From Ellie, Age 12 - 08/13/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 163 lb, Today: 148 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 145 lb - I lost another 2 pounds! Thanks for the support keytomyheart
Reply from keytomyheart, Age 15 - 08/14/08 - IP#:
From katie, Age 13 - 08/13/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'2", Start: 402 lb, Today: 402 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - i have a big problem my peditrician said if i gain more i can die my mom started sobbing when she said this so did i .HELP!!!! i can not find clothes my gut sags over any of my way to small pants and i can't walk and you can see my big belly as my shirt does not fit over it. at the doctors they took me to a different part as the scale in the kids area didn't go high even that was emmbarrising. people stare at me in public i can barley breathe if i can walk it is only for like a minute. i gained 50 during the school year pounds !!! the desk at school are connected to the chairs now last year i barley fit cause i was like 290 at the begging of school at the end i was like 340! to sit it took me 2 minutes to scqueze in to a desk and i was always late for class cause we only have four min. to get there so it took me like 10. my mom was able to talk to the school so it was ok though.i have gained 50+ pounds so far this summer. please help!
Reply from Brittany, Age 12 - 08/09/09 - IP#:
Reply from keytomyheart, Age 15 - 08/13/08 - IP#:
Reply from keytomyheart, Age 15 - 08/13/08 - IP#:
Reply from keytomyheart, Age 15 - 08/13/08 - IP#:
Reply from katie, Age 13 - 08/13/08 - IP#:
From lauren, Age 11 - 08/13/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'6", Start: 179 lb, Today: 179 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - PlEaSe GiVe Me SoMe TiPs On EaTiNg HeAlThY aNd PlEaSe I wOuLd PlEaSe lYkE 2 nO iF tHeRe Is SoMeBoDy WhO wOuLd LyKe To Be My WeIgHt LoSs BuDdY sO wE cAn SuPpUrT eAcH oThEr......:o)
Reply from Nomi, Age 15 - 10/19/08 - IP#:
Reply from Andrea, Age 17 - 08/17/08 - IP#:
Reply from keytomyheart, Age 15 - 08/13/08 - IP#:
Reply from keytomyheart, Age 15 - 08/13/08 - IP#:
From Ellie, Age 12 - 08/13/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 163 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 145 lb - Has anyone else noticed how there aren't any guys really on here?
Reply from Joely, Age 12 - 09/24/08 - IP#:
Reply from keytomyheart, Age 15 - 08/13/08 - IP#:
From Ellie, Age 12 - 08/13/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 163 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 145 lb - This is for Jenn, no, I won't be, because you can't say that with out knowing how tall I am. are you talking about BMI? Because I'm 5'6 and according to my BMI, that means I won't be overweight anymore. Thank you for your critisism, though.
Reply from lara, Age 11 - 08/26/08 - IP#:
From Ellie, Age 12 - 08/11/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 163 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 145 lb - AHHHHHH! i'VE LOST THIRTEEN FREAKIN POUNDS IN THE LAST 3 WEEKS!!!! Do you wanna know how I did it? I walked and did 200 jumpingjacks a day. Don't eat that much, and eat a salad when you can. Plus+ I have been a vegetarian since october. By the way if I lose five more pounds, I'm no longer over weight!
Reply from kira, Age 12 - 06/07/09 - IP#:
Reply from lara, Age 11 - 08/26/08 - IP#:
Reply from keytomyheart, Age 15 - 08/13/08 - IP#:
Reply from jenn, Age 13 - 08/12/08 - IP#:
From lexie, Age 11 - 08/10/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'1", Start: 150 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 90 lb - i am very over weight. my mom today orderd this thing off the t.v called berrys bootcamp. well i hope it helps it comes in in 10 days. i weigh 160 and i want to start gymstars gymnastics really bad but im not sure if the spoters there can lift my weight. can they? well i really hope for your answers thanks bye.
Reply from keytomyheart, Age 15 - 08/13/08 - IP#:
Reply from Rickie, Age 12 - 08/10/08 - IP#:
From lexie, Age 11 - 08/09/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'1", Start: 150 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 90 lb - hi im lexie. i weigh 150 and i want to loose weight. i really need to loose weight and i need answers please help me thanks bye.
From lisa, Age 12 - 08/04/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'11", Start: 200 lb, Today: 185 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 160 lb - eh i wanna lose weight but i have a problem i drink starbucks everyday.. im adicted. and i love cupe cakes i eat 2 or3 a week.. ugh i need help
Reply from keytomyheart, Age 15 - 08/13/08 - IP#:
Reply from Jeny, Age 12 - 08/06/08 - IP#:
From jessica, Age 11 - 08/03/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 151 cm, Start: 50 kg, Today: 50 kg (BMI %tile: 89), Goal: 37 kg - My name is jessica I am 11 years old and I live in New Zealand. Okay so I know I am late but its school crosscountry this thursday and I am out of shape. Anyobe have any good Ideas as to how I could lose as much weight as possible as soon as posible thanks (Note: 151 cm, 50 kg is 4'11", 110 lb.)
Reply from keytomyheart, Age 15 - 08/13/08 - IP#:
Reply from keytomyheart, Age 15 - 08/13/08 - IP#:
From patti, Age 10 - 08/02/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Start: 88 lb, Today: 88 lb - i am ten years old and i weigh 88 pounds and my waist line is 81cm i get could names at school like fatty and butter ball but thy are right i am fat and overweight and evry time i loss a bit of weight i put it on agin i am the slowist runner in my calss i get out of breth really qikly i ask my parents if i can go to fat camp but thy say its to much mony
Reply from Mimi, Age 13 - 08/16/08 - IP#:
Reply from keytomyheart, Age 15 - 08/13/08 - IP#:
From charity, Age 11 - 07/31/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'3", Start: 145 lb, Today: 145 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 95 lb - hi my name is charity and this is my first time on one knows im overweight because i dont look too scared to tell anyone including my parents cause im afraid they wony feel the same about me.please please please help.i cant tell them but i need advise.
Reply from keytomyheart, Age 15 - 08/13/08 - IP#:
Reply from -Sarah-, Age 16 - 08/04/08 - IP#:
From Ellie, Age 12 - 07/30/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 163 lb, Today: 155 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 125 lb - Hi, I'm Ellie. I've posted here before, and I'm so happy I was at church camp for 6 days, and I lost 8 pounds I have 30 more pounds to lose, and I'm going to shasta for a week and I think I can lose at least 6 pounds there I've also decided to run a mile a day and walk 2 miles a day at my middle shcool track. Everyone wish me luck.
Reply from Emmie, Age 12 - 08/28/08 - IP#:
Reply from Brooklyn, Age 12 - 08/01/08 - IP#:
From Brooklyn, Age 12 - 07/29/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 196 lb, Today: 141 lb, Goal: 110 lb - HEY!! It is summer, I am still loosing weight, but not as much as I would like to! I want to be 125 at the end! I havent reached my goal yet! I do agree I look MUCH better then I did B4, but I really want to lose atleast 10 more punds by the end of teh summer!!:)
Reply from Brooklyn, Age 12 - 08/01/08 - IP#:
Reply from Ellie, Age 12 - 07/30/08 - IP#:
From BROOKE, Age 11 - 07/28/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'5", Start: 240 lb, Today: 235 lb, Goal: 115 lb - JESSICA SORRY I DID NOT GET BACK TO U SOONER.I STILL WANT TO BE WEIGHT LOSS BUDDEYS.