From Chris, Age 14 - 05/02/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hold everything! This site said you need to run a mile to work off yougurt!! And yet you don't have to run at all to work of fruit!! How does that work? Wouldn't you need to run at least some to burn off fruit and veggies? And a mile is a looooong way, especially for yougurt!! What's uyp with that??
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 05/04/04 - IP#:
Reply from ###, Age 11 - 05/02/04 - IP#:
Reply from Alex, Age 15 - 05/02/04 - IP#:
Reply from ray*ray, Age 13 - 05/02/04 - IP#:
From xxx - 05/02/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Does laughing and crying help loose callories?
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 05/04/04 - IP#:
Reply from Winona, Age 17 - 05/03/04 - IP#:
Reply from ###, Age 11 - 05/02/04 - IP#:
Reply from Kat, Age 13 - 05/02/04 - IP#:
Reply from ray*ray, Age 13 - 05/02/04 - IP#:
From Tara, Age 13 - 05/02/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey everyone A while ago I put a comment I just put can someone help me. Well that weekend I went swimming and played basketball and walked every day or mabey even 2wice. I lost 5 pounds I think in a weekend. I did not eat any junk food and drank alot of water. It seems imposible but I was 140 and then I turned 135Well then I got depressed becuase my father was an acholoic and I started to eat becuase I was so sad. That was like mabey 6 months ago. I am still 135 and want to go back on my old diet cuz it really did work I did advice so you can email me at or im me on aol: tarizzlefoshizle! Im going to really try this site is awesome becuase it motivates people! Well email me or im me! Tara age 13 weigh 135 and height is 5'4 or 5'3
Reply from Winona, Age 17 - 05/03/04 - IP#:
Reply from Jayne, Age 16 - 05/03/04 - IP#:
From Brittany, Age 17 - 05/02/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hello everyone. This is my first time at this site... and what I've seen so far.. it seems like a VERY motiviational site! Tomorrow I plan on starting a diet and definitely sticking to it this time. Would it be ok if I join your weigh in group? It's very inspirational to read about everyone's stories and realize that people are going through the same thing you are! Well, just let me know. My email is and my aim screenname is Funkysooap01 Send me a letter if you guys dont mind me joining your group. Oh by the way, I weight 222 and my Ideal weight is 145 or so. I definitely want to be at least 180 by prom (in May) and I believe with everyones support I can do it! Thanks again guys!
From ?/?/?/ - 05/02/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
what is alow caarb diet, how does it work, what do u need to do for the diet to work
Reply from danni, Age 13 - 05/02/04 - IP#:
From Heather, Age 16 - 05/02/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Well. I am gonna try to start the atkins diet today, I mean for me it shouldnt be hard becasue my step-dad is on it and all he makes for dinner it Meat and Salad. But I am home alone every morning so its really easy for my to sit around and do nothing but eat. I just need some will power. I need to take up a hobbie, like knitting ;). "Hmmmm Im hungery,mabnye ill go knit a sweater." LOL. So wish me luck! I'll post what I ate for the day on here. Good or bad.
From chelsea, Age 14 - 05/02/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Does anyone else feel that because of their stretch marks that they're sorta scarred for life? I hate mine really bad, and they're all over my body. It's like even if I do lose the rest of the weight, I'm still going to have these horrible scares on my body.
Reply from Cherry, Age 15 - 05/03/04 - IP#:
Reply from ray*ray, Age 13 - 05/02/04 - IP#:
Reply from Chris, Age 14 - 05/02/04 - IP#:
Reply from Krystle, Age 19 - 05/02/04 - IP#:
Reply from molly, Age 13 - 05/02/04 - IP#:
From Ashlee, Age 14 - 05/02/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
how do you count calories, do you have to measure out the food and then add them up or something
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 05/02/04 - IP#:
From anne, Age 17 - 05/02/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
taebo is amazingit's the best workout i've ever had. i just got a 4 set taebo live advanced 1 hr. workouts(now i have 5 because i have the original too!) and it kills but it feels so good. i love it- i know that it's working and i'm just going to stick to it and do it at least every other day and look great by swimming season which is fast aproaching guys! chop chop! if you read this go work out!
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 05/04/04 - IP#:
Reply from Chelsea, Age 14 - 05/02/04 - IP#:
From (a$$!3, Age 17 - 05/02/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
How many calories should I be burning per day? I'm 5.2 and 140 lbs
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 05/04/04 - IP#:
Reply from (a$$13, Age 17 - 05/02/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 05/02/04 - IP#:
From ......................... - 05/02/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Didn't you post a message with the same aim and yahoo in the preteens area under the name "meg"?
Reply from ......................... - 05/02/04 - IP#:
From anonymous, Age 13 - 05/02/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
does drinking a lot of water help in losing weight?
Reply from megg, Age 12 - 05/03/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 05/02/04 - IP#:
From Lisa, Age 14 - 05/02/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey I went to the grocery store and found fat free hot dogs (ball park) only 40 calories but they tasted like water then i decided to try oscar mayer fat free hot dogs there also 40 calories per hot dog but they taste like the real thing i don't even notice the difference!!
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 05/04/04 - IP#:
Reply from Cherry, Age 15 - 05/03/04 - IP#:
Reply from Winona, Age 17 - 05/03/04 - IP#:
Reply from Chris, Age 14 - 05/03/04 - IP#:
From Becka, Age 13 - 05/01/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I weigh 175lbs and im 5'3, i have no idea how 2 lose weight and all of my friends are smaller i just dont no what 2 do. I do a 5 minute run 3 times a week then do track and feild, i walk to andfrom school and thats a 15min walk, i have soccer 2 times a week, soon 3. But i cant lose any weight!!!Please help me
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 05/02/04 - IP#:
From laurie, Age 17 - 05/01/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
has anyone ripped there clothes in school I just did it really sucked my shirt ripped off. Probably because i am 450 lbs. if your clothes had ripped please tell me your story.
Reply from Cherry, Age 15 - 05/03/04 - IP#:
Reply from Heather, Age 16 - 05/01/04 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |