From heather, Age 15 - 12/27/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2", Start: 193 lb, Today: 135 lb (BMI %tile: 86), Goal: 130 lb - hey guys, how was everyones chrsitmas? i didnt diet for christmas or christmas eve. i ate what i wanted, ive been dieting for a year now, and those are the only two days i can just say forget it and eatt. haha i wasnt angry at myself at all. next day, all went back to normal and i havent gained any since. lost 2 pounds. i have 5 pounds left to lose before reaching my goal weight! i think i still want to try to be 120-125 though, as i am quite short. i saw some old photos of me the other day, and i realized just how big of a difference there is. im super proud of myself for finally doing it. and i did it naturally and healthily, without the aid of diet pills or any of the nonsense bolony. i still need to work on slimming my arms, they are the only part of my body that truly irritates me anymore. i have been seeing good results already and i am not giving up or slacking on doing the... (view more)hey guys, how was everyones chrsitmas? i didnt diet for christmas or christmas eve. i ate what i wanted, ive been dieting for a year now, and those are the only two days i can just say forget it and eatt. haha i wasnt angry at myself at all. next day, all went back to normal and i havent gained any since. lost 2 pounds. i have 5 pounds left to lose before reaching my goal weight! i think i still want to try to be 120-125 though, as i am quite short. i saw some old photos of me the other day, and i realized just how big of a difference there is. im super proud of myself for finally doing it. and i did it naturally and healthily, without the aid of diet pills or any of the nonsense bolony. i still need to work on slimming my arms, they are the only part of my body that truly irritates me anymore. i have been seeing good results already and i am not giving up or slacking on doing the exercises for my arms. i feel so great inside and out. and all of you girls who ask what the good secrets and tips for weightloss are...well there are good tips and such, but the greatest secret of all is simple and the most affective..: Love yourself first. you cant commit to something as wonderful as getting healthy and losing weight until you love yourself inside and out for all you are. you HAVE to love yourself first. keep that in mind. hope everyone had a lovely christmas. comment to me and tell me about your holiday or ask questions, or make comments. whatever you feel. love you all beautiful girls!! oxoxoxox, heather <3 (view less)
Reply from Maddie, Age 13 - 12/28/11 - IP#:
From Rachel, Age 15 - 12/26/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Start: 190 lb, Today: 190 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 140 lb - I actually did ok on Christmas I found out that if I drink a glass of water before eating, I feel fuller quicker. I think all do that more often. And I managed to stay away for all the Christmas treats. Yay!! Rachel
Reply from Maddie, Age 13 - 12/28/11 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 12/28/11 - IP#:
From Maddie, Age 13 - 12/25/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 171 lb, Today: 151 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 108 lb - Hey! Merry Christmas! Letting myself have a treat on Christmas, sorta an off diet day. I thought I deserve a day off after 3 months of dieting! 20lbs lost! Going 8 pounds at a time. I know I'll reach my goal by May or June. New year, new me. Got the greatest stuff for Christmas! Happy holidays everyone! TTYL Maddie
From meg, Age 14 - 12/25/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 165 cm, Start: 66 kg, Today: 65.5 kg (BMI %tile: 86), Goal: 55 kg - So it was Christmas today in Australia. I don't know what happened! I just ate so much and I feel so fat and I want to die because my goal for the new year is 139 and today I put on like, 5 pounds and I think that I will stop trying if I can't reach my goal. If anyone knows how I can lost it before new year, 6 days, please tell me because I don't want to hurt myself (Note: 165 cm, 65.5 kg is 5'5", 144 lb.)
Reply from Maddie, Age 13 - 12/25/11 - IP#:
From Jessica, Age 16 - 12/24/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 104 lb - I am doing something diffternt, instead of mayo on my lunch at my aunt and uncle's house, I will use oil, or mustard, and more water! dinner is tough, small portions, I am doing better, not crashing my diet, I canot accept going back to 162 pounds ever again,never ever, my life is not the same, the new me, does not eat much,food,the old me,would everything in sight,I learned that bad for your health,but I am loseing weight for my health! and life, my friend James a month ago told me you look good, I look through the pictures which was last Novemeber I was like is that really me? but I did even realize it was me. I still rememeber this past Foruth of July weekend Friday, I was about to binge eat, the boys told me Jess go outside and swim or run, that what I did, I took some cherries, Jessica16.
From Sabrina, Age 13 - 12/23/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4.5", Start: 149 lb, Today: 142 lb (BMI %tile: 89), Goal: 125 lb - Hey guys, GUESS WHAT!?!?IM 142!!AHHHHHH,LOL!this is the lowest ive been in a year!ill be happier starting the year at 140,but hey ill take 142 lol!Tomorrow is Christmas eve,i still cant get it into my head.oye.But after Christmas i`m dyeing my hair carmel blonde and putting purple in my hair!::D Im soo excited!When i go back to school on January 3 im (hopefully) going to get my hug from Michael<3 he wasn`t there yesterday,but thats ok:).Well i wish every single one of you a very Merry Christmas!!wish me luck,love yall<3 byee ::D 3:o) (its a reindeer lol)
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 12/24/11 - IP#:
Reply from Maddie, Age 13 - 12/23/11 - IP#:
From Maddie, Age 13 - 12/23/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 171 lb, Today: 152 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 149 lb - Hey! Soooo tired today! Volunteered at my community's food bank Christmas Carnival from 9am to 9:45 pm!!!! OMG... running food boxes out to peoples cars, dancing with my friends, using the eliptical machine at the rec center for a half an hour, carrying 2 20lb turkeys half a mile from the truck! I probably had a 7-9 hour work out! No resting! Everything was crazy! Been doing excellent with dieting. Lost 2 lbs last week! YAY! Christmas eve is tomorrow! Staying up all night so I can stuff my siblings stockings and wrap presents! Happy Holidays! Love ya'll! -Maddie
From Taya, Age 14 - 12/23/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Start: 169 lb, Today: 162 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 130 lb - I've been really bad I had a slumber party with my two friends who are like size 0 ( 98 lbs) to be exact. They really just eat junk and thats it, and I really couldn't suggest much because there both picky. Oh well I might have to start fresh after Christmas . I've been trying to eat in moderation but my friend and my sister both are making junk foods. (cupcakes and cookies)
Reply from Melissa, Age 17 - 12/23/11 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 12/23/11 - IP#:
From Jessica, Age 16 - 12/22/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 104 lb - I allow myself one piece of chocolate once a mounth because of my peorid!dark chocolate or milk.I do have a sweet tooth,so I try to cantroll that in my dad's family,there was obeisty,my aunt lost weight by cutting in half what she ate years ago..If she can do it so can I! I want to be able to jump off the wall!I can do it! and beat the nasty dieases my dad's family had!heart diease,dietbates, hight calrost! Jessica16.
Reply from Maddie, Age 13 - 12/23/11 - IP#:
From meg, Age 14 - 12/22/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 165 cm, Start: 66 kg, Today: 65.5 kg (BMI %tile: 86), Goal: 55 kg - Hey beautiful ladies, almost Christmas! Don't be to hard on your self, have whatever you want but not to much! REMEMBER, you will only ever get one 2011! Make the most of it! Love you all! Lucy, how are things? xx (Note: 165 cm, 65.5 kg is 5'5", 144 lb.)
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 12/22/11 - IP#:
From Sabrina, Age 13 - 12/21/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4.5", Start: 149 lb, Today: 144 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 125 lb - Heyy guys!i didnt confront the pricipal because i made a letter.but any who,tomorrow s our last day,and if Michael is there im gonna give him some cookies that i made,and tell im sorry for stabbin him wit a fork(long story)then im gonna hug him and say merry christmas!!mwahahahahaha!im doing jumprope ,jumping jac ks,clibing up 18 stairs six times ect.ill hope fully be down to 142 by new years,and one more thing,i cant weight myself untill after christmas(present in bathroom close where scae is)ok well wish me luck!<3 yall and Merry Christmas!::D Byeeeee:P
Reply from meg, Age 14 - 12/22/11 - IP#:
From Jessica, Age 16 - 12/21/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 104 lb - Maddie,I also did not tell anyone that I have an older sister she is 15 years older then me, she is loseing weight as well! she weighed 195 pounds now 175 pounds,she is medium frame,do you think my sister would look good at 135 pounds? I am trying to keep my older sister movatied! she been overweight since she was 12 or a teen im guessing,no she does not go on this site,on the 18+ board. I asked my friend James recenlty does 9 glass of water make you tried no he said,Jess, that is a little extrme,Jess. I run like a horse! just don't dont anything extrme, I can almost fit in Juniours M!pants and top! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Jessica16.
