From michelle, Age 15 - 12/19/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8", Today: 170 lb (BMI %tile: 90) - im looking for a diet buddy. preferably around 5'8 170lbs
Reply from lindsey, Age 13 - 12/19/03 - IP#:
Reply from Amber, Age 16 - 12/19/03 - IP#:
From Krista, Age 14 - 12/19/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'7", Today: 239 lb (BMI %tile: 98) - Hiya! I am overweight, and want to start eating healthy. I did low carb for almost 2 months and lost 40 pounds. But honestly...the second you go back to eating your old ways you gain!! I gained more than I wanted to. So..eating healthy is really good too. I'm doing the low carb thing though..why? Because EVERYTHING you eat on a low carb diet is, delicious tasting, healthy, and the food makes you feel light and happy! lol :) I do The FIRM, and weight training on the side (diff. exercises than the firm), and WATP (walk away the pounds). ---really fun video! I wish you all the best of luck, and just thought I would introduce myself! I'm 5'7 and 239. (whoppin) but I'll lose it ;) Krista
Reply from Krista, Age 14 - 12/20/03 - IP#:
Reply from tag, Age 12 - 12/20/03 - IP#:
Reply from Krista, Age 14 - 12/19/03 - IP#:
Reply from Amber, Age 16 - 12/19/03 - IP#:
Reply from Krista, Age 14 - 12/19/03 - IP#:
Reply from kath, Age 17 - 12/19/03 - IP#:
From anne, Age 16 - 12/19/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey guys i'm back! i came on here to see how many posts there were and there were a lot and i really wanted to answer you guys. i've been dooing pretty good this last week- not as good the week before but oh well. how have all of you guys been doing?good luck everyone!
Reply from chellie, Age 14 - 12/21/03 - IP#:
Reply from MaRis, Age 15 - 12/20/03 - IP#:
Reply from stef, Age 12 - 12/20/03 - IP#:
Reply from clifford, Age 15 - 12/20/03 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 12/20/03 - IP#:
From Kelly, Age 14 - 12/18/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8", Today: 165 lb (BMI %tile: 90) - I am 5'8 and i am 14 and weigh 165...How much do u think i need to loose? What is the perfect average weight?
Reply from stef, Age 12 - 12/21/03 - IP#:
Reply from tag, Age 12 - 12/19/03 - IP#:
Reply from tina, Age 13 - 12/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from Rachel, Age 13 - 12/18/03 - IP#:
From Rachel, Age 13 - 12/18/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
ok, no more of this losing 5 lbs then gaining it back! I'm going on a serious diet and my goal is to lose 15 lbs. Im really determined this time and I think I can do it. I am giving myself until February 19 (my birthday) so I have plenty of time. Any tips and ways to make it faster? Thanks!
From jessica, Age 15 - 12/18/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Today: 157 lb - hey guys! i need soem help! so somebody pleez answer this i ate crappy all week i ate pizza,chips, candy lots fo fatty stuff even butter! but the thign is ive lost weight b4 that week i was 158 and by the end i was 157 !how does that work? also i need soem ideas on fun excercisign i can do in the house that really works and i dont need equipment!and soem meals that are good and really low in aftening maybe snacks too?? pleez help guys!
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 12/19/03 - IP#:
Reply from Niamh, Age 15 - 12/19/03 - IP#:
From nikki, Age 18 - 12/18/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Bailie, Age 13 and everyone else trying to do the low carb the books!! they have ton of info out there....there is a lot more to it then it seems trust me on this. i been low carbing for 5 weeks now and have lost 22 pounds(so far) (i'm so happy w/ that) but u have to read a book. there are lots of low carbs diets out there read some books(i'm doing atkins) then do what will fit you just some words of advice goodluck :)
Reply from Rachel, Age 13 - 12/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from Bailie, Age 13 - 12/18/03 - IP#:
From lindsey, Age 14 - 12/18/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'9", Start: 220 lb, Today: 170 lb, Goal: 140 lb - Hey guys. I am 5'8.5'' and I weigh 170 pounds! It's not as bad as I used to be though (220) But I will start my diet January 1st! I am so pumped! I will lose 30 lbs. (or hopefully more) by the time I go to Pine Cove Camp! (July 15th or somethin...) Merry Christmas!! (except we dont get snow :( i live in texas and it's still 60 degrees.) lol well bye bye!
Reply from To MICHELLE!!, Age 14 - 12/19/03 - IP#:
Reply from tina, Age 13 - 12/19/03 - IP#:
Reply from michelle, Age 15 - 12/19/03 - IP#:
Reply from Nicole, Age 13 - 12/18/03 - IP#:
From Emily, Age 17 - 12/18/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Well, My diet hasn't been going very well. Whenever someone offers me something i always feel like i have to take at least some of it. what ever it is. Like for instance, we had a little end of the year party in our literature class yesterday. Everyone brought candy and junk food. Even though two funsize snickers, and three starbursts don't seem like much. I always feel sooo guilty. Am i doing anything wrong?
Reply from linda, Age 16 - 12/18/03 - IP#:
From no comment, Age 15 - 12/18/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey im doin the low carb diet.. i ahve a ? am i eating to much or to les this morning i had like 21/2 pieces ofcheese and a pear.. than i had like peanuts for a snak.. and than i had to little sauages.. and like 3/4 cup of pork and than cumbers with a little bit ofranch dressing.. its taht to much or less iwould really likt if people would comment so im not like wasiting my time gaijning weight if i eating tomuch PLEASE COMMETN!
