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From Rachel, Age 14 - 03/06/04 - IP#: 24.31.201.xxx  Click here to reply  
Stuff I ate today: turkey breast (97% fat free) and a teaspoon of peanut butter and grilled salmon w/ brocolli and carrots. I think I did pretty good... what do yall think?
Reply from Claudia, Age 14 - 03/06/04  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx

From katie(less), Age 12 - 03/06/04 - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi i am looking for a little advice and a friend online! my screen name is ccan10! try to help me please
Reply from candace, Age 13 - 03/15/04  - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx

From coco, Age 15 - 03/06/04 - IP#: 204.95.2.xxx  Click here to reply  
is there any one out there that is in my shoes that weights like 200ibs or so that wants to be diet buddys or so well thinks and oh yeah does anyone know which one is better water or diet pepsi thanks
Reply from Julie, Age 14 - 03/06/04  - IP#: 24.237.48.xxx
Reply from Cailtlin, Age 16 - 03/06/04  - IP#: 24.206.135.xxx
Reply from Claudia, Age 14 - 03/06/04  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx

From james, Age 14 - 03/06/04 - IP#: 64.63.206.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey james here;ive lost 5 pounds........lol......and have a loooooooooong way to go.how are you guys, and keep it up i know u can lose the weight to meet ur goals. hey chris 13 hows ya buddy?
Reply from Winona, Age 17 - 03/06/04  - IP#: 206.134.64.xxx

From lindsey, Age 14 - 03/06/04 - IP#: 209.30.92.xxx  Click here to reply  
omg i just got dance dance revolution today! iT is sooo much fun! I've played it for like 3 hours straight and you don't even notice until after how sweaty u get! lol!
Reply from Speaks, Age 15 - 03/07/04  - IP#: 24.14.141.xxx
Reply from Jazzlynn, Age 14 - 03/06/04  - IP#: 64.109.250.xxx

From rebecca, Age 15 - 03/06/04 - IP#: 142.177.208.xxx  Click here to reply  
how many carbs should a person on a regular "everything in moderation deit" ????

From Kat, Age 13 - 03/06/04 - IP#: 24.68.52.xxx  Click here to reply  
HELP lol I'm going out for dinner tonight because its my dads birthday and I need something to eat that would be low cal.. plz post on wat I should eat and if its a salad wat type? (Thx) xoxo
Reply from erin, Age 14 - 03/06/04  - IP#: 66.168.140.xxx
Reply from Ashley, Age 17 - 03/06/04  - IP#: 24.220.145.xxx

From Julie, Age 14 - 03/06/04 - IP#: 24.237.48.xxx  Click here to reply  
I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF!!! this morning my parents and i went out to breakfast and i didnt eat all my food... i olny ate half of it! I asked for a box in the begining to put 1/2 my food in and it worked plus i full after only 1/2! YAY!!!
Reply from STacie, Age 13 - 03/06/04  - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx

From Malorie, Age 13 - 03/06/04 - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
Whats y'alls goal size? I went down from a 7 to a 3
Reply from Rachel, Age 14 - 03/07/04  - IP#: 24.31.201.xxx
Reply from Winona to Casey, Age 17 - 03/07/04  - IP#: 206.134.65.xxx
Reply from Victoria, Age 13 - 03/07/04  - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx
Reply from Casey, Age 13 - 03/07/04  - IP#: 24.91.153.xxx
Reply from erin, Age 14 - 03/07/04  - IP#: 66.168.140.xxx
Reply from Stacie, Age 13 - 03/06/04  - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx
Reply from Maggie, Age 13 - 03/06/04  - IP#: 12.73.120.xxx
Reply from lindsey, Age 14 - 03/06/04  - IP#: 209.30.92.xxx
Reply from clifford(im a gurl), Age 15 - 03/06/04  - IP#: 67.40.165.xxx

