuz i cant find any shirts that fit me! If i lose weight do u think it will get smaller or do i have to do surgery when im older?!?!
Reply from Erica, Age 13 - 07/29/05  - IP#:

From nicole, Age 12 - 07/28/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 4'10, Wt. 130 - hi i'm nicole and i am 4'10 130 pounds i really need to lose weight you may not think i weigh much but every were i feel on my body there is a mound of fat, my belly sticks so far over my pants i have such massive thighs and i want to lose 40 pounds my the 25th march 2006. i want to lose weight for health reasons but i want a boyfriend so badly if u can help post it here or email me at
Reply from Kendal, Age 13 - 07/31/05  - IP#:
Reply from nicole to brittany, Age 12 - 07/29/05  - IP#:
Reply from Brittney, Age 12 - 07/28/05  - IP#:
Reply from jane, Age 12 - 07/28/05  - IP#:
Reply from kelly s., Age 12 - 07/28/05  - IP#:

From Julia, Age 11 - 07/28/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3, Wt. 158 - My mom is paying me and my sister 2 dollars for every pound we lose this summer. I lost like 5 pounds, but then I gained it all back. I really need money and I really need to lose weight. I also need advice.
Reply from krista, Age 12 - 08/30/05  - IP#:
Reply from kelly s., Age 12 - 07/28/05  - IP#:
Reply from kelly, Age 12 - 07/28/05  - IP#:

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