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From jessica, Age 14 - 04/13/04 - IP#: 68.9.20.xxx  Click here to reply  
is vennessa here i posted back..plz help...
Reply from yess - 04/13/04  - IP#: 68.9.20.xxx
Reply from vanessa, Age 15 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 65.138.122.xxx
Reply from vanessa, Age 15 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 65.138.122.xxx

From Ashlee, Age 14 - 04/13/04 - IP#: 65.149.157.xxx  Click here to reply  
PLEASE READ THISok Im 5;8 and 190, i live in buffalo NY were it is always so damn cold, it snow the wed or tues before easter. anyways, my parents are no were near rich, we are quite poor, i was wondering if anyone can help me, i dont know what types of food to eat to lose weight, and i would love to see and nutritionist but we can;t afford one, THank
Reply from Annie, Age 15 - 04/15/04  - IP#: 130.182.241.xxx
Reply from ash, Age 13 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 209.6.245.xxx
Reply from susan, Age 13 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 65.128.128.xxx

From Heather, Age 46 - 04/13/04 - IP#: 68.227.241.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi,I am obviously not a teenager, but my niece is and she is overweight (5'1", 200lbs). I want to help her lose weight. I love her and feel like she is just trapped inside her body. I will do whatever it takes.Problem: She isn't at all motivated. Her mother buys lots of junk food, pizza, soda, etc. and won't listen.Do you have any advice for me? Sorry if I'm posting where I don't belong, but I believe you people are the best source of info for this problem. Will you help?Thanks.
Reply from Heather, Age 46 - 04/17/04  - IP#: 68.227.241.xxx
Reply from mikayla, Age 13 - 04/15/04  - IP#: 24.18.50.xxx
Reply from Anna, Age 13 - 04/15/04  - IP#: 66.167.220.xxx
Reply from clarrisa, Age 11 - 04/15/04  - IP#: 203.55.31.xxx
Reply from mary, Age 13 - 04/14/04  - IP#: 12.75.252.xxx
Reply from me!! - 04/14/04  - IP#: 65.69.58.xxx
Reply from susan, Age 13 - 04/14/04  - IP#: 65.128.128.xxx
Reply from !!!!!!! - 04/14/04  - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx

From Saz, Age 16 - 04/13/04 - IP#: 195.93.32.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey yall, i was just wondering if the majority of ppl on here are Americans or British people
Reply from CL, Age 18 - 04/14/04  - IP#: 12.75.245.xxx
Reply from kat, Age 13 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 24.68.52.xxx
Reply from Ashlee, Age 14 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 65.149.157.xxx
Reply from ash, Age 13 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 198.111.45.xxx
Reply from Gabrielle, Age 13 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 66.118.99.xxx
Reply from Leah, Age 15 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 24.20.235.xxx
Reply from me!!, Age 12 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 65.69.58.xxx
Reply from beth, Age 13 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 195.93.33.xxx
Reply from Lisha, Age 15 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 81.227.218.xxx
Reply from ta, Age 12 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 147.72.120.xxx
Reply from abi, Age 12 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 82.33.35.xxx
Reply from Saz, Age 16 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 195.93.33.xxx
Reply from (a$$!3, Age 16 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 195.93.33.xxx
Reply from Jayne, Age 16 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 195.92.168.xxx

From anne, Age 17 - 04/13/04 - IP#: 216.66.107.xxx  Click here to reply  
this is off msn..."I brush my teeth when I get cravings. I love the fresh, minty feeling, and it fools my sweet tooth. I don't even mind the stares in the office bathroom!""I imagine a particular food super-glued to my rear, hips or tummy. It isn't so hard to resist when I realize where it's going after it leaves my taste buds.""I keep lots of healthy snacks in my purse, my car and my desk. If I get really hungry, I will grab at anything, so this works well for me.""Try new things. I discovered this weekend that I actually like raw spinach. I'm willing to try almost anything to keep my diet interesting and healthy." "I list all the reasons I want to lose weight and put them in random places around the house, along with older, thinner pictures of myself." "Wear really tight clothing. I wear tight jeans so that I stop eating when I feel 'fat.' It works for me!" "Go to the grocery store... (view more)
Reply from ANNE, Age 17 - 04/14/04  - IP#: 216.66.107.xxx
Reply from Veronica, Age 17 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 67.65.137.xxx
Reply from me, Age 12 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 65.69.58.xxx
Reply from kat, Age 13 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 24.68.52.xxx
Reply from abi, Age 12 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 82.33.35.xxx

From ......... - 04/13/04 - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
Do you actually get strech marks from losing weight?
Reply from Annie, Age 14 - 04/14/04  - IP#: 66.30.249.xxx
Reply from vanessa, Age 15 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 65.151.233.xxx

From vanessa, Age 15 - 04/12/04 - IP#: 65.151.218.xxx  Click here to reply  
I have a problem, when my boyfriend and I are together, I feel really fat. He always tells me i'm beautiful but i still feel like he's too skinny for me and too good. what should i do? should i brake it off?
Reply from (a$$!3, Age 16 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 195.93.33.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 216.66.107.xxx
Reply from vanessa, Age 15 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 65.148.116.xxx
Reply from Nicole, Age 14 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 219.88.42.xxx

From anastasya, Age 17 - 04/12/04 - IP#: 67.71.55.xxx  Click here to reply  
does excess food influence periods?(mine are irregular and i tend to eat a lot)
Reply from me!!, Age 12 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 65.69.58.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 216.66.107.xxx
Reply from ray*ray, Age 13 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 66.67.111.xxx
Reply from bubblemaster, Age 100 - 04/12/04  - IP#: 65.151.218.xxx

From -*Danielle*-, Age 13 - 04/12/04 - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey guys!..um i found out that this works.. run 30 minutes everyday it doesnt matter what time.. and then do like 150 situps and crunches combined.. and only eat 3 meals a day even though snacks might be tempting.. and NOO juice bc its fattening and especially NOOO regular pop.. either diet pop or water!..TRUST ME it'll work!
Reply from me!! - 04/13/04  - IP#: 65.69.58.xxx
Reply from chelsea, Age 15 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx

From jessica, Age 15 - 04/12/04 - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
Is it true that you cant lose weight by just doing cardio cause if it is i must be in luck i dont weight train and still i continue to drop off two pounds a week.
Reply from lux, Age 14 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 200.95.73.xxx
Reply from erin, Age 14 - 04/12/04  - IP#: 66.168.140.xxx

From Benjiluver, Age 14 - 04/12/04 - IP#: 68.94.28.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey ya'll! i weigh about 150.... my band always goes to Hurrican Harbor...which is a water park. i have always been chubby. since im in 8th grade this is the last time i get to go. The past two years i had been very self concious about how i looked. I want to loose weight by the time i go. The prob is that we go next month. i put it off too long. is there any way i can loose 25 lbs. by next month... any kind of tips would be sooo helpful! thanx a lot!!!
Reply from me!! - 04/13/04  - IP#: 65.69.58.xxx
Reply from BUBBLE BUSTER, Age 15 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 65.148.116.xxx
Reply from Here2Help, Age 13 - 04/12/04  - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx

From JESSICA, Age 15 - 04/12/04 - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi i've been on the slim fast diet plan for at least 4 weeks.I've stuck to it and it works.I've lost 13 pounds.Of course i had to add exercise.So I brought the lateral thigh trainer and i do that every day.I also walk to school and back.I eat about 3 snacks a day.And I also have a sensible meal for dinner.Well i just wanted you to know that if you try this plan it might actually work for you if you stick to it and dont cheat.I use to weigh 165 now im 152.I hope i can get down to at least 125 by july 3rd wish me luck.
Reply from jesse, Age 17 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 216.15.80.xxx
Reply from lux, Age 14 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 200.95.73.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 216.66.107.xxx

From CL, Age 18 - 04/12/04 - IP#: 12.75.208.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi guys now I'm all for losing healthy like but I'm desperate okay I need to lose inches off my waist so I'm asking does anyone know what is the max pounds and inches you can lose in one month? and how can you do it?ReSpOnD PlEaSe ASAP okay :) Thanks!!!!!

From erin, Age 14 - 04/12/04 - IP#: 66.168.140.xxx  Click here to reply  
im going to post this again because i want people to lose weight the healthy way with out harming themselves...The only real way to lose weight safely it to eat healthier and exercise. It may seem like this is said so many times but it is true. Rapid weight loss might give you immediate results, but your harming your body. Your metabolism usually slows down if you cut down your calorie intake below 1200 calories. And since you are depriving yourself of foods you want (and need), your bound to binge on them later... (Click here to see rest of message).
Reply from erin, Age 14 - 04/12/04  - IP#: 66.168.140.xxx
Reply from !!!!, Age 12 - 04/12/04  - IP#: 65.69.58.xxx
Reply from JESSICA, Age 15 - 04/12/04  - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx

From Lisha, Age 15 - 04/12/04 - IP#: 81.227.218.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey Lux! wats ur email? would it be okay is i emailed you? thanx!
Reply from lux, Age 14 - 04/13/04  - IP#: 200.95.73.xxx

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