From lily, Age 10 - 05/27/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4'2", Start: 72 lb, Today: 79 lb, Goal: 71 lb - I think im not that fat but i have really big thighs that are 18inthes around but to tell the truth my bellys not big i have a big butt its just creppy because my upper body is fin whlr when you look at my thighs thier just huge! so im hoping for some tips and dont meation junk food and running i already do that so bye
Reply from Lacey, Age 11 - 06/02/08 - IP#:
Reply from Elle, Age 12 - 06/01/08 - IP#:
From Brooklyn, Age 12 - 05/27/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 196 lb, Today: 149 lb, Goal: 110 lb - Hey everyone! I am new to this so ill just start! Ok so here is my success! I Trust me i turned down alot of treats! I have shrunk my stomach and i just don't eat as much! I love working out and im very Hyper! I uised to be a couch patatoe and eat Junk food ALL the time! But now if im hungry i'll grab a yogurt or fruit! Sometimes i'll cheat and have smart food but it is still like really healthy! I used to just sit and watch TV but now when iwatch it i'll sit on the floor and like strtch while im doing it! My parents tell me i can't stay still anymore LOL!! And it is totally true! I will always go out and jump on my trampoline or go for a bike ride or practice my cheers for my squad and sometimes i'll practice my soccer but i do enough of that! Anyway I used to get major cramps but NOW I don't losing this weight has made me so energetic! If you need any advice just respond!! Ok, i'll talk later!! Bye!
Reply from Brooklyn, Age 12 - 06/30/08 - IP#:
Reply from Sapphire, Age 12 - 06/22/08 - IP#:
Reply from Lacey, Age 11 - 06/02/08 - IP#:
From Brooklyn, Age 12 - 05/25/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 196 lb, Today: 149 lb, Goal: 110 lb - Hey everyone!! Last time I was on I was 160!! Now I am 149!! So how is everyone doing on there weight loss?!?!
Reply from Brooklyn, Age 12 - 06/30/08 - IP#:
Reply from Brooklyn, Age 12 - 06/30/08 - IP#:
Reply from Keyanah, Age 12 - 06/24/08 - IP#:
Reply from Jenn, Age 12 - 05/31/08 - IP#:
Reply from Jenn, Age 12 - 05/31/08 - IP#:
Reply from Brooklyn, Age 12 - 05/31/08 - IP#:
Reply from any, Age 11 - 05/30/08 - IP#:
From Jacqui, Age 13 - 05/22/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'5", Start: 142 lb, Today: 141 lb, Goal: 120 lb - hey i need help i want to be better i lost 12 lbs but i just put it back on i need help!!!
Reply from Hannah, Age 12 - 06/06/08 - IP#:
From Samantha, Age 11 - 05/22/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'3", Start: 195 lb, Today: 195 lb, Goal: 120 lb - HELP ME!Majorly over weight.Can someone givee me advice!
Reply from samantha, Age 11 - 05/29/08 - IP#:
Reply from joan, Age 43 - 05/26/08 - IP#:
From brooke, Age 13 - 05/21/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'9", Start: 160 lb, Today: 160 lb, Goal: 130 lb - i need help. i'm overweight and i can't stand it . i need help in loosing weight in myy thighs. anyone know what to do, to help?
From Courtney, Age 12 - 05/20/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'1", Start: 132 lb, Current: 129.6 lb, Goal: 115 lb - Hey guys. Im also a preteen struggling with my weight. i wear pants that cover my stomach and i pull them up that far. i dont really look "fat" but when i sit down i put a jacket over me to cover myself up. Its not easy. well i tryed this new diet. NO BREAD! i've lost 2 pounds already & i just started on saturday. i am also starting to walk around my block. the reason i am doing this is because my 13th birthday party is in august and im trying to lose enough weight so that i actually look as good in a bikini as a did last year. im friends with basically all boys and i really dont need them making fun of me. good luck! (:
From jess, Age 12 - 05/20/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'2", Start: 160 lb, Today: 155 lb, Goal: 90 lb - Hi. I am new to this site and i really want to lose some weight by the time I start school again in the fall. I been trying to lose wieght for about a month, but it hasnt been going so well. Sometimes i an like "oh great lets go get some exercise" and others times i just feel like playing vieogames and being lazy. And my other problem is that my parents are divorced and I have to go to my dads house every other weekend. Its hard because my dad doesnt have a clue about healthy foods even though hes not fat. So I always end up sneaking into the kitchen and eating when i am there. I recently got back from there and i had gained 8 lbs.Does anyone have any tips what to do to control myself? Anything like mints that i can keep in my pocket when I have a craving? ANYTHING???:p
Reply from Jenn, Age 12 - 05/21/08 - IP#:
From bronwen, Age 11 - 05/18/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4'10", Start: 115 lb, Today: 122 lb, Goal: 75 lb - how can i stop being overweight so i can be healthy again
Reply from lauren, Age 12 - 05/27/08 - IP#:
From Jenn, Age 12 - 05/18/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Start: 124 lb, Today: 145 lb, Goal: 115 lb - Hey everyone. Once again, im really sorry i havent been on this site very much, ive just been busy with homework and stuff. My problem is that i eat way too many snacks during the day. And, when i go on the computer, or watch TV, i always say to myself, 'i will only go on for a little bit, and then i end up going on for hours. Could someone help me? Please.
