From Elizabeth, Age 16 - 04/26/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'0.5", Start: 145 lb, Today: 120 lb (BMI %tile: 74) - I'm 16 yrs. of age 5ft 1/2 in. and 120lbs. I lost about 25lbs. this year but I'm finding the hardest part of getting in shape to be getting rid of the little fat on my sides and little bulge in my stomache. I can't stand the jiggle! Can somebody tell me good tips on how to get tone? please!!?? E-mail me at
Reply from shelby, Age 13 - 08/11/04 - IP#:
Reply from Heather, Age 17 - 04/26/03 - IP#:
From dani, Age 14 - 04/26/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Today: 210 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 110 lb - hey everyone. i need help. i weigh 210lbs and im 5'4" and i need to lose about 100Lbs by ocetober. please help me. i would really appreciate it.
Reply from jakie, Age 14 - 04/27/03 - IP#:
Reply from jen, Age 14 - 04/27/03 - IP#:
From Laryssa, Age 15 - 04/25/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2", Today: 155 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 130 lb - Hey guys. Just recently, I've realised that I am overweight and my eating habits are really unhealthy. For days, I'll go on without eating much food, but drinking lots, and then I'll binge with coke and lots of sweets and fattening foods. At the beginning of high school I think that a lot of that shock and stuff has made me gain weight as i turn to comfort food.. I've always been in the 110-120 lbs zone. It probably doesn't hurt that there are an unlimited amount of candy machines and fatty foods at lunch! I'm on this site to break this habit and make an improvement. At the moment, I'm 5'2" and I weigh 155lbs.. but this changes.. and my goal weight is at least 130 lbs... does that sound healthy? Hopefully I can slim down to my original weight for the summertime ;) Thanks for reading :) -Laryssa
Reply from Paul, Age 16 - 04/26/03 - IP#:
From Michelle, Age 14 - 04/25/03 - IP#: Click here to reply do i find out how much my muscels weigh or how much fat is on my body...i have very large muscels that are naturally very big, and i have large am i suppose to know how much im suppose to weigh...both of my parents are big, and so is my older sister, but everyone else in my direct family is skinny....can it inherated? my mom has been big her whole have i...i just dont know.....
Reply from Liz, Age 18 - 04/27/03 - IP#:
Reply from Liz READ THIS, Age 18 - 04/27/03 - IP#:
From Leigh - 04/25/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 4'6", Today: 133 lb - GUYS i need replies!!!!!!!!! If someone could help me id really appriciate it. Im 4 6 and 133 lbs. Id really appriciate if n e 1 had ab exercises thanx ~leigh~
Reply from Anthony, Age 15 - 04/25/03 - IP#:
Reply from Katherine, Age 14 - 04/25/03 - IP#:
From ~*~Brittany~*~, Age 12 - 04/25/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
i have ONE MONTH!!!to lose 10-20 pounds PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!thats when the pool opens in my town!!!!HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i NEED!! mostly exercise and motivation tips! but any tips would b helpful especially if u have already lost the weight u wanted to around the same amount of time!!! THANX ONLY if u reply!
Reply from Kristen, Age 16 - 04/13/04 - IP#:
Reply from Denise, Age 18 - 04/27/03 - IP#:
Reply from ~*~Brittany~*~, Age 12 - 04/26/03 - IP#:
Reply from Jill, Age 11 - 04/26/03 - IP#:
From richard, Age 12 - 04/24/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
michell u on still talk to me at yes its s t a r c a r f t 6 9 @ h o t m a i l . c o m for wvery one tawlk to me on messanger k bye
From richard, Age 12 - 04/24/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'6", Today: 175 lb (BMI %tile: 98) - hey this is richard and im 5,6 and im 175 and chubby i was woundering any moto vation ive took every diet pill known to man every diet drink they make me fatter plz help thakes
From Michelle, Age 15 - 04/24/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey, guys, I've found a site that explains everything that I've been doing to lose weight and everything I've give advice for, please, if you are new, please go to this site, if not, go check it out. It has sound ideas. Thanx-Michelle
From Miranda, Age 13 - 04/24/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 4'11", Today: 180 lb (BMI %tile: 98) - Hey! I'm 13 years old( 14 in August), i'm 4'11 and weigh 180 pounds. I really want to loose some weight. The school I go to requires you to pack lunch, although we have a school store with junk food. hot pocket, chips, soda, candy, just your basic junk food. my friends are always offering me those fatting foods, and I always take them. I've tried working out and eating healthy, it just doesn't work. and my family loves to eat fatty foods and go out to eat alot so that doesn't help me much. I've been taking dance class since I was 2, that and gym is the only excersie I get. I don't play sports because I get tired out fast. What should I do, I need Help! Thanks. My email address is:
Reply from Anonimous, Age 13 - 02/25/07 - IP#:
Reply from Liz, Age 18 - 04/26/03 - IP#:
Reply from Georgina, Age 14 - 04/26/03 - IP#:
Reply from Jill, Age 11 - 04/24/03 - IP#:
From Denise, Age 18 - 04/24/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
My name is Denise and I recently just lost 50 lbs. I've gained 30 back. I'm going crazy, what can I do to lose it again. Help me please. If you have any suggestions, please e-mail me at I would really b thankful for any suggestions. Thankyou, Denise J.
Reply from noname, Age 14 - 02/25/07 - IP#:
Reply from Liz, Age 18 - 04/25/03 - IP#:
From Leigh - 04/24/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 4'6", Today: 133 lb, Goal: 86 lb - Hi Everybody! I havn't been posting for a little while because i've been so busy. If anyone could help me get to my weight loss goal i'd be really happy. I weigh 133 lbs. and im 4'6". I should weigh 80-86 lbs. I like reading tips and replies. Please post me some. Thanks ~Leigh~
Reply from Leigh - 04/25/03 - IP#:
Reply from someone, Age 13 - 04/24/03 - IP#:
Reply from Jill, Age 11 - 04/24/03 - IP#:
From Jamie, Age 14 - 04/24/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 4'11", Today: 180 lb (BMI %tile: 98) - Hey everyone i gotta lose weight lol.I am like 4'11 and i weight 180 and i wear a size 16 in jrs.I really want to get down to a size 7 or 5 as soon as possible!!Does anyone know how long it could take??And can anyone give me any tips and what i should stay away from??I also have a wedding to go to in august and i wanna look good.oh yea im a girl and i already went to the doctors he told me to go on a diet but he didnt say waht to eat or anything.Any help would be appreciated.AOL
From Melissa, Age 29 - 04/24/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
First: All of you:- Consult your doctor then come back! Lets be real. If your are or aren't overweight and you diet and excerise with this advice you're in your teen years (later development years) you are destroying everything that's still developing! I would understand worrying about the size of your breast and lets face it you keep it up and you won't have any! You should be worrying about the cuttest boy in school, how to get him to ask you out, or keep your best friend from getting him first. No boy in his right mind wants to date a girl that's not in hers. So, if you talk to guys at all; ask one how you look. You know they will be honest; possibly cruel too but not near as cruel as you are at yourselves here. If they are talking to you chances are they don't think your fat. I suggest that all of you talk to someone older than you that you can talk to serious face to face... (view more)First: All of you:- Consult your doctor then come back! Lets be real. If your are or aren't overweight and you diet and excerise with this advice you're in your teen years (later development years) you are destroying everything that's still developing! I would understand worrying about the size of your breast and lets face it you keep it up and you won't have any! You should be worrying about the cuttest boy in school, how to get him to ask you out, or keep your best friend from getting him first. No boy in his right mind wants to date a girl that's not in hers. So, if you talk to guys at all; ask one how you look. You know they will be honest; possibly cruel too but not near as cruel as you are at yourselves here. If they are talking to you chances are they don't think your fat. I suggest that all of you talk to someone older than you that you can talk to serious face to face about this. Nurse, doctor, mom, cousin, aunt, whoever - just talk to someone. Look back at 200 years ago and see how little people were. We were that size at age 8 okay. Some of us need to lose some weight but talk to a doctor first! You might have a serious health problem that will keep you from diet and excerise. They will find these problems before you kill yourselves and if you have and eating disorder they can help you solve it faster than anybody else if you do what they say. They will also find ways to get past your platues that seem to take a decade to get past. Also with that in mind you did'nt gain your weight overnight don't expect to lose it in 3 months. You have been watching TV longer then that. find better things to eat and healthier hobbies, like walking 4 miles to the movies on Saturday (stay away from the popcorn) and not have a meal at McDonald's for 7 months. Most of you will do just fine to choose a sport at school and go out for the team. (view less)
Reply from Liz, Age 18 - 04/25/03 - IP#:
Reply from Denise, Age 18 - 04/24/03 - IP#:
Reply from Erin, Age 14 - 04/24/03 - IP#:
From Sarah, Age 15 - 04/24/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hello everybody,for all the people who want to lose weight 2lbs (1kg) is the same as 7000 calories so if you want to lose like 2lbs a week than you have to make sure that you burn 7000 calories more than you consume that means if you eat like 8400 calories in a week (that's 1200 a day). And you burn 15400 a week you will lose weight. It's not what I do because I only want to lose 1lbs a week so I don't have to exercise like crazy. hugs and kisses Sarah
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |