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From STACIE, Age 13 - 03/18/04 - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx  Click here to reply  
Reply from Mar, Age 203 - 03/19/04  - IP#: 24.100.172.xxx

From eve, Age 15 - 03/18/04 - IP#: 66.157.112.xxx  Click here to reply  
How can I say NO! To junk food? Anything I see, I eat. What can I do about this? I have a bad history in my family of getting fat.): And i dont want to, can you help me? this means a lot to me and i really need help, thanks
Reply from Beyonce, Age 21 - 05/05/04  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx
Reply from Winona, Age 17 - 03/19/04  - IP#: 63.183.112.xxx

From Mar - 03/18/04 - IP#: 24.100.172.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey guys, i havent been on in a while, but im doing the SELF CHALLENE!anyone heard of it? Ive lost 3 pounds in the last 4 days and the entire time i was totally fine with what ive been eating!!!!!!!!It is soooo awesome! I am so serious about loosing weight this time, and ive already started!yay! Ive been to the gym every day this week! woohoo! I even took my measurments and a "before" picture!lolbtw if you are intereste din the SLEF CHALLENGE just go to www.self.com to sign up, and get info about it!!
Reply from Beyonce, Age 21 - 05/05/04  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx
Reply from pebbles, Age 15 - 03/18/04  - IP#: 205.154.159.xxx

From princess abs, Age 12 - 03/18/04 - IP#: 82.33.34.xxx  Click here to reply  
heya all u out there i am reali woprried bout my weigh i am 12 and i weigh 168 pounds i feel so yuk and well i want to lose about... 42 pounds but the only thing is i am goin to 2 weddings in september abd i would reali like to be a lot smaller by then i wondered if there is anyone out there that wud b interested in bein weight loss buddies wit me it wud be gd if u are bout the same age as me and stuff and weight oir want to lose the same kinda amount if ur interested plz email me on princess_babe521@hotmail.comthanx love princess babe
Reply from BrunettBabe, Age 13 - 05/05/04  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx

From steffie, Age 12 - 03/18/04 - IP#: 4.12.22.xxx  Click here to reply  
what's the self-challenge????
Reply from Mar - 03/19/04  - IP#: 24.100.172.xxx

From Unknown, Age 15 - 03/18/04 - IP#: 68.58.83.xxx  Click here to reply  
um...hi guys, I NEED HELP BADLY.....I have been sick for the past 2 weeks, and on sunday I want to the ER to be tested for Menengitus. They gave me a spinal operation, and it hurt really really really bad...and it is now thursday, and I am still having back problems, but thank god, that the results came back negative. Yesterday march 17th, I went to my family docter to get a checkup and for him to give me some more pain medicine, and you know the normal checkup process to check woeght, blood pressure, temp etc...I just figured out that I wiegh 390 POUNDS!!! at 15 years old, I need serious help..my doc said I need to loose wieght badly or I will die..and it scares me, I dont know what to do. I am like panicing I need help. I also have a high blood pressure a lil bit, my goal wieght is 200 pounds..So I gotta loose 190 ponds..but I hear you guys tallking about taking short goal... (view more)
Reply from Speaks, Age 15 - 03/18/04  - IP#: 24.14.141.xxx
Reply from Unknown, Age 15 - 03/18/04  - IP#: 68.58.83.xxx
Reply from Kelsi, Age 12 - 03/18/04  - IP#: 68.165.29.xxx
Reply from Kelsi, Age 12 - 03/18/04  - IP#: 68.165.29.xxx
Reply from Unknown, Age 15 - 03/18/04  - IP#: 68.58.83.xxx

From lin, Age 14 - 03/18/04 - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
I can't sign up for the self challenge diet thing.. because my computer sucks so there is no access. Can sumone tell me wat u actually do for the self challenge? like the plan and times of wat u do everyday and eat? U realli got to help me out here because I weigh200 pounds and I am only 14 years old.. also my height is 5'3"
Reply from Mar, Age 238 - 03/19/04  - IP#: 24.100.172.xxx

From blubber boy, Age 12 - 03/18/04 - IP#: 64.63.227.xxx  Click here to reply  
cant some boys come to the new chat room? please?
Reply from BrunettBabe, Age 14 - 05/05/04  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx

From Ashley, Age 13 - 03/18/04 - IP#: 67.1.229.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi guys, u know what i got really down today!!! Me and my best friend had to walk to the high school today to take pictures and when we walked in there were some guys there. My best friend is like a toothpick and they were all like, "hey, what r u doin hangin out with a fattie" my friend didn't hear because she had turned the corner but it made me feel really bad!!!
Reply from mary, Age 15 - 03/19/04  - IP#: 65.81.131.xxx
Reply from mary, Age 15 - 03/19/04  - IP#: 65.81.131.xxx
Reply from Winona, Age 17 - 03/19/04  - IP#: 63.183.112.xxx
Reply from annelie, Age 15 - 03/19/04  - IP#: 81.227.218.xxx
Reply from Claudia, Age 14 - 03/18/04  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx
Reply from Speaks, Age 15 - 03/18/04  - IP#: 24.14.141.xxx

From luvly 1, Age 15 - 03/17/04 - IP#: 63.186.40.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey, yall should not be focusing on losing weight fast, just losing weight, casue it does take time, and if you insist on losing fast, then your gonna fail every diet cause its not working fast enough for you. Plus, if you are not truly obese, you should not be trying to loose much weight because it can damage your body as a teen.

From Lyn, Age 13 - 03/17/04 - IP#: 63.198.177.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi, I'm thirteen and I weight 250lbs. I'm looking for a diet buddy that I can talk to and lose weight with! My email is eyespasm22@yahoo.com. Thank you!
Reply from Michelle, Age 17 - 03/18/04  - IP#: 64.251.50.xxx
Reply from Lyn, Age 13 - 03/17/04  - IP#: 63.198.177.xxx

From fatty, Age 14 - 03/17/04 - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx  Click here to reply  
duz anyone know a realli good diet plan taht works? and is fast? I weight 170 punds and am 5'3" tall. and I wanna lose 70 pounds. Please share wit me sum ideas wit the diet plans. Thanx
Reply from fat momma, Age 89 - 03/17/04  - IP#: 68.252.102.xxx

From Ashley, Age 13 - 03/17/04 - IP#: 67.1.229.xxx  Click here to reply  
U know what stinks guys??? I go the whole day doing really well without food, I only ate dinner and then right before i go to bed without thinking at all I automatically pull open the freezer door. I am not motavated but I am obsessed with my weight problem and I put myself down all the time!!! What can I do to stay motivated. Or any other suggestions at all!!!!!1 Thanks much
Reply from ***Chels, Age 15 - 03/20/04  - IP#: 204.39.224.xxx
Reply from Mar, Age 255 - 03/19/04  - IP#: 24.100.172.xxx
Reply from (a$$!3, Age 16 - 03/18/04  - IP#: 195.93.33.xxx
Reply from erin, Age 14 - 03/18/04  - IP#: 66.168.140.xxx
Reply from sabrina, Age 14 - 03/18/04  - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx
Reply from alex, Age 14 - 03/17/04  - IP#: 68.7.108.xxx

From Alaina, Age 14 - 03/17/04 - IP#: 165.138.101.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey ya'll. I have been overweight since the 5th grade. I weigh 185lbs. I just kept eating and eating and before i knew it I couildn't see my feet anymore. Just kidding. I am going to a support group with my grandma so i can slim down and look good. I go to goody's all the time to shop but I always have to get size 11/13. wooooooooow. Big huh? I am 5"6 by the way. I'll keep you up dated! if i can you can! Take 'em off sensibaly.

From Mikayla, Age 13 - 03/17/04 - IP#: 24.18.50.xxx  Click here to reply  
I started to lose weight-20 pounds actually. I want to lose weight before visiting people that used to tease me. I am trying to lose another 50, but I will settle for 20 pounds less by summer. However, I have lost my motivation. I have tried everything from models in magazines to thinking about the mean people, but nothing works. HELP! By the way, I am 5'4" and 155 pounds.
Reply from BrunettBabe, Age 14 - 05/05/04  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx
Reply from kiki, Age 15 - 04/04/04  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx
Reply from mik, Age 13 - 03/20/04  - IP#: 24.18.50.xxx
Reply from jackie, Age 21 - 03/18/04  - IP#: 216.15.80.xxx
Reply from erin, Age 14 - 03/18/04  - IP#: 66.168.140.xxx

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