From Maddie, Age 13 - 12/21/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 171 lb, Today: 151 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 112 lb - Hey! I haven't posted in a while cause the holidays. How's everyone?! School ended for me today! So excited for the New Year! Been walking every morning with my dog, Shadow Ninja, every afternoon with my dog Cheyeanna, and every evening with my dad and 3 other dogs, Faygo, Mini, and Max. 40 minute walks each time. As you can probably tell, I'm a dog person :). Need to lose 2lbs and I'll succeed my goal of being in the 140's by Jan 1st. Found this great site, Dieting is getting easier and easier! Stopped drinking everything but water, no butter, added salt, vegetable oil, junk food, high fat foods, soda, coffee, ice cream etc. No problem! 1 serving is perfectly filling. Using water when you milk tomato soup instead of milk is light and tasty. I don't even care of acknowledge when my mom bakes cookies. Had a good dinner... (view more)Hey! I haven't posted in a while cause the holidays. How's everyone?! School ended for me today! So excited for the New Year! Been walking every morning with my dog, Shadow Ninja, every afternoon with my dog Cheyeanna, and every evening with my dad and 3 other dogs, Faygo, Mini, and Max. 40 minute walks each time. As you can probably tell, I'm a dog person :). Need to lose 2lbs and I'll succeed my goal of being in the 140's by Jan 1st. Found this great site, Dieting is getting easier and easier! Stopped drinking everything but water, no butter, added salt, vegetable oil, junk food, high fat foods, soda, coffee, ice cream etc. No problem! 1 serving is perfectly filling. Using water when you milk tomato soup instead of milk is light and tasty. I don't even care of acknowledge when my mom bakes cookies. Had a good dinner yesterday, 1 serving white rice 160, 1 serving fat free mushroom soup 100, 1 bun 100, 1 vegan hot dog 45. only 405 calories. I always try to stay under 400 for each meal. Created a love for vegetables. When my brothers are eating Doritos, I grab a stick of cerely and munch on it until dinner. Happy 10 days till the new year! Love <3 Maddie (view less)
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 12/21/11 - IP#:
Reply from meg, Age 14 - 12/22/11 - IP#:
Reply from Maddie, Age 13 - 12/21/11 - IP#:
From Ellen, Age 13 - 12/21/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'7", Start: 154 lb, Today: 157 lb (BMI %tile: 91), Goal: 140 lb - I'm fed up. I'm fed up of dieting. I'm fed up of yoyoing. I'm fed up of not fitting into any clothes. I'm fed up of having friends who, although weigh the same as me, are still skinnier. I know alot of you might think that i'm not that heavy and that you have way more to lose. It makes no difference. Anyone have any tips 4 me? All i do is lose.... then gain.... then lose and then gain another 7 lbs back :( I have little motivation. And now,... its christmas :(. last year i put on 10 lbs. i do not want to be 167 by the end of this one. I just wanna be thin. Things is, I eat far too much. I know i do. But I cant stop, or i stop eating. Anyone have any tips?
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 12/21/11 - IP#:
From Jessica, Age 16 - 12/20/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 104 lb - Girls my grandfather used to tell me learning new things is a learning cruve!loseing weight takes time,if my granddad was still alive today,he would proud of me! Abbie it is just a learning cruve! not easy,we got that boys dont the extra layer of fat,to protect the baby someday,boys dont have that.Melissa how are you? you lost 18 Pounds,im so happy for you!try walking with your niece,it might work,my niece loves to walk around. Jessica16.
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