From Alex, Age 14 - 08/26/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
To john. I just got an idea. i am not trying to make fun of you or anything, but maybe, with your enormous weight you could be a great defense in football! why don't you join.
Reply from Grace, Age 13 - 08/28/02 - IP#:
Reply from tessa, Age 13 - 08/28/02 - IP#:
Reply from angela, Age 12 - 08/26/02 - IP#:
From john, Age 15 - 08/26/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
to aaron and lindsey: i am not crying about how fat i am and i never said about how much i eat and i never try to discourage anybody from dieting or losing weight. and i am doing something about my weight problem if you want to know starting 9/1/02 i am joining a health club that i finally got my parents to agree to. when i do post something like when and my little brother took a walk around the park where was the reply then? and a matter of fact even when i was getting tired walking with my friends i kept going and going and going like the energizer bunny they saw that i was for real and they stop talking about me and they had offer to help me lose weight and they were going to make sure that i stay on it. then they made an offer along with my parents and theirs that i cannot afford to lose they was all going to by me a new set of clothes for every 50 pounds i lose because they know i... (view more)to aaron and lindsey: i am not crying about how fat i am and i never said about how much i eat and i never try to discourage anybody from dieting or losing weight. and i am doing something about my weight problem if you want to know starting 9/1/02 i am joining a health club that i finally got my parents to agree to. when i do post something like when and my little brother took a walk around the park where was the reply then? and a matter of fact even when i was getting tired walking with my friends i kept going and going and going like the energizer bunny they saw that i was for real and they stop talking about me and they had offer to help me lose weight and they were going to make sure that i stay on it. then they made an offer along with my parents and theirs that i cannot afford to lose they was all going to by me a new set of clothes for every 50 pounds i lose because they know i will need it and they believe i can do it.the reason i am writing a long post because in the past yall remarks will have in the kitchen right now but that was in the past.thank you and have a nice day.reply when i am doing something positively. (view less)
From Sam, Age 13 - 08/26/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey guys, thought I'd check in. Ok, so, I've got two things that some people might wanna try. Firstly I started my diet book. I record EVERYTHING that I eat and drink in it, and how much of it (ex: 1/2 cup popcorn, 1 8 oz. glass of coke...but thats not what i ate) And then how much I exersized that day, and what I'm going to improve on the next day. It's really helped me. Also, something I noticed the other day. I had on my music like usual and I was just dancing around my room like a six year old. But it's fun. Now, when I'm bored, I pick a song, and play it over and over, making up dance moves. When I'm done, I'll perform for my mom, or even (*flushes*) my stuffed Well, these are just some things that are working for me...O, bye the way. I'M DOWN 10 POUNDS! I was 240, and I'm 230 now. Lost that in just the last month. *~Hugs*N*Kisses*~
Reply from swimf@n, Age 14 - 09/01/02 - IP#:
Reply from Rachel, Age 16 - 08/26/02 - IP#:
Reply from john, Age 15 - 08/26/02 - IP#:
From patrick, Age 13 - 08/25/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I ned to no some exeercise
Reply from Krupa, Age 13 - 11/13/02 - IP#:
Reply from patrick, Age 13 - 08/25/02 - IP#:
From john, Age 15 - 08/25/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
my friends ask me go swimming with them. the problem is that we cannot wear t-shirts why swimming. should i go and show all my fat in front of everybody and get laugh at or should i just stay home and relax and watch tv or surf the internet right after dinner time?[by the way all my friends weigh between 100-115 popunds and real boney]
Reply from Patrick, Age 11 - 08/27/02 - IP#:
Reply from Alex, Age 14 - 08/25/02 - IP#:
Reply from ? - 08/25/02 - IP#:
From john, Age 15 - 08/25/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
to alex: what about your friend jon is fat or skinny and if he's skinny does he try to help you or does he teaes you like other skinny people do?
Reply from Alex, Age 14 - 08/25/02 - IP#:
From Alex, Age 14 - 08/25/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I would like to make a correction about one of my entries. I DO NOT WEAR MY DADS CLOTHS!
Reply from Jennifer, Age 14 - 08/29/02 - IP#:
Reply from john, Age 15 - 08/25/02 - IP#:
Reply from Alex, Age 14 - 08/25/02 - IP#:
Reply from john, Age 15 - 08/25/02 - IP#:
Reply from Alex, Age 14 - 08/25/02 - IP#:
From john, Age 15 - 08/25/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
about my diet do yall think it is going to be hard to lose and eat less in school at luch time and with other school kids teasing me about my weight like last year and putting me in my face trying to make eat it. if i say no they're gong to say you know you want it and if i say yes they're going to say that is why you're so fat now.and my 2 best friends they're no help neither because they sometimes the ones who gets it started in the first place.
Reply from Alex, Age 14 - 08/25/02 - IP#:
Reply from Alex, Age 14 - 08/25/02 - IP#:
From Alex, Age 14 - 08/25/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi, it is me again. i have stuff to add. i always wear a shirt when i swim because i am so embarrased. i only swim without a shirt when i am in my friend's pool(His name is Jon and he is fourteen)because he is my only friend that understands my problems. i am so fat, i have to wear my dads cloths. also, around two months ago, i tried to button up my pants, and it was so hard i had to suck in my belly and when i finally got it i had to let my fat loose and when i did the button flew off my pants and my fat rolled over my pants. thank god i was in my room. no matter how much i try i can't lose the weight. i just keep gaining and gaining. i remember a couple years ago i was doing karate and i was 190 pounds. 1 year later i stopped and i just started to gain the weight back. my mom has noticed for quite some time that my belly was getting bigger and she is going to see if i can join the YMCA fitness center. hope fully that will make some changes to my body. i am going to have to go now. bye.
From Alex, Age 14 - 08/25/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
My name is Alex and i am 260 pounds and a 50 inch waist. I also am teased a lot at school. i also have a condition that is the center of my teasing. i have breasts. if there is anyone else out there with my condition, or someone like me, please reply. I really want to lose a lot of weight and i am afraid to tell my parents. please help.
Reply from sam, Age 11 - 10/06/02 - IP#:
Reply from Jennifer, Age 14 - 08/29/02 - IP#:
Reply from Jennifer, Age 14 - 08/29/02 - IP#:
Reply from john, Age 15 - 08/25/02 - IP#:
Reply from Alex to john, Age 14 - 08/25/02 - IP#:
Reply from john, Age 15 - 08/25/02 - IP#:
From Rockerbaby - 08/25/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ok ppl i'm puttin ouy a diffrent screen name now its roxyanna. ( sorry for the switch)
From Aaron, Age 14 - 08/25/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Alex having breasts isnt a condition you get breasts when your fat.
Reply from Grace, Age 13 - 08/26/02 - IP#:
Reply from Alex, Age 14 - 08/26/02 - IP#:
From Rockerbaby - 08/25/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Sum 1 please go 2 the new chat room. Its 3:00
From john, Age 15 - 08/25/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
does any one else have friend or brother or sister to help them lose weight or to excercise with. you will feel better if they help you like my brother is helping me out.
Reply from Rachel, Age 16 - 08/25/02 - IP#:
Reply from Christine, Age 15 - 08/25/02 - IP#:
From Aaron, Age 14 - 08/25/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
To John: How about stop crying about how much you wiegh and how much people make fun of you. how about doing something aboutit instead of posting messages of how fat you are and how much you eat
Reply from lindsey, Age 17 - 08/26/02 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |