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From Han, Age 14 - 03/08/03 - IP#: 81.77.129.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 130 lb, Today: 106 lb (BMI %tile: 9) - hia i'm 13 n wen i used to be 130 pounds when i was 5 foot 3 i really didn't like it n id always luk in magazines n wana b like them, i always wantd to b a magazine model. Anyway 1 day i got really tired of bein fat n i just stopped eatin snacks like crisps chocolate n sweets n vrytime i really wanted them n wanted to giv up i lukd at my magazines n i ate a piece of fruit or something. i also statd walkn the dog once a day around the block, then i started runnin n doin xtra activities afta school n at lunch. It really workd n i am now 5 foot 7 and weigh 106 pounds n best of all i hav an agent nd am doin sum magazine shoots. just remember vry1 is a different shape n if u cnt be happy with that then yes exercise n diet will work but thats only if u want it there is nothin wrong with not bein stick thin, just be healthy and be happy for that.
Reply from Jackie, Age 14 - 03/08/03  - IP#: 12.250.8.xxx

From KEI, Age 14 - 03/08/03 - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx  Click here to reply  
Today: 162 lb - Hey everyone!! I just want to say that i am 162 pounds and that i have always been saying i was going to go on a diet and i really never did , and i just read these stories and they have really given me tips on how to lose weight and how long it will take and everything. You guyz have really helped me . THankyou for everythin!!! I am starting my diet today because i just started reading these letters today and i will keep you updated on how my diet is going. Luv ya Kel

From matt, Age 13 - 03/07/03 - IP#: 142.161.0.xxx  Click here to reply  

From ali, Age 14 - 03/07/03 - IP#: 68.13.169.xxx  Click here to reply  
i got a new swim suit and i looks so fat in it. i am not that fat, but i have gained weight so much latly!!!!!!! i hate myself! my friends eat alot so i think "if they can, i can" so i do! and before i didn't eat much and i got so thin but now its like pig out after dinner and UGH i hate myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i use to be so thin, where did i go wrong? i use to do 100 sit ups a night, but then i cute back to 100 every other night because they say its good to give your mucles a break. think i should start 100 a night again?
Reply from Pinksy1, Age 17 - 03/10/03  - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx

From matt, Age 13 - 03/07/03 - IP#: 142.161.0.xxx  Click here to reply  

From natalie, Age 13 - 03/07/03 - IP#: 65.238.28.xxx  Click here to reply  
everyone who has weight problems needs to go to a website called the intense workout.com I know your thinking "Oh Great" but really, it helped get me the motivation i needed and still need to get thin. -note- there is a little bit of cussing though.
Reply from Jackie, Age 14 - 03/08/03  - IP#: 12.250.8.xxx
Reply from liz, Age 18 - 03/08/03  - IP#: 144.136.144.xxx

From matt, Age 13 - 03/07/03 - IP#: 142.161.0.xxx  Click here to reply  

From joana, Age 13 - 03/07/03 - IP#: 152.163.188.xxx  Click here to reply  
help i got acne tell me which ones better....neutrogena or clean&clear? 2 tell me e-mail me @cutelatina08@hotmail.com plz tell me:)
Reply from Pinksy1, Age 17 - 03/08/03  - IP#: 152.163.189.xxx
Reply from nikki, Age 13 - 03/07/03  - IP#: 65.31.240.xxx

From matt, Age 13 - 03/07/03 - IP#: 142.161.0.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3.5", Today: 135 lb (BMI %tile: 90) - hi would any1 like to be diet buddies? if so reply i am male 5 foot 3 1/2 and i weigh 135. and would any1 jus plz give me some diet tips and exercise tips.PLZ i need it!!! and would any1 wanna help me make a diet plan and exercise plan if so plz reply even jus to give tps!!! REPLY PLZ!!!!!!!!!
Reply from Liz, Age 18 - 03/08/03  - IP#: 144.136.144.xxx
Reply from nikki, Age 13 - 03/07/03  - IP#: 65.31.240.xxx

From monica, Age 13 - 03/07/03 - IP#: 151.204.150.xxx  Click here to reply  
what is fat something that someone calls u went your bigger than them?? what is that?? answer me plzis it better to look good or to feel good??

From monica, Age 13 - 03/07/03 - IP#: 151.204.150.xxx  Click here to reply  
bigger thighs not *things* lol thanks

From monica, Age 13 - 03/07/03 - IP#: 151.204.150.xxx  Click here to reply  
i know some of the comments on herre might be offensive to yall im sorry but i agree with all yall that support me some of yall think yall fat because yall things are bigger than your friends reality check everyone is different. and gurls dont lose ya mind over boyz cauze they can ruin ya life, my friend is 14 with 2 kids cause she got carried away with losing weight and boys she had a abortion which really hurts and costs alot of money thankyou for understang weight loss CAN be a bad thing
Reply from monica, Age 13 - 03/09/03  - IP#: 151.204.151.xxx
Reply from Matt, Age 13 - 03/08/03  - IP#: 142.161.0.xxx

From Narisa, Age 17 - 03/06/03 - IP#: 198.81.27.xxx  Click here to reply  
Lacy, I was reading some of the messages you posted and I couldnt help but be disgusted! Yes, not eating will make u lose weight but it is not good for you at all. And thats good for you that you think your the bomb and your weight lost routine is the bomb and what not, and im glad it worked for you, but please, can u stop posting your insane ideas on this board about starving your self. Girls as young as 11 read this stuff and I dont think your making a good impression on them. They might think your idea is good when it really isnt, it can be very dangerous. I know that no one can stop you from starving yourself, but can u please stop posting that bs on here, thanks
Reply from monica, Age 13 - 03/07/03  - IP#: 151.204.150.xxx
Reply from Pinksy1, Age 17 - 03/07/03  - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx
Reply from read me, Age 15 - 03/07/03  - IP#: 195.93.50.xxx

From Sarah, Age 21 - 03/06/03 - IP#: 192.108.16.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi everyone. i know i'm kinda old to be here, but I am in college and need some help. I love to play soccer, and I want to keep in shape over the post season, but I am having trouble finding clubs. I live in new jersey and there seems to be nothing around!!! Can anyone give me tips or at least a name of a club I can join? Thanks for your help.
Reply from Jessie, Age 12 - 03/12/03  - IP#: 216.148.246.xxx
Reply from Jackie, Age 14 - 03/08/03  - IP#: 12.250.8.xxx
Reply from Liz, Age 18 - 03/08/03  - IP#: 144.136.144.xxx
Reply from monica, Age 13 - 03/07/03  - IP#: 151.204.150.xxx

From Nevaeh, Age 12 - 03/06/03 - IP#: 64.78.100.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey for lent i gave up meat to help my diet... Does anyone know how to be a vegetarian safely cause i dont wanna like go anerxic or anything but like meals that rnt too fatning?
Reply from jen, Age 17 - 03/12/03  - IP#: 64.6.15.xxx
Reply from ami, Age 15 - 03/07/03  - IP#: 195.93.50.xxx
Reply from Sarah, Age 21 - 03/06/03  - IP#: 192.108.16.xxx

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