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From Claude, Age 13 - 12/17/03 - IP#: 205.208.211.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Today: 192 lb (BMI %tile: 98) - I have pe at school next month and I am overweight. I want to know if it is possible to get in shape to run without losing my breath i am 5"7 192lbs
Reply from Emily, Age 17 - 12/18/03  - IP#: 68.90.205.xxx

From John, Age 13 - 12/16/03 - IP#: 141.153.153.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Today: 130 lb (BMI %tile: 85) - When was ten years, i started to do crunches and alot of wiehgt lifting. I was training to get a six pack. i exercised 3 hours a day. but then i heard that if you get a six pac, that the muscle becomes too hard, and the muscle won't stretch, therefore, stutning my growth. So then i stopped exercising. Back then, i was really skinny. Ever since then, i've just been getting bigger and bigger. Then the summer when i was twelve, i made a commitment to lose weight, i exercised, i dieted, i did everything, but i didn't seem to lose any of the weight. Then last summer, I tried to lose weight again, but it didn't work either. I have every kind of diet. Weight Lifting, running, jogging, situps, pushup, i've done it all. I have a pull up bar in my room. i've done every diet you can imagine, i've tried fasting, high protein, i've tried eating only veggies, slim fast, you know, like after a certain ... (view more)
Reply from albert, Age 14 - 12/18/04  - IP#: 219.88.80.xxx
Reply from Britt to Ashley, Age 13 - 12/17/03  - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx
Reply from ashley, Age 14 - 12/17/03  - IP#: 68.10.219.xxx
Reply from Britt, Age 13 - 12/16/03  - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx

From kailey, Age 13 - 12/16/03 - IP#: 66.189.208.xxx  Click here to reply  
Start: 145 lb, Today: 130 lb, Goal: 120 lb - Last year i was 145 The beginnig of this year i was 125 now i am 130. I am going to try the "hollywood diet" well see how that ends up.. i am going to try to lsoe 10 pounds
Reply from Cherry, Age 15 - 12/18/03  - IP#: 209.179.168.xxx
Reply from manda, Age 15 - 12/17/03  - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx

From kathy, Age 15 - 12/16/03 - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi my name is kathy and i am 15 years old, i have been old a diet for a really long time and i have lost alot of weight. I am 5'1-5'2 and I now weigh 122-123lbs. I would like the people who read this to tell me if they think that is fat or overweight? thankyou
Reply from Ashley, Age 14 - 12/17/03  - IP#: 68.10.219.xxx
Reply from Stacie, Age 13 - 12/17/03  - IP#: 69.19.200.xxx
Reply from Bailie, Age 13 - 12/16/03  - IP#: 24.217.11.xxx
Reply from tina, Age 13 - 12/16/03  - IP#: 68.162.15.xxx

From miindy, Age 15 - 12/16/03 - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx  Click here to reply  
i've posted here a few timesz but thiis time im actually gonna make thiis diet work so herres my diet plan: breakfast 1 or 2 boiled eggs ( i usually dont eat the yolksz cuz i think its nasty lol) a salad for lunch nd sum kinda of fruit and for dinner a small serving of wat we are having.. if its sumthin really fatning then ima have a celery stalk or 2 or an apple or a sandwich or sumthin more healthy.. nd of course lots and lots of water!.. in the morning 50 leg lifts on each leg and at nite 100 on each leg.. gradually increasing when it gets a lyl easier so i can push mahself harder. im determined to do this because i feel i have gained so much weight trying to diet on a plan i culdnt do.. i feel this is much more like me and if i mess up ill jump rite back on track.. also im gonna try to do one of the following each day: walking a mile, bike riding, skating ettc.. i hope to lose about 10lbs a month so lemme kno :)my aim sn is baybeboox if u wanna im me sumtime

From Bailie, Age 13 - 12/16/03 - IP#: 24.217.11.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi i was wondering on a low carb diet like how many carbs should u eat in one meal?????plz reply... ~*BaIlIe*~
Reply from kathy, Age 15 - 12/18/03  - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx

From Bailie To Bailey, Age 13 - 12/16/03 - IP#: 24.217.11.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey Bailey i was just wondering do u have aim (aol instant messenger)or msn messenger????? ~*BaIlIe*~
Reply from to bailie 4m bailey, Age 14 - 12/17/03  - IP#: 67.10.217.xxx

From Bailie TO kristina, Age 13 - 12/16/03 - IP#: 24.217.11.xxx  Click here to reply  
y??? do u live in illinois?????

From Cindy, Age 16 - 12/16/03 - IP#: 166.154.167.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi.I am like realy realy fat and does anybody know how to lose waight..I am ready to work for it and I realy need to be thin....you maby think that I'm mot that unhappy but I cry myself to beed every day...I don't need advice like be strong and work hard...I want to know does anybody realy know how do do it????????PLEASE HELP
Reply from Emily, Age 17 - 12/17/03  - IP#: 68.90.205.xxx

From Sad One .. Again!, Age 13 - 12/16/03 - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx  Click here to reply  
Today: 240 lb, Goal: 140 lb - Hey! everyone has always been great on here! and yall really did determine me over the summer i lost like 6lbs in 2-3days! it was a miracle! and now i am from 210 ta like 235 240! i am sooo sad and depressed about it, I also got achne and stretch marks and have let my grades in school go from straigh A's to Straught F's! I just dunno what got into me i just kept missing school laying around in stuff! I mean I will admit this hen istay hjome from school or are just home alone i eat WAY LESS! which i thought was weirs, but I guess not much is on my mind and i am nutral or sommin! I been thiinking about Homeschooling alot, I am in the 8th grade, and I wanan get homeschooled the rest of this yr, and then start highschool looking good! I mean I wass get homeschooled and improve my self.. no achne make stretch marks not ivisble, and loose 100 lbs! I think i can do it, but if i get homeschooled... (view more)
Reply from Ashley, Age 15 - 12/03/04  - IP#: 206.81.148.xxx
Reply from Krista, Age 14 - 12/18/03  - IP#: 198.81.26.xxx
Reply from ashley, Age 14 - 12/17/03  - IP#: 68.10.219.xxx
Reply from Veronica, Age 17 - 12/16/03  - IP#: 67.67.115.xxx
Reply from Cherry, Age 15 - 12/16/03  - IP#: 209.179.168.xxx
Reply from Molly, Age 18 - 12/16/03  - IP#: 82.33.41.xxx

From Sad one, Age 13 - 12/16/03 - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey! If i am big boned cn i still lose a lot of weight and be thin, i dont wanna have big hips n shoulders... can this change i mean if ilose the fat will my bones go in or sommin?? i mean this by i have a large frame can that change???
Reply from mina, Age 16 - 12/16/03  - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx

From ashley, Age 14 - 12/16/03 - IP#: 68.10.219.xxx  Click here to reply  
Today: 175 lb, Goal: 110 lb - is it possible for me to be 110 by june if I weigh 175 now. thanks for your help!
Reply from Molly, Age 18 - 12/16/03  - IP#: 82.33.41.xxx

From Melissa, Age 14 - 12/15/03 - IP#: 24.107.14.xxx  Click here to reply  
A promise made is a promise broken. I didnt do that well again today. I was really upset and scarfed down some breakfast and skip lunch since i was crying too mush to eat. I got home and still felt really bad so i ate and ate then had some disgusting low-fat pizza and didnt finish it so i ate alot of crackers. i keep messing up... i dont think i'm going to do very well...
Reply from Molly, Age 18 - 12/16/03  - IP#: 82.33.41.xxx
Reply from Claudia, Age 14 - 12/15/03  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx
Reply from Nicole, Age 13 - 12/15/03  - IP#: 24.71.223.xxx

From Nicole, Age 13 - 12/15/03 - IP#: 24.71.223.xxx  Click here to reply  
Today: 150 lb, Goal: 140 lb - I want to be 140 by new years... I am 150 now What is the healthiest and fastest way to lose 10 pounds?????????
Reply from Molly, Age 18 - 12/16/03  - IP#: 82.33.41.xxx
Reply from JB, Age 13 - 12/15/03  - IP#: 205.208.215.xxx

From Claudia, Age 14 - 12/15/03 - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx  Click here to reply  
Today: 153 lb, Goal: 130 lb - What works better for losing weight? Tae Bo or The Firm? I'm about 153 now, around there, and I want to get down to 125-130 by summer. Also, I've seen The Firm tapes that have the same name, pretty much, but different covers. Are they the same thing?
Reply from Mina, Age 16 - 12/16/03  - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx
Reply from Claudia, Age 14 - 12/16/03  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx

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