From Leigh - 12/21/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
hi everybody! if u wanna talk instant message me at mad4john123 on aol. i cant wait to talk lots of luv
From Laurie, Age 14 - 12/21/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8", Start: 153 lb, Today: 140 lb (BMI %tile: 69), Goal: 127 lb - Hey i posted on here a lot but no one's really been that much of a help. last year i went down from 153 to 140 nd it took a long time but it felt good... and i kept it off too so i was really proud. well now my cheerleading season ( my main exercise source) is over nd i dont start cheering again until august...I've been scouted by a modeling agency and i want to join but models have to have hip size 36" and less and be 5'8" (well that i alredy am) but my hips are size 38"... i need help to get down to like 127lbs and lost that chunkiness off my thighs and hips because if i join the modeling agency they can help me start up my singing career...please help me!!! i need a new diet plan and some good motivation!!! i/m me ixLiLxShOrTixi (aol) or email me thanks!!!
Reply from alisha, Age 13 - 12/28/02 - IP#:
From star, Age 13 - 12/20/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
here's a tip for everyone whenever you eat always eat at the dining table not in front of the tv and when ur eating like in the morning don't read the cereal box cuz what ur doing is telling urself that eating is fun but if u dont do anything while u eat u'll get bored of it and not want to this is really hard i try to do it but u have to be really strong hope ive helped
Reply from Jackie, Age 14 - 12/22/02 - IP#:
From melly, Age 12 - 12/20/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Today: 140 lb, Goal: 110 lb - hey, does anyone no how to lose 30 pounds fast,besides starving!!!i want to inpress my family.i weigh 140 pounds now.HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply from Yasmine, Age 14 - 12/23/02 - IP#:
From ray ray, Age 11 - 12/20/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Today: 210 lb, Goal: 80 lb - guyz i really need help...i can't get the motivation 2 lose weight...but i HAVE 2...i weigh 210 anf i wanna weigh 80...plz plz plz help love ya ~rachel~ (aka ray ray)
Reply from Brittney, Age 15 - 12/21/02 - IP#:
Reply from CHIERSTIN, Age 11 - 12/20/02 - IP#:
Reply from me again, Age 11 - 12/20/02 - IP#:
From Jackie, Age 14 - 12/20/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey guys! If I want to loose weight so this certain guy will notice me more, is that a good enough reson to be motivated? I want to be able to wear one of those cute little dresses so that he'll notice me.
Reply from Yasmine, Age 14 - 12/23/02 - IP#:
Reply from Heather, Age 14 - 12/20/02 - IP#:
From Carrie, Age 16 - 12/20/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Start: 150 lb, Today: 243 lb - Hi everyone, recently i have gained a lot of weight when i went on the scale yesterday it said 243 lbs the last time i was on a scale was last jear and i weighed 150 lbs everyone is teasing me about my weight even my family my grandma pulled ip my t sshirt in front of everyone and pinched my rols of fat and everyone laughed at me it was so embaressing. I am really huge i cant fit into nothing only stretchy clothes my stomach is huge and sticks out a mile and my thights are massive i also have a triple chin please help me i am so depressed.
Reply from claudia, Age 18 - 12/26/02 - IP#:
Reply from Arianna, Age 14 - 12/20/02 - IP#:
Reply from helper, Age 14 - 12/20/02 - IP#:
From Sarah, Age 16 - 12/19/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Start: 136 lb, Today: 178 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 136 lb - I feel so ashamed of myself! I've always been in pretty good health. 5 foot 5, around 130 or 140 pounds. Well at the beginning of the school year I was chosen to go live with a family in Germany. I was so happy! When I left I weighed 136 pounds, which is pretty much average. Well while I was there I figured I could let myself go a bit. Wow they have some great stuff there. Tons of chocolate, very good. I really didn't think I had changed much, having bought clothes there and stuff like that. Well when I got back (2 weeks ago) my friends were like, wow. And I really didn't get what was wrong and why people acted different. Then I decided to wear one of my old favorite outfits. These really cute jeans and a green T with glitter all over. Guess what. The jeans came no where near fitting me. I now saw how huge my stomach had gotten and ... (view more)I feel so ashamed of myself! I've always been in pretty good health. 5 foot 5, around 130 or 140 pounds. Well at the beginning of the school year I was chosen to go live with a family in Germany. I was so happy! When I left I weighed 136 pounds, which is pretty much average. Well while I was there I figured I could let myself go a bit. Wow they have some great stuff there. Tons of chocolate, very good. I really didn't think I had changed much, having bought clothes there and stuff like that. Well when I got back (2 weeks ago) my friends were like, wow. And I really didn't get what was wrong and why people acted different. Then I decided to wear one of my old favorite outfits. These really cute jeans and a green T with glitter all over. Guess what. The jeans came no where near fitting me. I now saw how huge my stomach had gotten and how small my cloths suddenly were. I went and weighed myself....oh my god. 178. I had gained over 40 pounds! I had only been gone for a little bit over 3 months! I was so shocked. The next day at school we were weighed and measured for gym and the nurse was just like, oh my. Probably seeing my old weights compared to me now. I feel so ashamed! I really want to get back to my old weight! Help! (view less)
Reply from Brittney, Age 15 - 12/21/02 - IP#:
From Lisa, Age 12 - 12/19/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Reply from ray ray - 12/20/02 - IP#:
Reply from Marie. james read this, Age 15 - 12/20/02 - IP#:
Reply from James, Age 16 - 12/19/02 - IP#:
From Raygene, Age 13 - 12/19/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
hi. im overwieght by about thirty pounds.i need either tips or full lessons on how to loose weight.hint my thighs are too big and my stomach and arms and buttocks are too. you can email me at or just reply. thank you
From Krissy, Age 12 - 12/19/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey, I am back! I haven't lost 1 lb. and I have even gotten taller. It is hard. But sitting on the computer isn't gonna help. Sitting on the computer worsens the problem. So get off ur butt and go outside!
Reply from Jackie, Age 14 - 12/20/02 - IP#:
From TIGERSEYE, Age 14 - 12/18/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Today: 176 lb - hey, ok! i am like 176 and am fed up with myself. i can't get asthma, but i'm about to!!! what should i do!!!!! i need to lose weight NOW!!!!! i can't stand it. i feel so dirty and stuff because of all this evil fat. how do i get rid of the fat on my back and ribs??? and on my theighs????? if ya'll know any plans, books, ANYTHING! post it because i am getting desperate. exercise, food, i need to get info. success ful people, what did you do??? any ideas!! at all, i know i'm not huge but i am at risk of getting asthma!!!!! i don't wANT TO HAVE ASTHMA!!!! please help me!!!!!! ANSWER!!!
Reply from tag, Age 12 - 12/19/03 - IP#:
Reply from Nicole, Age 13 - 12/18/03 - IP#:
From Dustin, Age 15 - 12/17/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Are there any guys on this board? I feel like I'm the only one here. If you are a guy around my age with a weight problem, email me at and I will try to get back to you.
Reply from kyle, Age 12 - 12/21/02 - IP#:
Reply from Jay, Age 13 - 12/18/02 - IP#:
Reply from Alex, Age 14 - 12/17/02 - IP#:
From Michelle, Age 15 - 12/16/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2", Start: 175 lb, Today: 132 lb - Hey, guys, I've been on here for almost 2 years. Yup, from almost the beginning. Over the past two years I've gone from 175 to 138 and i'm 5'2". Mostly I've lost weight through counting calories (trying to average around 1550 a day) and through exercising. I know a lot of you don't want to go to the hassle of writing down every single thing you eat and finding out how many calories everything is, and then adding it up. These are my TIPS FOR LOSING WEIGHT THAT I HAVE USED SO FAR. First, eat normally, if your just starting your diet, have not yet started, or are wondering why you are fat, and write down everything you eat for 3 days. This means how many glasses of water, that piece of gum you had after lunch, that candy cane you had after dinner. Next LOOK at your eating habits. Are you eating more that what you think you did. Probably. Trust me, I was. Next, ban three things that will... (view more)Hey, guys, I've been on here for almost 2 years. Yup, from almost the beginning. Over the past two years I've gone from 175 to 138 and i'm 5'2". Mostly I've lost weight through counting calories (trying to average around 1550 a day) and through exercising. I know a lot of you don't want to go to the hassle of writing down every single thing you eat and finding out how many calories everything is, and then adding it up. These are my TIPS FOR LOSING WEIGHT THAT I HAVE USED SO FAR. First, eat normally, if your just starting your diet, have not yet started, or are wondering why you are fat, and write down everything you eat for 3 days. This means how many glasses of water, that piece of gum you had after lunch, that candy cane you had after dinner. Next LOOK at your eating habits. Are you eating more that what you think you did. Probably. Trust me, I was. Next, ban three things that will make you a much healthier person. First, Pop (soda), even diet ones. They are empty calories and they have acid in them (especially diet pop) which can really hurt you. And it contributes to bone loss, which in later age can make you more likely to break a hip or arm. Second- Ban frozen foods. This will be hard for many of you, and I admit, I haven't fully been able to do this. This means things like t.v dinners, pizza rolls, and baked pizza. None of that is healthy for you and is full of perservatives and tons of calories. Third- Ban fast food. This means burgers, french fries, mozzerella sticks. Burgers are commonly refered to as "heart attack on a bun". I know, my brother works at a fast food restaruant. Remember a few other things, drink a lot of water, it will keep you full. To keep from eating less chew each fork-full of food 20 times and put your fork down in between bites. Then, before you go for seconds, wait 5 minutes and ask yourself, am I really full? I bet you probably will be. Good luck to all of you, and I wish you great success! ~Michelle (view less)
Reply from Michelle, Age 15 - 12/19/02 - IP#:
Reply from henry, Age 13 - 12/18/02 - IP#:
Reply from anonymoys - 12/17/02 - IP#:
From Anne, Age 15 - 12/16/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'10", Start: 205 lb, Today: 175 lb (BMI %tile: 88), Goal: 155 lb - Hey!I'd just like to share about my weight loss. I started out dieting in mid-October at a weight of 205 lbs (at 5'10''). Now, as of December 16, I'm 175! My life has changed so much. Recently I had a winter formal at my high school and I actually got a really hot date and looked amazing in my dress. Well, thought I'd just like to share. I'd still like to lose about 20-25 lbs, so if anyone has any tips...
Reply from Lexie, Age 15 - 12/18/02 - IP#:
Reply from Sheena, Age 17 - 12/17/02 - IP#:
Reply from Jacquelyn, Age 14 - 12/16/02 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |