From sweetheart, Age 17 - 04/26/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I was wondering if you think that if i eat 600 calories a day and exersize(burn about 500) and do that for about three weeks straight ---workout 5 times a week---will i lose 10 pounds? I erally just need to lose 10 pounds but i never motivate myself to do it. I weigh 130 and i am 5'5 i want to at least be at 120 by mid-may-----is this an easy task?
Reply from Krystle, Age 19 - 04/26/04 - IP#:
Reply from chelsea, Age 15 - 04/26/04 - IP#:
From farzana, Age 13 - 04/26/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
im 13 years old and im very fat even my family tell me i duuno how 2 lose weight im finding it really difficult i want to lose 40 pounds please reply bck with help thanxp.s wat r the side effects of making myself sick do u no HELP
Reply from Mandy, Age 16 - 04/26/04 - IP#:
From angie, Age 15 - 04/26/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
i wnayt to know if any one here whent on the atkins diet and if it really works and how much u lost. please help love ya
Reply from Melissa, Age 15 - 04/27/04 - IP#:
From Kat, Age 14 - 04/26/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I'm really happy I started at 140 and I'm down to 136 although I did binge so I might be more I weigh tommorow :) and the good thing is it only took me 1 and a half weeks and I did cheat and eat like cheescake and cookies but only in moderation I hope I can be 120 by the end of june :D I just wanted to tell you all that you can do it I believe in you guys:D (and now i have to go back on my diet because I went to a friends party and over ate (I think and I did the same on Sunday) so now Im back but I've already eaten like 1500 calories today oh well:P
Reply from Mandy, Age 16 - 04/26/04 - IP#:
From Hannah, Age 13 - 04/25/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
i am over wieght an dalways get made fun of. My friends stand up for me but just dosnt get it. I would just like to be able to feel good about meyself. I want to be able to loose wieght fast
Reply from Jo, Age 14 - 04/25/04 - IP#:
From Nicole, Age 13 - 04/25/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I used to have stretch marks on my thighs but after like 5 days they went away... it was weird... were they really stretch marks or someting else because they sure looked like stretch marks i never kneew they could go away so fast
From Taylor, Age 14 - 04/25/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
God, am i telling u guys everyday or what: JUMP ROPING IS THE BEST! Go to just go to the part and loopk for the calorie calculator. You can see how many cals ur burning for whatever you do for however long u do it.
From Taylor;jump rope, Age 14 - 04/25/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey, it's still me Taylor. Today I did 2000 jumps with my jump rope!!!!!!! YAY! SO i burned about 335 calories! It was hard at the end, but i made it.
From Christina, Age 13 - 04/25/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi im 13 nd i weigh 157. my height is 5" sick of not being able 2 wear the clothes i want 2 wear. im sick of looking for the x-large while all my other friends are looking for x-smalls. im tired of gettin comments from certain ppl that im fat nd big... im looking for a buddy 2 loose weight with~! also, a swim trip is coming up in a bout a month... *gulp*
Reply from Christina, Age 13 - 04/25/04 - IP#:
Reply from Haylee, Age 13 - 04/25/04 - IP#:
From Krystle, Age 19 - 04/25/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
need advice, not weight related!!!! What do you do if you like a lad, he likes you but you know their's no chance of a future together. I mean, I don't want to start something, when I don't see him as the kinda person i'd spend the rest of my live with. I come from a strong church upbringing and they teach you to only date those who you feel you could spend forever with. I even held his hand today in church, but half of me liked it and the other half wanted me to runaway. I know this has nothing to do with losing weight but it's kinda worrying me. I just really need to vent and have a good long think. A friend put it simple: either get with him, or don't. Maybe i have a messed up view of myprince charming. Anyone want to share their stoires of love and woe. Or kind like in my case. Krystle PS I know i'm almost a grownup but these kinda things never get easier. doh! Hodgypie'
Reply from Krystle, Age 19 - 04/26/04 - IP#:
Reply from Missy K, Age 18 - 04/25/04 - IP#:
Reply from Krystle, Age 19 - 04/25/04 - IP#:
From clifford, Age 15 - 04/25/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey I am 5'6 and 180 pounds and I am still not looseing weight I started coming to this site 42 weeks ago and all i did was gain 2 pounds I havent been focused and need to get focused so yea. I didnt gain any weight from two weeks ago so I guess thats good but I also didnt loose any which is really disappointing but I guess there are a couple of reasons why I didnt loose any. 1. I am on my period and so I didnt gain any bloat weight but it just made me binge (I always binge on my period). 2. I excercised a little but not as much as I should of. 3. I ate normally like I dont need to loose weight so I need to work on my eating but since it is getting nicer and warmer I am outside so it isnt really me sitting around 24-7 but me eating to much. well gotta go and good luck to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply from Jackie, Age 12 - 05/30/04 - IP#:
Reply from chelsea, Age 15 - 04/25/04 - IP#:
From Rachel, Age 14 - 04/25/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Just a tip... Raisin Bran is a really good thing to eat for breakfast... it's high in fiber and low in fat. Add a packet of splenda and it's really good!
From abi, Age 12 - 04/25/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
does anyone know wat the firm is is it any good if u know could u give me a diet planthanx abixx
From karin, Age 18 - 04/25/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Anybody want to be my weight loss buddy? I intend to email my buddy on my progress, and hopefully we can get to know eachother as well! My stats are 5"2, and I have about 20 lbs to lose by August. Female, of course.
Reply from Anna, Age 13 - 04/26/04 - IP#:
Reply from sweetheart, Age 17 - 04/26/04 - IP#:
From Brandan, Age 15 - 04/25/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey, i wanna ask about eating, my favourite food (or at least one of them) is anzac cookies, i havent had one since last year cause i didnt no how bad or good they are for you, but i am craving one now and i wanna know if its a healthy snack or if its bad.
Reply from Nicole, Age 13 - 04/25/04 - IP#:
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