From Jessika, Age 16 - 08/07/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
ok today i didnt eat anything at all until around 4:30pm when my mom took us out to loghorn steakhouse and ive never been their so i had to try all the good stuff, i had 2 chicken strips for an appetizer, then for dinner i had 2 pieces of grilled chicken and some cheese fries with bits of bacon, and i had some ranch dressing for dipping, so i wanna know how many calories do u think i had all together for today, i know it was bad to eat all that greasy food but i couldnt help myself lol, oh and i also went on a few long walks today, a mile 1/2 to home from work, cuz my mom forgot to pick me up, and i went for a walk to the park with my baby cuzin, so do u think thats good exercise for each day
Reply from Katherine, Age 14 - 08/08/04 - IP#:
From mallory, Age 15 - 08/07/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
im trying to loose weight....(getting ready for VOLLEYBALL)....BUT I CAN'T SEEM TO STICK TO ANY DIETS OR EXCERSIZING PLANS any of you have an easy but effective workout and eating plan??????? thank you
Reply from Sam, Age 15 - 08/07/04 - IP#:
From lindsay, Age 15 - 08/07/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey everyone i am on birth control and really need help.. i have gained alot of weight and its alot harderfor me to lose weight if i go off the pill will i lose the weight i gained nad will it be easier for me to lose weight.. please help me i am really upset so please comment
Reply from Michelle, Age 20 - 08/09/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 08/08/04 - IP#:
Reply from Mandy, Age 15 - 08/08/04 - IP#:
Reply from Kristy, Age 15 - 08/08/04 - IP#:
From Elisabeth, Age 16 - 08/07/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
is it better to weigh yourself everyday?.. or weigh yourself like at the end of each week?
Reply from Mandy, Age 15 - 08/08/04 - IP#:
Reply from Anna, Age 16 - 08/07/04 - IP#:
Reply from mallory, Age 15 - 08/07/04 - IP#:
From Katie, Age 13 - 08/07/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey DONT eat cookies!! The average cookie 80 calories !! thats about 100 calories 5 cookies=500 thats about half a pound!
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 08/08/04 - IP#:
Reply from Mee, Age 15 - 08/08/04 - IP#:
Reply from Mandy, Age 15 - 08/08/04 - IP#:
Reply from Emily, Age 13 - 08/07/04 - IP#:
From ann, Age 16 - 08/07/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
byeee ppl goin on holiday for a week. mis yazzz lolanywayz be gud byeeeeeee
From Brooke, Age 16 - 08/07/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
oh i have anothr question about the 3-day-diet-plan is it heathly and will i still lose weight if i just ate the same healthy foods. ex. morning 1/2 grapefruit w/ a peice of toast 1 tsp. peanut butter. Lunch. 1/2 cup of tuna. water, then for dinner., two hot dogs, 1/2 cup of carrots and 1/2 of cup of ice cream. ..If i just eatthe same things for the 3 days and not try a variety of each day will i not get the same affect? or can i just stick wit the same foods? please answer asap i start the diet tomorrow and tell u if the. .3-day-diet-plan really works it says ur suppose to lose 10lbs we'll see. thanks bye
Reply from Mandy, Age 15 - 08/08/04 - IP#:
Reply from Jacquie, Age 15 - 08/07/04 - IP#:
From Kally, Age 17 - 08/07/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
PS- Does anyone know how many calories are in gas station hot chocolate from the machine? As well as cappachino from there and rasp. mocha ? I've tried to track this stuff down but i just can't find it!
Reply from Mandy, Age 15 - 08/08/04 - IP#:
From please help!, Age 13 - 08/06/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I need someones help. I am clinically obese and need to lose weight. Can you post stories of your success and your diets to make me feel better and kno a little more about "the dieting game?" Thanks bunches!
Reply from please help!, Age 13 - 08/07/04 - IP#:
Reply from Sam, Age 15 - 08/06/04 - IP#:
Reply from Jerricha, Age 15 - 08/06/04 - IP#:
From Amanda, Age 15 - 08/06/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
My friend has enspired me to keep up my diet she is soo awesome!!!(i eat jolly ranchers cuz they dont have that many calories or fat) and i offered her one and she was like no i cant have it & i was in awe that she could pass up candy i know it sounds stupid but it made me want to get back on track i hope eveyone else is doing better than i am and good Luck!~Amanda~
Reply from Miranda, Age 15 - 08/06/04 - IP#:
From Adrienne, Age 16 - 08/06/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
i ran mi 1st mile w/o stoppin yesterday at cheerleading n i ran at least half of mi 2nd one 2!! :) i have been runnin 2 miles a day, n havin 9 hours of cheer practice 4 a week n now mi measurements r chest-36 waist-28 hips-38 biggest part of mi thigh-22 n i weigh 143!!im excited bc we do 9 minutes abs everyday n mi 6 pack iz startin 2 come back!! oh n im 5'6...i wanna b round 125 lbs tho so i still have a long way 2 go!!
From Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 08/06/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hello, I haven't been on in a few days, because I am at band camp all day, and then I come home and the last two days I didn't get to be home for like an hour then I had somewhere to go. Yesturday I went down like a mile from where I live to see John Kerry and John Edwards on their campaign, and they were 2 and a half hours late! ne way, I have done really bad on my eating habits the last few days, mostly b/c of band camp though. And I have had a few touch situations the last few days/week. We were outside for like 5 hours today working on our field show, and I have a HUGE sunburn, I AM A TOMATO!! Lol. Oh ya, the other day at jcpenney they had a sale rack of swimsuits, so my mom bought me a bikini for next summer! It is sooo cute, I hung it up for inspiration. I guess that is it, I will chat at ya l8ers bye!
From mee, Age 15 - 08/06/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
wow...i was hungry an hour ago and then i went for like a mile run and now im not hungry anymore...weird
From Tiffany, Age 14 - 08/06/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
we jus started school today. I've been feelin so good about myself because i notice i dont look as big as i really am. Im 185 and i have a friend that 145 and we looked the same size...well, besides my disgusting love handles and my i'll be ok. i dunno where all my weight is goin to. I've been feelin better about myself ever since i bought new school clothes cuz i look so good in them. Plus i have more confidence cuz i know im gonna lose weight this year with all the walkin im gonna be doin from class to class.O yea, and when im in school, i have this thing were i dont eat anything till i get i dont eat breakfast or lunch cuz im not hungry at all during those times and i dont wanna force myself to eat anything and make myself get sick. But yea, i eat when i get home and most likely before i go to bed. Is that bad? I jus wanted to know cuz thats only 2 meals. But i cant really eat anything else like i said. But anyway, sorry this is so long..but please let me know if thats bad.
Reply from Jasmine, Age 13 - 08/09/04 - IP#:
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 08/06/04 - IP#:
From Elisabeth, Age 16 - 08/06/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I hope it's normal to feel depressed when you're first starting to diet and exercise. Cause lately, i've been just wanting to cry, for no reasons. Its almost 330 in the morning here. I just woke up feeling like i want to die, and i looked in the mirror, and was completely and utterly disgusted with what i saw. Well, I'm trying not to give up on my diet, and i have cut back on the hours that i watch tv. I won't allow myself to eat while I watch tv either.. Well, this is all i have to say, I'm dumb. Peace out,
Reply from Sam, Age 15 - 08/06/04 - IP#:
Reply from mee, Age 15 - 08/06/04 - IP#:
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