Reply from nikki, Age 18 - 12/18/03 - IP#:
From Bailie, Age 13 - 12/18/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Tomorrow is finally our last day and then we start christmas vacation for 16DAYS i know its not much but finally sum time out of school!!!! Tomorrow we are having this fun day type of thing where we watch a christmas movie and then we have these vollyball turniments like were we make our own team if u want but u can watch the turnaments and we have this dance thing (that no one dances at hardly b/c its not dark its light out so yea) but any ways during our time off I'm going to work really really hard i just got this new book called Look Great Naked and it has work outs for u to do and im either getting taebo for christmas or im goin to buy with muh christmas money and im going to work out with that like crazy and im goin to drink green tea like 3 times a day (like i do now) and im going to eat really healthy foods and stuff so yea does that sound good???? and what kind of foods healthy ... (view more)Tomorrow is finally our last day and then we start christmas vacation for 16DAYS i know its not much but finally sum time out of school!!!! Tomorrow we are having this fun day type of thing where we watch a christmas movie and then we have these vollyball turniments like were we make our own team if u want but u can watch the turnaments and we have this dance thing (that no one dances at hardly b/c its not dark its light out so yea) but any ways during our time off I'm going to work really really hard i just got this new book called Look Great Naked and it has work outs for u to do and im either getting taebo for christmas or im goin to buy with muh christmas money and im going to work out with that like crazy and im goin to drink green tea like 3 times a day (like i do now) and im going to eat really healthy foods and stuff so yea does that sound good???? and what kind of foods healthy foods should i eat??????? cuz i was wanting to go on the low carb diet but i seen where if u go off of it that u gain more weight back and i really dont want that but yea sum one plllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzz answer me. thanks a bunch ~*BaIlIe*~ (view less)
Reply from tag, Age 12 - 12/19/03 - IP#:
Reply from Bailie, Age 13 - 12/18/03 - IP#:
From Claudia, Age 14 - 12/18/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Okay if you're not overweight do not post here saying you are!!!! You have to know if you are or not because you should check the weight calculator before you post! It says: If the calculator says that you are healthy weight, please do not post a message saying that you are overweight. This offends the kids who really are overweight. Read it and listen to it because it makes real overweight people feel really bad! I'm not the boss of this board or anything but I know that it makes real overweight people feel really really bad when you post here saying you're so so overweight when you're a healthy weight, it's like an insult because if you're saying you're so so overweight when you're not, imagine how the people who really are overweight feel. It's not a very nice thing to do so please check your weight on the weight calculator before you post here saying that you are overweight. Consider... (view more)Okay if you're not overweight do not post here saying you are!!!! You have to know if you are or not because you should check the weight calculator before you post! It says: If the calculator says that you are healthy weight, please do not post a message saying that you are overweight. This offends the kids who really are overweight. Read it and listen to it because it makes real overweight people feel really bad! I'm not the boss of this board or anything but I know that it makes real overweight people feel really really bad when you post here saying you're so so overweight when you're a healthy weight, it's like an insult because if you're saying you're so so overweight when you're not, imagine how the people who really are overweight feel. It's not a very nice thing to do so please check your weight on the weight calculator before you post here saying that you are overweight. Consider everybody else's feelings. If you really want to, then post here saying that you're not overweight but you want to lose weight, don't be all like im soooooo faaaaaaaaaaaaaat, when you should know if you're really not. Check the weight calculator please, you don't have to listen to me but I would really appreciate it because I can guess that a lot of people who are really overweight probably get upset when they hear things like that. Please be considerate, thank you. (view less)
Reply from tag, Age 12 - 12/20/03 - IP#:
Reply from Claudia, Age 14 - 12/18/03 - IP#:
From Bailie, Age 13 - 12/17/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
hello umm... i have a question.......... a person told me that to help lose weight you should take a cold ( i mean cold) bath b/c your body is trying to warm u up and its eating or using up your body fat.... can anyone tell me if this is true and if so is it safe????? plz reply.... ~*BaIlIe*~
Reply from Cody, Age 14 - 12/20/03 - IP#:
Reply from Mel H, Age 15 - 12/20/03 - IP#:
Reply from Bailie To willing, Age 13 - 12/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from WILLING, Age 13 - 12/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from Maris, Age 15 - 12/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from Shanell, Age 15 - 12/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from nikki, Age 18 - 12/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from Cherry, Age 15 - 12/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from Britt, Age 13 - 12/17/03 - IP#:
From tina, Age 13 - 12/17/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'9", Goal: 165 lb - MY BIRTHDAY IS ON FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (DECEMBER 19TH!!!!)I'LL BE 14! AND I'M GONNA GET DOWN TO 165! LOL HOPEFULLY...I'M 5'9 NOW!
Reply from marsha, Age 15 - 12/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from kathy, Age 15 - 12/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from Emily, Age 17 - 12/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from Ryan, Age 16 - 12/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from Bailie, Age 13 - 12/17/03 - IP#:
From Bailie, Age 13 - 12/17/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey um... I'm wanting to start the low carb diet but i was wondering umm how many carbs should i eat in like a meal????? please repy...... ~*BaIlIe*~
Reply from Bailie to Stacey, Age 13 - 12/17/03 - IP#:
Reply from Stacey, Age 13 - 12/17/03 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |