From Morgan, Age 13 - 09/30/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4'11", Start: 112 lb, Today: 120 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 100 lb - What is the best thing that you have done in order to lose weight? This would help me and anyone else in my situation. Thank you.
Reply from Jessica, Age 11 - 10/12/08 - IP#:
From Kathryn, Age 11 - 09/27/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'1", Start: 131 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 80 lb - I am so overweight I went on a diet and now I weigh 19lbs more than when i started. I really want to loes weight and my theighs and belly are very fat and flabby
Reply from Emmie, Age 12 - 10/08/08 - IP#:
Reply from Alexandra, Age 19 - 09/30/08 - IP#:
Reply from Morgan, Age 14 - 09/28/08 - IP#:
From ADRIANA, Age 13 - 09/26/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4'9", Start: 112 lb, Today: 112 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 999 lb - HI EVEY BODY IN LIKE 4'9 IM SHORT AND A LIL CHUBBY I WEIGH 112 I USED TO BE SKINNY AND WEGH 99.9 WHEN I WAS 11I STAYED LIKE THAT FOR 1 YEAR WHTA SHOULD I DO.. THANX
Reply from Morgan, Age 14 - 09/28/08 - IP#:
From David, Age 12 - 09/25/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'7", Start: 220 lb, Today: 212 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 140 lb - okay so i am 12 years old 13 next march and i weigh 212lbs and i want to loose weight by next February , I am looking for an online diet buddy same age and that weighs more or about the same weight as me to talk to and that on msn about loosing weight and giving each other ips and that please add me and please get back to me
Reply from alejandra, Age 14 - 10/05/08 - IP#:
From cutie, Age 10 - 09/24/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'1", Start: 12 st 9, Today: 13 st 9 (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 7 st 0 - hi i am so depressed with my weight everone calls me fatty big mama and say iam a bin please replay (Note: 13 st 9 is 191 lb.)
Reply from Jessica, Age 11 - 10/12/08 - IP#:
Reply from Rickie, Age 12 - 09/25/08 - IP#:
From Jenna, Age 11 - 09/19/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'2", Start: 175 lb, Today: 174 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 110 lb - I am so disappionted. I thought I was 5 4, but I just went to the doctors and found out I was 5 2. Oh you think, okay so what, that means I am now obese on a bmi calculator! I hate it! I am fat and I can't take it. I need to lose weight. I am eating less and healthier, and not to metion exercises like 30 to 60 minutes a day and it won't come off.
Reply from Emmie, Age 12 - 09/22/08 - IP#:
From Coco, Age 12 - 09/12/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'0", Start: 133 lb, Today: 131 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 105 lb - umm well i dont like the way i look at all! Im ugly and fat!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEAsE PLESE PLEASE PLEASE GIVE ME SOME TIPPS ON HOW I COULD LOOSE WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED HELP LIKE NOOOWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND PLEASE DONT GIVE ME A ANSWER LIKE " EAT HEALTHY AND EXCIRCISE" THAT DOESNT WORK FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I JUST DONT GET WHY I HAVE TO BE FAT AND I DONT EAT SODA AND CHIPS THAT MUCH. WELL STUFF LIKE THAT! BUT I NEED AN EXACT ANSWER. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!1 PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASe PLEAse PLEase
Reply from Kamille, Age 12 - 12/02/10 - IP#:
Reply from Emily, Age 11 - 06/22/09 - IP#:
Reply from Andrea, Age 17 - 11/15/08 - IP#:
Reply from Nomi, Age 15 - 10/19/08 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 11 - 10/12/08 - IP#:
Reply from Alexandra, Age 19 - 09/30/08 - IP#:
Reply from ADRIANA, Age 13 - 09/26/08 - IP#:
Reply from Jesse, Age 11 - 09/24/08 - IP#:
Reply from Brooklyn, Age 12 - 09/17/08 - IP#:
Reply from Emmie, Age 12 - 09/15/08 - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 09/13/08 - IP#:
From keyanah, Age 11 - 09/11/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'8", Start: 163 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 91), Goal: 125 lb - i am going crazy with my weight loss problem!!!!! almost everybody at school make my of my weight and i don't hear them but i know they do. please help me with my weight prolbem. i keep trying but it won't work.please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply from Jessica, Age 11 - 10/12/08 - IP#:
Reply from Joey, Age 13 - 09/26/08 - IP#:
Reply from Emmie, Age 12 - 09/22/08 - IP#:
Reply from Emmie, Age 12 - 09/12/08 - IP#:
From jessica, Age 11 - 09/11/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 151 cm, Start: 50 kg, Today: 50 kg (BMI %tile: 89), Goal: 37 kg - Hey I know Im not to much over weight but starting to get chubby and I want to lose the chubbieness but every time I try my Motivation goes down. Any ideas on some motivation? thanks (Note: 151 cm, 50 kg is 4'11", 110 lb.)
