From rosa, Age 15 - 09/01/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey goodluck and well done every1
From Kiran, Age 13 - 09/01/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
well im starting school in sept. 7 and i really kind of nervousa since im going to a new school cuz i moved. I dont ne1 and wut would they think about me and the way my body shaped. my goal is to lose weight during the school. if ne1 got ne tips plz share them with me. THANX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply from Catherine, Age 15 - 09/01/04 - IP#:
From Jen, Age 13 - 09/01/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I wiegh 210lbs. I'm going to eat healthy n exercise but the problem is that like ther is no where to do it and I'm afriadn my sibs. n parents...... please help! Thanks GodBless! x0x0 Jenny-Gurl
Reply from Caroline, Age 13 - 09/03/04 - IP#:
Reply from sarah, Age 15 - 09/02/04 - IP#:
Reply from girly!!, Age 13 - 09/02/04 - IP#:
From Emily, Age 13 - 08/31/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Well tomorrow i am Starting school, new year, and a new time to start getting back on track with healthy eating, as i won't be constantly suurounded by food as i have all summer. Plus i will be be doing more exercise, and walking from p.e and just simply walking to and from my bus stop. I am hoping to lose my remaining 20 excess pounds by christmas, and from then on maintaining my goal. As much as i am dreading school tomorrow i am so excited to get back on track, Good Luck Everyone!=D
Reply from mee, Age 15 - 09/01/04 - IP#:
From montana, Age 13 - 08/31/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
ok im just going to eat breakfast and dinner and no lunch and just focuse in class since i started school today hopefulley i can fit into this jeans i want to fit into and this shirt
Reply from brian, Age 15 - 08/31/04 - IP#:
From Elisabeth, Age 16 - 08/31/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I keep breaking my diet, BUT tomorrow, Im starting it over with my mom and some of her friends, so i hope it will be easier having other people doing that with me :)
Reply from natasha, Age 15 - 09/04/04 - IP#:
From SURFERBLONDII, Age 13 - 08/31/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Reply from Michelle, Age 17 - 09/03/04 - IP#:
Reply from Cassie, Age 14 - 08/31/04 - IP#:
From Jen, Age 13 - 08/31/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey guys I tried WW but its two expensive now I weigh 201 please help!Any free diets?x0x0-Jenny-Gurl
Reply from Jen, Age 13 - 09/01/04 - IP#:
Reply from brian, Age 15 - 08/31/04 - IP#:
Reply from Jenna, Age 14 - 08/31/04 - IP#:
From **Paige**, Age 15 - 08/31/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey guys! I hope yall are doing well on yall's diets. Well today is my first time on this website and I love it. But I found out that 97% of kids my age weight less than me I am 5'5 and weigh 272 lbs, and that makes me just want to die! I hate my life! I know I have a weight problem, but i had no clue that it was that bad. I guess that explains why I've never had a boyfriend and why I don't have very many friends and I always get picked on! I have stretch marks everywhere and cellulite. Its so disgusting, I hate my body!!!! I hate what i see when I look in the mirror!!! I eat all the time b/c I was depressed or bored, and it comforted me, made me feel better and I saw it as Food was my best friend b/c it was there for me and it never made fun of me. I know thats funny but that how I thought and now I realize food is just my worst enemy. Does anyone know any way I can lose a lot of weight... (view more)Hey guys! I hope yall are doing well on yall's diets. Well today is my first time on this website and I love it. But I found out that 97% of kids my age weight less than me I am 5'5 and weigh 272 lbs, and that makes me just want to die! I hate my life! I know I have a weight problem, but i had no clue that it was that bad. I guess that explains why I've never had a boyfriend and why I don't have very many friends and I always get picked on! I have stretch marks everywhere and cellulite. Its so disgusting, I hate my body!!!! I hate what i see when I look in the mirror!!! I eat all the time b/c I was depressed or bored, and it comforted me, made me feel better and I saw it as Food was my best friend b/c it was there for me and it never made fun of me. I know thats funny but that how I thought and now I realize food is just my worst enemy. Does anyone know any way I can lose a lot of weight and keep it off for good? How much do you think I can lose by March if I try really hard? Please help me so I can start my diet tomorrow! I'm afraid if I don't do something about my weight quick and lose a lot of weight that i'm going to die! Please help me. (view less)
Reply from Shellz, Age 15 - 09/10/04 - IP#:
Reply from nell, Age 16 - 09/09/04 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 14 - 09/01/04 - IP#:
Reply from kiran, Age 13 - 09/01/04 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 14 - 08/31/04 - IP#:
Reply from brian, Age 15 - 08/31/04 - IP#:
From Catherine, Age 15 - 08/31/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Last week was my first week of weight watchers, I weighed in at 166 on my first meeting. This week I weighed in at 156. I lost 10 pounds in one week. It feels so great, everyone was congradulating me and gave me a huge applause. Last week I was doing so many active things. I love WW. I dont feel deprived, and I have so much support. I started school, also. I like all my teachers, and my classes are pretty cool for the most part. Except I got a lot of homework. Good Luck to you all! By the way my goal weight is 120-130!
Reply from Catherine, Age 15 - 09/01/04 - IP#:
Reply from *Ray*Ray*, Age 13 - 09/01/04 - IP#:
Reply from Cassie, Age 14 - 08/31/04 - IP#:
Reply from Emily, Age 13 - 08/31/04 - IP#:
From ann, Age 16 - 08/31/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
i lost 7lbs all i did was cut down and exercise for about 5 mins a day since thursday. im so happy :-) lol
Reply from *Ray*Ray*, Age 13 - 08/31/04 - IP#:
From gg, Age 14 - 08/31/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
i just ate a strwberry cheeseckae blizzard:(
Reply from brian, Age 15 - 08/31/04 - IP#:
Reply from Cassie, Age 14 - 08/31/04 - IP#:
From samsie, Age 14 - 08/31/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
hi, my name is samsie i have only joined blubberbuster so im new to this whole thing. I love this site as it gives you great info and the bonus side is that you know your not alone, you know your not the only one going through all these problems. Iam 196 pounds i hope to be 140, i dont have a time limit because i dont want any dissapointments in the end. Look at me im just ramballing on now, what i really wanted to say is that i hope you are all losing weight because you feel as if your unhealthy or not happy with yourself and not to impress anybody, cause thats how i started off then i realised that i have to do it for myself not because i want to be popular (even though that would be nice) i just hope when i lose all my weight, i wont turn into those heartless fugs that teased and bullied me just cause i was and still am overweight. SO ON THIS DAY ON I PROMISE NOT TO EVER TEASE ANYONE JUST BECAUSE OF THERE SIZE COLOUR OR CREAD.PLZ REPLY
From Rina, Age 14 - 08/31/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
What do yall think is best 1500 cal diet orr.. atkins diet...? leavee it!!
Reply from Elisabeth, Age 161 - 08/31/04 - IP#:
Reply from Catherine, Age 15 - 08/31/04 - IP#:
From Sarah, Age 15 - 08/31/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
62.2 or 137 lbs ... in 2 months a whole year will have passed since i started trying to lose weight ! i never achieved my goal or even came close; i lost about half of what i entented. but now that the summer holidays have ended, i discover that as usual all my efforts have gone i'm back to my starting point!!! not exactly maybe ... i keep motivated by thinking that if i hadn't done anything i might not have stayed at the same weight for a whole year but put even more on ... so let's see what this year brings to me !! wish me luck and any advice for this new year ?
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