From Brandan, Age 15 - 03/06/04 - IP#: 220.244.41.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey, i think im beginning to get towards my ideal weight, now my main problem is just toning up. You see, i dont exactly have any defined muscle, so it makes me look fat... the problem is on my abs and the sit ups dont seem to be working. i dont have access to a gym... i dont no wat to do.
Reply from Mar, Age 15 - 03/06/04  - IP#: 141.153.236.xxx
Reply from Winona, Age 17 - 03/06/04  - IP#: 63.183.113.xxx

From hillary, Age 16 - 03/06/04 - IP#: 67.35.39.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey yall. i started the cabbage soup diet today. i know it works cuz i remember doing it a year ago and losing like 4 pounds in 2 days. its a week long plan and on each different day you have either fruit with the soup, or veggies, or whtever. there are directions. anyway, your supposed to lose up to 14 pounds in one week. THATS GREAT HUH? yeah well im gunna set my week goal at 8 pounds just in case. and if ur thinking about doing this diet, please note that, yes, you will lose a large amt of weight in a week but that doesnt mean the next day you can go to McDonalds haha. you still very much have to watch wat you eat to maintain that weight loss. but i figure ill be so happy with the results that i will do anything to keep it off. plus im going to the bahamas in about a month and i plan to look fantabulous. haha. talk to u later. my email is : Southernbelle6906@hotmail.com
Reply from Brandan, Age 15 - 03/07/04  - IP#: 220.244.41.xxx

From clifford(im a gurl), Age 15 - 03/06/04 - IP#: 67.40.165.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ok today i have had Breakfast- 2 pancakes with syrup and 3 small sausages (rarely eat sausage) lunch- roman noodles(no sauce), chicken and biscit cracker(quite a few), and a mountain dew. I am not gonna eat any more today and only drink water the rest of the day. I have already did crunches, leg lifts, push ups, streched a couple times today but I am not eating any more but am gonna excercise and drink water the rest of the day is that healthy. I really need to get down to my goal 135 by the end of august and i dont no whut i am but we got a scale and im gonna get on it tomorrow and weigh in and it wil basically start my weight loss over so im just gonna pretend like i am just starting today but weighin tomorrow for the contest so anyone else who wants to be in put contest next to ur name tomorrow and then post ur weight and goal weight tomorrow. well good luck and say hi to THINNESS P.S I have been coming to this sight and tryin to loose weight since july but it hasnt been happening
Reply from Lacey, Age 14 - 03/07/04  - IP#: 142.59.113.xxx

From Natisha to Chrissy, Age 14 - 03/06/04 - IP#: 64.109.250.xxx  Click here to reply  
CHRISSY IM TYPIN IN CAPS TO GET YOUR ATTENTION YOU CAN BUY MEGA GREEN TEA PILLS AT ANY DRUGSTORE Walgreens CVS OSCO Drug, GMC the health store I dont know if the name is right I got my mega green tea at OSCO drug and Walgreens you have to exercise I like Tae Bo The Firm and Pilates because they are toning you so when you loose weight you wont be saggy and gain the weight right back I also at grapefruit oranges grapes peaches plums and clery I also drank tropicana pure grapefruit juice with no sugar additaves drink that after meals and the grapefruit juice eats the calories you ate Note me if you read this or your gonna try it :)
Reply from reilly, Age 13 - 03/06/04  - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx

From Sarah, Age 16 - 03/06/04 - IP#: 209.79.208.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ok...9 weeks until prom and I really want to lose some weight. I'm 5'8 and about 185 pounds. I dont care exactly how much I lose before prom, I just want to look a little better and have enough confidence to go and have fun! If you have any advice, it would be appreciated! good luck everyone...I'll post every so often if I find something that works!

From lindsey, Age 14 - 03/05/04 - IP#: 209.30.92.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey i really wnt a diet buddy!! Email me at HomieT123@yahoo.com !!!
Reply from Julie, Age 14 - 03/05/04  - IP#: 24.237.48.xxx

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