Reply from Jessica, Age 11 - 10/12/08 - IP#:
Reply from Morgan, Age 14 - 09/28/08 - IP#:
Reply from lara, Age 11 - 09/11/08 - IP#:
From Emmie, Age 12 - 09/07/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'3", Start: 152 lb, Today: 142 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 120 lb - Yeah I lost 3lbs!! I am so happy!!!! I can finally fit a tight shirt!!! YEAH!!!
Reply from Coco, Age 12 - 09/06/08 - IP#:
Reply from Jenna, Age 11 - 09/07/08 - IP#:
From Jenna, Age 11 - 09/07/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 175 lb, Today: 175 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 110 lb - Hi, my name is Jenna and I am 11 and 175lbs. I don't enjoy being over weight. I have just started middle school, amd I have to do push-ups and sit-ups and we have running days. I also have to change in front of other girls. I am pretty active, doing a sport every season except summer, unless you count swimming almost every other weekend. I want to be skinny, or at least medium size. I am a x-large in womens and pre-teens, when my BFF and other close friends are small or medium. I don't really have problems making friends, but everyone these days have boyfriends at my age, and no boy will like me more than a friend because of my weight. I really need to lose it and I want to lose it now. I am hoping thise web-site can help.
Reply from Jessica, Age 11 - 10/12/08 - IP#:
Reply from Coco, Age 12 - 09/06/08 - IP#:
From Coco, Age 12 - 09/04/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'0", Start: 133 lb, Today: 133 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 110 lb - Hi! Im coco. I dont like myself because im fat. Everyone says that im not but i really am. My B.M.I says that I am OBESE! And that makes me really sad. No body really calls me fat. they just say that im chubby and that its not a bad thing. I go to a new school and everyone is skinny. I have not been eating lunch as much as i usually do. I really want to be skinny. i love my friends so much. But I hate my body! If anyone has any advice for me, Then please. please!!!!! I need help now!!!!!!! I dont tell people how much I weight and then they say that their brothers weigh 133. and im like, thats how much i weigh. and they think its a lot! It makes me so sad to know that god made me this way. I think im kinnnndddaaaaaaaaa pretty. But my fat just ruins EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GR!RRRR!R!RR! And anyway! I just need help before i become anorexic.
Reply from Alexandra, Age 19 - 09/30/08 - IP#:
Reply from Emmie, Age 12 - 09/22/08 - IP#:
Reply from Emmie, Age 12 - 09/08/08 - IP#:
Reply from Emmie, Age 12 - 09/07/08 - IP#:
From coco, Age 12 - 09/05/08 - IP#: Click here to reply i didnt. im fat and i want to die
Reply from Emmie, Age 12 - 09/05/08 - IP#:
Reply from Brooklyn, Age 12 - 09/05/08 - IP#:
From lindsey, Age 13 - 09/01/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'9", Start: 185 lb, Today: 183 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 150 lb - hey people! i have been on here before, but ive just decided to come back on :) i turned 13 only 2 days ago so i will probably be on both message boards! so yeah i seriously need some help. just some encouraging words and tips would help a lot because i havent been working on my weight for a while... thank you all so much for any advice you may have and i hope i can help you too!
Reply from ADRIANA, Age 13 - 09/27/08 - IP#:
Reply from Emmie, Age 12 - 09/02/08 - IP#:
From katie, Age 11 - 08/31/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4'4", Start: 162 lb, Today: 197 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 84 lb - I am so depressed. Yesturday me and my mom visited my doctor he weighed me and measured me and discovered i am obese. I have always beem overweight just like my mum as we both eat to much.
Reply from Jenna, Age 11 - 09/10/08 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 11 - 09/10/08 - IP#:
Reply from Brooklyn, Age 12 - 09/02/08 - IP#:
Reply from Amy, Age 12 - 09/01/08 - IP#: