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From bulma, Age 14 - 08/25/02 - IP#: 205.162.198.xxx  Click here to reply  
i know that this got deleted somehow but i have to tell you i am not jokeing. my boyfriend is trying to fatten me up and i think he likes me fat. i used to be 96 pounds but now iam 208 pounds. can someone tell me whats wrong with him and what to do about it?
Reply from Karli, Age 14 - 09/09/02  - IP#: 161.184.23.xxx
Reply from bulma, Age 14 - 08/28/02  - IP#: 205.162.198.xxx
Reply from candy, Age 14 - 08/26/02  - IP#: 202.156.2.xxx
Reply from john, Age 15 - 08/25/02  - IP#: 64.233.211.xxx
Reply from bulma, Age 14 - 08/25/02  - IP#: 205.162.198.xxx
Reply from john, Age 15 - 08/25/02  - IP#: 64.233.211.xxx
Reply from Christine, Age 15 - 08/25/02  - IP#: 213.122.220.xxx
Reply from Rachel, Age 16 - 08/25/02  - IP#: 24.192.202.xxx

From JOHN, Age 15 - 08/25/02 - IP#: 64.233.211.xxx  Click here to reply  
how do i get my friends to stop talking about other people who they see at restuarants and other places who are fat. they may not be talking about me at the time but i feel they are because the people they are talking about are either the same size as me or a little bit smaller then me when i ask them to stop they just laugh at me then they will grab my stomach then they will start walking real fast for me to keep up and then they will start calling me names.
Reply from Rachel, Age 16 - 08/26/02  - IP#: 24.192.202.xxx

From john, Age 15 - 08/25/02 - IP#: 64.233.211.xxx  Click here to reply  
me and my brother just came back from the park this morning he jog for 7 miles and i just walk for 1.5 miles.still tired from kast night. with all this weight it takes a long time for me to recovery but i'm still trying no matter what.i wish i was in shape like my brother and beside it's a shame that he can beat his big brother in any sport like basketball,runnin or walking and he can run 7 miles in 7-10 minutes why it takes me 15-20 minutes just to walk 1.5 miles.
Reply from manda jh, Age 14 - 08/25/02  - IP#: 152.163.194.xxx
Reply from Rachel, Age 16 - 08/25/02  - IP#: 24.192.202.xxx

From patrick, Age 13 - 08/25/02 - IP#: 152.163.207.xxx  Click here to reply  
christihe met me ena the old croom

From deseray, Age 13 - 08/25/02 - IP#: 64.12.97.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey ppl ok what the hell is a metabolism?? ok i think its when ur body can like burn alot of calories when ur not doing sumthin (like 4 ppl that have a fast one) and my cuzin told me she couldnt have a fast metabolism because she had asthma(sp?) so i asked her waht asthma had to do with it and she said because having a fast metabolism make u wanna do alot all the time so we argued and shes like well my moms a nurse so i should now (her mom is a nrse but on that works with old ppl) so could one of u please tell me and then email her but jus dont say ne thing about me cuz she will get really pissed off at me, like in the subject box write "about loosing weight" and then in the "write" area put the definition of metabolism ok please could u do this cuz she wouldnt believe me her adress is britt_2002@att.net deseray
Reply from samantha, Age 11 - 08/25/02  - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx

From patrick, Age 13 - 08/25/02 - IP#: 152.163.207.xxx  Click here to reply  
mi weigght276paods
Reply from john, Age 15 - 08/26/02  - IP#: 64.233.211.xxx

From Dawn, Age 17 - 08/25/02 - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi everyone. This is my last year of school. I really would love to loose wieght. I am 4'10 and wigh 145-150 lbs. I fit into size 11-12 juniors. I would like to loose as much wieght as possible. It would be nice to wear 1-3. Got tips? I have already eaten healthy every once in a while eating more than I should. I drink water just not enough, I don't like much sweets either. I want to loose it by March or April, about 7 months. Can anyone help me please? Thax a bunch :)
Reply from Rockerbaby - 08/25/02  - IP#: 65.163.106.xxx
Reply from Grace, Age 13 - 08/25/02  - IP#: 65.235.141.xxx

From patrick, Age 13 - 08/25/02 - IP#: 152.163.207.xxx  Click here to reply  
im overweight and i ned to tolk to some one ples
Reply from john, Age 15 - 08/26/02  - IP#: 64.233.211.xxx
Reply from dfg - 08/26/02  - IP#: 209.110.19.xxx
Reply from john, Age 15 - 08/25/02  - IP#: 64.233.211.xxx
Reply from patrick, Age 13 - 08/25/02  - IP#: 152.163.207.xxx

From patrick, Age 13 - 08/24/02 - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx  Click here to reply  
i hont to toik

From john, Age 15 - 08/24/02 - IP#: 64.233.211.xxx  Click here to reply  
me and my little brother just came back walking[well he jog around the park]from the park and whoo i am so tired i can barely breath and get something to eat.he betted me can run around the park 10x beforei can walk around 2x.well he jog around 13x to my 2 walking. then we sat and talk for a while and he wish that i will stay on my diet and lose weight.then both of walk around the park together just talking then when we stop he said for the first that he was proud to have me for a brother then he said did you notice while we was talking we walk around the park for a least for 1/2 hour and i didn't even stop to rest.
Reply from Christine, Age 15 - 08/25/02  - IP#: 213.1.72.xxx

From Sabrina, Age 15 - 08/24/02 - IP#: 216.228.205.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi, Im sure many of you can comply to this message. Im ver over weight, and am tired of being teased by both my peers and my family. I want to loose it, but I cant seem to find anything that will work. Ive tried the pills, the dieting, and the exerscise. Nothing seems to work, and I need help with this. I dont want to be the laughing stock of my school, and embarrassed when Im with my family. If you have any suggestions, let me know.
Reply from Christine, Age 15 - 08/25/02  - IP#: 213.122.220.xxx

From john, Age 15 - 08/24/02 - IP#: 64.233.211.xxx  Click here to reply  
My little found out that i was lying about how much i really ate. My friend little brother told him how much i ate and my brotherh said that he was disappointed in me and he thought i was very serious about losing weight this time and i told him i am but he fail to realize after getting use to eating a lot of for 15 years it is hard to quit after 1 week. Then he said that he was going to tell mom unless i do extra excecise tonight at the park and tomorrow morning before breakfast.

From manda jh, Age 14 - 08/24/02 - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx  Click here to reply  
go to the new chatroom....please. I feel like giving tips and talking with someone;-)
Reply from patrick, Age 13 - 08/24/02  - IP#: 65.230.0.xxx

From isadora, Age 11 - 08/24/02 - IP#: 152.163.197.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi I am overweight. I really want to loose weight. I weigh 168 pounds and am 4/10. I try drinking water but i hate it can anybody tell me how to loose weight in less than 3 months I would really apreciate it.
Reply from kimmy, Age 23 - 11/24/02  - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx
Reply from Christine, Age 15 - 08/25/02  - IP#: 213.1.72.xxx

From Melanie, Age 12 - 08/24/02 - IP#: 142.163.8.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey! Does anyone now any exercises for yourr hips? Thanks
Reply from Christine, Age 15 - 08/25/02  - IP#: 213.1.72.xxx

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