From Maddie, Age 13 - 12/17/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 170 lb, Today: 151 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 149 lb - Hey! So I weighed myself after my shower and I weight 151 pounds!!!! I really hope the scale wasent wrong this time, cause I'm ecstatic! I've been working sooo hard lately on exercise and eating well. The New Year is only 14 days away. Crazy
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 12/17/11 - IP#:
Reply from Salli, Age 13 - 12/17/11 - IP#:
Reply from Maddie, Age 13 - 12/17/11 - IP#:
From Lucy, Age 15 - 12/16/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 144 lb, Today: 142.5 lb (BMI %tile: 85), Goal: 120 lb - I've been soooooo bad this week! Ugh, I feel gross! School has been stressing me out, with midterms and whatnot and when I get stressed I eat... Can't wait to see what I weigh on Sunday... Oh Well, school is out soon so I'll be able to focus on my diet and excersize for a good two weeks.
Reply from Maddie, Age 13 - 12/17/11 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 12/16/11 - IP#:
From Natasha, Age 15 - 12/16/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Start: 11 st 13, Today: 11 st 13 (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 10 st 7 - I've never been the slimmest of people, I won't deny it. But I used to be a normal looking person. Now I feel fatter - no, I AM fatter than all my friends.I feel horrible in my PE kit and looking at my best friends who are long legged, stunning and model-thin, its very degrading. I can't talk to my parents about it because they wouldn't understand. I'm pretty much desperate to make myself lose weight - I know its bad, but I've started skipping meals. I don't even feel hungry any more, I feel like I'm binge-eating all the time. Help! :( (Note: 11 st 13 is 167 lb.)
Reply from Abbie, Age 15 - 12/16/11 - IP#:
From Jessica, Age 16 - 12/16/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 104 lb - Hey Abbie,if you have music downloaded try walking with your I Pod!look at your clothes!dont give up yourself! Thomas Edsion would tell you never give up!look him up!he kept trying! Jessica16.
From meg, Age 14 - 12/16/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 165 cm, Start: 66 kg, Today: 65.5 kg (BMI %tile: 86), Goal: 55 kg - Hey guys :) it really works A way that I stay motervated is to keep an item of clothing that's the size that I want to be and keep it where I can see it. It really helps and one day, when it fits you, you'll be so proud :) Keep smiling x (Note: 165 cm, 65.5 kg is 5'5", 144.403 lb.)
Reply from meg, Age 14 - 12/19/11 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 12/16/11 - IP#:
Reply from Maddie, Age 13 - 12/16/11 - IP#:
From meg, Age 14 - 12/16/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 165 cm, Start: 66 kg, Today: 65.5 kg (BMI %tile: 86), Goal: 55 kg - Hey guys! Thanks for all the advice so far! Only been trying seriously to lose weight and I already lost. 5kg (about 2 pounds) :) But I'm really scared that its not gong to work in the ling run because I always eat when I'm bored and have nothing else to do. (Note: 165 cm, 65.5 kg is 5'5", 144.403 lb.)
Reply from Natasha, Age 15 - 12/16/11 - IP#:
Reply from meg, Age 14 - 12/16/11 - IP#:
From Jessica, Age 16 - 12/15/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 104 lb - Abbie,loseing weight,you need to have will power,and movation,dont give up so easily!,,the new year is coming soon,Maddie do you think Abbie should give up or keep trying? I think she is giving up to easily,2012 could be a new fresh start! Abbie I would try chewing gum. Please don't give up! Jessica16.
Reply from Maddie, Age 13 - 12/15/11 - IP#:
From Abbie, Age 15 - 12/14/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Start: 147 lb, Today: 146 lb (BMI %tile: 85), Goal: 125 lb - Hey guys, well this is a goodbye to everyone. I haven't felt committed to this at all, I not motivated to do anything, I just feel as though I don't care about losing weight and that I'm never going to. I may get on here again just to help people. Thanks for the advice, But I'm fat as it is nothing's going to help, like I said Im not motivated, I'm super lazy and always on my iPod. Thanks, Bye!
Reply from meg, Age 14 - 12/16/11 - IP#:
Reply from meg, Age 14 - 12/16/11 - IP#:
Reply from Maddie, Age 13 - 12/15/11 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 12/15/11 - IP#:
From Sabrina, Age 13 - 12/14/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4.5", Start: 149 lb, Today: 143 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 125 lb - Heyy guys! So im thinking of making a youtube account,and doing it about my weight loss starting in ya think i should?ill post the name and stuff on here so yall can follow me...but any whoo,the workout tht i posted before is A BAD WORKOUT!!!if u followed it stop because that is more for building muscle not burning fat.ugh.tomorrow i have phys.ed and ima use the weight room!yaaay!lol!yall know that song called set fire to the rain by adele yes?well tht is like my inspiratinal song,as well as break,and pain by threedaysgrace!love them<3 hmmm so im thinking bout giving michael a hug<3 before Christmas!lol i know its not big deal for yall but hey,yall had/have your moments!before i go...a person once said:if you fall down four times,it dosent show your weak because every time you fell down you got up,but on the fifth time you fell,you got back up and you avoided the same reason you fell on the other times. (think bout it.) well,wish me luck!<3 byeee ::D :D-<(hahaha,it has no arms!)
From shelby, Age 15 - 12/14/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Start: 287 lb, Today: 282.3 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 145 lb - hey guys ive been doing good lost another 1.4lbs and going strong lets keep up the good work girls :)
Reply from Maddie, Age 13 - 12/15/11 - IP#:
Reply from Sabrina, Age 13 - 12/14/11 - IP#:
Reply from Taya, Age 14 - 12/14/11 - IP#:
From Abbie, Age 15 - 12/14/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Start: 147 lb, Today: 146 lb (BMI %tile: 85), Goal: 125 lb - I'm improving my looks. Apparently Vaseline helps eyelashes grow longer! Trying for the first time, I'll tell you the results in about 2 weeks!
From Maddie, Age 13 - 12/14/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 170 lb, Today: 155.5 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 150 lb - Had a brief moment of doubt yesterday... But back on track. Shelby? Hows everything going>
Reply from shelby, Age 15 - 12/14/11 - IP#:
From meg, Age 14 - 12/14/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 165 cm, Start: 66 kg, Today: 66 kg (BMI %tile: 87), Goal: 55 kg - Hey guys :) Just started this so im not sure about how to use it. Please comment with any tips :) I'm a girl thats unhappy about how i look and feel. I weigh 10kg more then i would like to. PLEASE, PLEASE comment if you have any excercises that help lose extra hip and thigh fat, please let me know! love you, and remember, your all beautiful both inside and out xx (Note: 165 cm, 66 kg is 5'5", 145 lb.)
Reply from Sabrina, Age 13 - 12/14/11 - IP#:
Reply from Abbie, Age 15 - 12/14/11 - IP#:
Reply from meg, Age 14 - 12/15/11 - IP#:
Reply from Maddie, Age 13 - 12/14/11 - IP#:
From Jessica, Age 16 - 12/13/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 104 lb - I been walking out of my house! by the river,I am writing about my life now!Autism is a diffitulful abilty,not a disabilty! How are you Melissa?Taya! when I get my peorid,I eat dark chocolate or drink hot chocolate!I plan not to binge on Christmas Eve! and Christmas Day Night! my great aunt brings tasty dresserts from Brokly NY,,any ideas? what to do about that? the family room is tiled I am going to the hall way, instead the tv room is going to be cold brrr. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas healthy! it about Christ Jesus brith! Silent Night holy night all is calm all is bright around your vrigin mother and child sleep IN heavley. peace, Jessica16.
Reply from Taya, Age 14 - 12/14/11 - IP#:
Reply from Maddie, Age 13 - 12/14/11 - IP#:
From Maddie, Age 13 - 12/13/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 170 lb, Today: 155.5 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 150 lb - So I'm .5 slimmer! Going walking in the morning is really cool because I get to go out in the rain! Weird, I know, but I'm originally from back east so I love the cold weather. Going walking with my baby sis right now. Taking my wrist weights and ankle weights. Big fall about December, in my family, we have about 5 birthday's, that means cake, that means weight gain! So far, I've avoided 3 of those binges. Doing better then ever. SOOO glad to be in the 150's. Wanna get to the 140's by mid January. Taking things day by day. I have a notepad that I log my daily success in. So far 5 days have been on track. Want to get a bike for Christmas so I can exercise more and have a ride to my friends houses. Hows everyones plans going?
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 12/13/11 - IP#:
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