Reply from Elle, Age 15 - 06/02/08 - IP#:
From greatweightlossplan, Age 12 - 05/18/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4'5", Start: 213 lb, Today: 212 lb, Goal: 213 lb - Dear Kylie, i read your reply asking me to help you with weight loss, and am happyto help. and remember, anyone can use these tips. i heard you broke your arm. this does not mean you cannot still excersize! start with the legs! you can still go out for jogs or do ycicle wheel movements or dance, or jump around. but you are also forgetting about food. one way to guarantee weight loss is to eat healthy. when you feel like eating alot of food, and eat one after another, get out of the kitchen! i would reccomend trying , less meat and bread products. there are great excersize videos, some are a little too extreme, but try those. also, try motivating yourselfwith something you really want,like clothes, but cannot wear yet, say to yourself, if i excersize, and eat right, i coul;d be wearing that. but do not go too extreme, like trying to want to fit into six year old's pants or something. try ... (view more)Dear Kylie, i read your reply asking me to help you with weight loss, and am happyto help. and remember, anyone can use these tips. i heard you broke your arm. this does not mean you cannot still excersize! start with the legs! you can still go out for jogs or do ycicle wheel movements or dance, or jump around. but you are also forgetting about food. one way to guarantee weight loss is to eat healthy. when you feel like eating alot of food, and eat one after another, get out of the kitchen! i would reccomend trying , less meat and bread products. there are great excersize videos, some are a little too extreme, but try those. also, try motivating yourselfwith something you really want,like clothes, but cannot wear yet, say to yourself, if i excersize, and eat right, i coul;d be wearing that. but do not go too extreme, like trying to want to fit into six year old's pants or something. try picking out clothes for your age, but do not buy them! until you lose weight. hope this all helps. oh, and sorry, i cannot do e-mails, but write a stroy about yourself on this site, and i will read it and make you a message with tips. just suggest it to me. (view less)
From greatweightlossplan, Age 12 - 05/18/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4'5", Start: 213 lb, Today: 212 lb, Goal: 213 lb - dear readers: i would like to point out that some of the readers are saying i am giving false information. this is not true. as i pointed out, there is a 60 percent chance you will be overweight or obese when you are 16 if you do not eat breakfast. that dosen't mean everybody. it's a percentage. the reason you must eat breakfast is because when you skip it, it makes you hungrier beacuse you didn't get nutrients in the morning. there are other reasons too. one of the readers also pointed out they feel full at breakfast time. this may be because you eat too much at mealtimes. it is unlikely you will not be hungry after nine to eleven hours of sleep, especially if you are one of those people who loves to eat. as i already said, since the percentage is only sixty percent, there is a sixty percent chance this can happen to you. so some people who skip breakfast can still be fit and thin. if... (view more)dear readers: i would like to point out that some of the readers are saying i am giving false information. this is not true. as i pointed out, there is a 60 percent chance you will be overweight or obese when you are 16 if you do not eat breakfast. that dosen't mean everybody. it's a percentage. the reason you must eat breakfast is because when you skip it, it makes you hungrier beacuse you didn't get nutrients in the morning. there are other reasons too. one of the readers also pointed out they feel full at breakfast time. this may be because you eat too much at mealtimes. it is unlikely you will not be hungry after nine to eleven hours of sleep, especially if you are one of those people who loves to eat. as i already said, since the percentage is only sixty percent, there is a sixty percent chance this can happen to you. so some people who skip breakfast can still be fit and thin. if anyone has any problems with my information,please don't go out saying i am not giving out real information unless you are absolutely sure, because many readers need a good weight loss plan, and i am just rrying to help. thank you. (view less)
From chazzie, Age 10 - 05/15/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4'7", Start: 138 lb, Today: 134 lb, Goal: 80 lb - all my friends in school are between 60-70 pounds, i always wear plus size clothes i am always seeing a fat girl in the mirror
Reply from Christy, Age 15 - 05/17/08 - IP#:
From KYLIE, Age 12 - 05/14/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'0", Start: 127 lb, Today: 127 lb, Goal: 110 lb - I really don't feel good about my appearance!!!This summer I'm going to try to lose some weight but I just broke my arm on my 4-wheeler about 3 weeks ago.The total time for my cast is about 6 weeks.After I get it of I'm going to try to reach my goal so wish me luck.
From Amy, Age 9 - 05/10/08 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4'2", Start: 80 lb, Today: 82 lb, Goal: 75 lb - I look at myself at the mirror and see a fat person. Im trying to lose weight but I cant but i have huge thighs i just hate myself all my friends are under the 80s so yeah i wanna fit in help please
Reply from Amy, Age 9 - 05/20/08 - IP#:
Reply from rhiannon, Age 11 - 05/14/08 - IP#:
Reply from Kylie, Age 12 - 05/14/08 - IP#: