From Michelle, Age 14 - 08/30/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Here are some tips and such for all of you. I hope you find them helpful! I've been reading a lot of posts lately that have made me really worried for people on this board. They are trying to take the easy way out, which, as it ends up , really isn't the best way to go at it. You won't lose weight if you starve yourself (because when you eat your body will put the weight back on), you'll only end up hurting yourself. Don't try to throw up, that only hurts you more. First of all, you don't really lose that much weight by throwing up, second, you can damage the lining of your throat from the acids of your stomach when you throw up, and third, there are definately quicker and easier, yes easier ways to lose weight. The three main things you need to do to lose weight are A) keep track of what you eat. Set a calorie limit, but make sure it is no less than 1200 calories. If you eat less ... (view more)Here are some tips and such for all of you. I hope you find them helpful! I've been reading a lot of posts lately that have made me really worried for people on this board. They are trying to take the easy way out, which, as it ends up , really isn't the best way to go at it. You won't lose weight if you starve yourself (because when you eat your body will put the weight back on), you'll only end up hurting yourself. Don't try to throw up, that only hurts you more. First of all, you don't really lose that much weight by throwing up, second, you can damage the lining of your throat from the acids of your stomach when you throw up, and third, there are definately quicker and easier, yes easier ways to lose weight. The three main things you need to do to lose weight are A) keep track of what you eat. Set a calorie limit, but make sure it is no less than 1200 calories. If you eat less than 1200 calories a day, and then go back to 2000 calories after you lose all your wieght, then your body reacts to under 1200 as starving and will double pack the wieght on when you go back to normal foods, trying to keep the body from starvation. 2)Make sure you exercise. For beginning people this should be about 10 minutes a day 5-7 days a week, working up to about 40-60 minutes of activity a day. You can also break down your work out time to about 10 minutes a time 1-6 times a day. But under 10 minute bursts won't do you much good. Also remember if you lift weights you should give your body a rest everyother day, or do arms and back one day, and legs the next. If you strength train your whole body at once, then you may want to do cardio work (running, walking, bicycling, swimming) on those off days. The same goes for most walkers and runners, you need "off days" between long runs and walks, which you can strength train during. It all works out in a nice cycle. 3) Make sure to drink WATER, not gatorade, not pop, preferably not flavored water because it has a lot of unnessicary sugar in it, REGULAR WATER. You should always keep water with you whenever you work out. If you have trouble making your self drink water, or keeping track of how much water you drink, fill up a gallon, or two half gallon empty milk jugs with water, and only drink from those during the day. If you have trouble drinking all of it, keep trying to drink as much as you can, but if you know you haven't drank as much as you could, again, you may want to punish yourself by sleeping on the floor, or if you did drink all of it, reward yourself, but NOT WITH FOOD!! Buy a new shirt, paint your nails, do something enjoyable. I hope this helped all of you. I'll try and post regularly about concerns for people I have on this board and things I have been able to find. If you have any specific questions about anything, feel free to reply and ask me. I know many things from my years here, and if I don't know the answer, I will try to find it for you. Good luck to all of you. ~Michelle (view less)
Reply from Michelle, Age 14 - 09/02/02 - IP#:
Reply from Grace, Age 13 - 08/30/02 - IP#:
From Jennifer, Age 14 - 08/29/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
OK guys, you tell me... is a 36 inch waist and 39 inch hips fat or no?
Reply from gigi, Age 14 - 08/30/02 - IP#:
Reply from Christine, Age 15 - 08/30/02 - IP#:
From Jennifer, Age 14 - 08/29/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey you guys, im 14 and i really want to lose weight, i weigh about 150 but have a lot of muscle. I wear like a size 9 to 11 pants and i work out a lot. I REALLY want to lose weight so that im at least a size 7 or just tone up my muscles, nothing seems to work. Should i like start an eating disorder or SOMETHING ive worked so hard and nothing seems to be working PLZ HELP!!!! ~jen
Reply from gigi, Age 14 - 08/30/02 - IP#:
Reply from tes, Age 12 - 08/30/02 - IP#:
Reply from Rachel, Age 16 - 08/30/02 - IP#:
From Angelica, Age 17 - 08/29/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Reply from Jordan, Age 13 - 08/31/02 - IP#:
Reply from Whitney, Age 13 - 08/30/02 - IP#:
From Jessica, Age 13 - 08/29/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I am 13 yrs old and am 140 pounds. I have recently lost 20 pounds that I am really proud of by eating correctly. But I havent lost any more by continuing my diet food plan so I have gotten disguraged! 20 pounds isnt enough for me. I want to be 100! Therefore I have been trying to buy this drug called "epicak" that makes you throw up on purpose. I havent been able to purcahse it yet and now I am thinking that maybey the reason to me not finding it in stores was for my own good? Well, I am really sick of being overweight! I am a dancer and simply cannot be overweight! But because I go to school, I am afraid to take this drug because I dont know if I will be able to control when I throwup because I dont want to throw up during class! IF ANYONE KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT A DRUG THAT IS SPECIFICALLY MADE TO MAKe YOU HURL PLEASE ANSWER TO THIS MESSAGE! I have to loose weight and am fasting... (view more)I am 13 yrs old and am 140 pounds. I have recently lost 20 pounds that I am really proud of by eating correctly. But I havent lost any more by continuing my diet food plan so I have gotten disguraged! 20 pounds isnt enough for me. I want to be 100! Therefore I have been trying to buy this drug called "epicak" that makes you throw up on purpose. I havent been able to purcahse it yet and now I am thinking that maybey the reason to me not finding it in stores was for my own good? Well, I am really sick of being overweight! I am a dancer and simply cannot be overweight! But because I go to school, I am afraid to take this drug because I dont know if I will be able to control when I throwup because I dont want to throw up during class! IF ANYONE KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT A DRUG THAT IS SPECIFICALLY MADE TO MAKe YOU HURL PLEASE ANSWER TO THIS MESSAGE! I have to loose weight and am fasting myself as i write this. I have gone three days on water only so I figure that if I only drink water, and make myself throwup that I can loose weight twice as fast! Right? But not eating requires me to now eat when I go out to dinner or at school. Noone has caught on to my "plan" yet so wish me luck. I am going to the doctor in 2 days so I am going to start eating again and then after my visit...start fasting myself again. ANY INFO ON PILLS or EPIKAK? ANSWER THIS MESSAGE! (view less)
Reply from Jordan, Age 13 - 09/01/02 - IP#:
Reply from gigi, Age 14 - 08/30/02 - IP#:
Reply from Grace, Age 13 - 08/29/02 - IP#:
Reply from Rachel, Age 16 - 08/29/02 - IP#:
Reply from Gretchen, Age 15 - 08/29/02 - IP#:
Reply from Rachel, Age 17 - 08/29/02 - IP#:
From Amanda, Age 19 - 08/29/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi. I have posted a few things on this board. I know this is a message board about weight, but I have 2 questions that aren't about weight. I would really appreciate it if a lot of people would answer. THANKS! 1) Do you think it is alright for your friend to date your ex boyfriend or girlfriend? 2) Is it ok for your friend to break plans they already made with you so they can spend time with their boyfriend or girlfriend? Thanks to everyone who answers!!!
Reply from Grace, Age 13 - 08/30/02 - IP#:
Reply from manda jh, Age 14 - 08/30/02 - IP#:
Reply from Amanda, Age 19 - 08/30/02 - IP#:
Reply from ???????, Age 12 - 08/30/02 - IP#:
Reply from Rachel, Age 16 - 08/29/02 - IP#:
From InCuBuS ChiC, Age 13 - 08/29/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey ppl i think i did sumthin wrong tday well i had breafast (cereal) and i wanted to have this sandwhich but u had to put mayo on it and im not too fond of mayo so i jus put a lil and i only ate 1/4 of it cuz it made me sick then i made left overs from a roast we had and i had a lil bit of meat sum carrots and i took too much potatoes so i didnt eat it all and then i got a major craving for chips and once i started eating them i couldnt stop and i did ( i used to norm. eat half the bag and i didnt do that thiss timE) but i feel so fat what dod i do????
Reply from Jennifer, Age 14 - 08/29/02 - IP#:
From ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?, Age 12 - 08/29/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I NEED SUM HELP hey ppl im 5'5 140lbs i need to loose about 5-10 more lbs and i mean i know how -n- all i was jus wondering if ne one knew how many calories u burn doing pilates??? respond asap please
Reply from Amanda, Age 19 - 08/30/02 - IP#:
From Christine, Age 15 - 08/29/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Is anyone on if so meet me in the new chatroom!
From Shaz, Age 13 - 08/29/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi My name is Shaz im 13 from England and im looking for a diet buddy around my age from anywhere if your intrested please reply to the message and I will give you my e-mail :) *Shaz*
Reply from ALLIE, Age 12 - 08/29/02 - IP#:
From candy to gretchen, Age 14 - 08/29/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
i heard dr atkins died of a heart attack. he was concentrating on too many saturated fats. maybe you would like to check it out.
Reply from Courtenay, Age 18 - 05/11/03 - IP#:
Reply from Gretchen, Age 15 - 08/29/02 - IP#:
From andrew, Age 14 - 08/29/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
i am 200lbs and gained weight purposley because i was told to al a web site. i want to loosse weight but find myself binjing and gorjing. HELP ME PLEASE
Reply from Grace, Age 13 - 08/29/02 - IP#:
Reply from Gretchen, Age 15 - 08/29/02 - IP#:
From john, Age 15 - 08/29/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
to rachel thank u 4 the support u gave me earlier
Reply from Rachel, Age 16 - 08/29/02 - IP#:
From Anna, Age 17 - 08/29/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Im looking for diet buddy's. My email is
Reply from Alicia, Age 13 - 08/29/02 - IP#:
From Kiara, Age 13 - 08/29/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
HELP! I keep trying to lose weight and every time I fail. I don't know what to do. I have a major eating problem. I eat when I'm excited, happy, scared, depressed, and well, bored. I need some advice on how to keep away from food, cuz otherwise, I'll be 300 lbs, by the time I turn 14.
Reply from Michelle, Age 14 - 08/30/02 - IP#:
Reply from Shaz, Age 13 - 08/30/02 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |