From Stacie, Age 13 - 03/21/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I weigh 150-155 and I would like to be 135-140 by May1 ...IS that possible!!?!?!?!??!?! I walk 2 miles every other day and do 150 crunches a day. Breakfast=toast....Lunch=pretzels & grapes........ Dinner=whatever my mom is cookin but small portions. PLZ WRITE BACK AND TELL ME IF ITS POSSIBLE TO LOOSE 15 LBS BY MAY 1,...thanks!
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 03/23/04 - IP#:
Reply from Cherrry, Age 15 - 03/23/04 - IP#:
Reply from (a$$!3, Age 16 - 03/22/04 - IP#:
Reply from Emily, Age 13 - 03/21/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 03/21/04 - IP#:
Reply from Marina, Age 16 - 03/21/04 - IP#:
Reply from Cherry, Age 15 - 03/21/04 - IP#:
From Cherry, Age 15 - 03/21/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Has anyone ever tried, or heard of the "The Lemonade diet" or "The Master Cleanser"? If you have tried it how much weight did you lose in a day, a week, a month (etc however long you followed it) and what kind of exercise did you do while on it....) Thanxxx!
Reply from megan, Age 16 - 04/28/04 - IP#:
From Emily, Age 13 - 03/21/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hello all! I do not have a succes story...yet! I have been a chubby, fat little gurl sense forever! and Im sick and tired of not haveing awesome clothes or being tormented. I really dont care what people think but once in a while it gets to me and like now! But I want to be healthy so i can do the things i would want to do. I have absolutly no commitment in dieiting i want to just learn to eat healthy, excersise often and all that good stuff. But I am involved with church music, piano, clarinet, and school stuff but besides all that i sit on my butt and just eat eat eat! i need serious help please! any one who has a successtory or would like to help me i'd greatly appriciate it thanks a the way I am at 187lbs now and my goal is firsy 160, then 150, then eventually 135 for now ne wayz please someone help!
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 03/23/04 - IP#:
From Alexis, Age 14 - 03/21/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
i haven't been on in like 4 ever. ugh.does pilates come on in the mourning at like 6? if so on what channel?? ok as of today i am on the slim fast diet, (yum) because it is actually really easy, and it taste good. i added water in my diet (i put rubber bands around it and take them of every time i drink the bottle so i can make sure i drink 8+ glasses a day) and i need to add more exercise i really need to know if/when/where pilates are on. :);):)!
From Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 03/21/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I have been losing weight steadily since the beginnning of January. I have lost 18 lbs. so far and my goal is to weigh 147 (I started out as 210). So now I am 192! I want to lost the rest by my bday(10/10) Is that too fast? I am also taking vitamins to help me lose.
Reply from (a$$!3, Age 16 - 03/22/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 03/21/04 - IP#:
From clifford, Age 15 - 03/21/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey i have been at this weight now for 3 weeks(179) and I really need to loose weight. I want to be 135 for my sophmore year next yr or at least by the time basketball tryouts are for next season. I really need to loose this weight so i am goin to eat less and excercise more. Well see ya
From Alicia, Age 15 - 03/21/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi my name is Alicia and I would like to share my weight loss sucess story I used to weigh 290 pounds I WAS MISERABLE well one day I got up off of my rear end and said to myself I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE I was sooo sick of being obese my goal was 145 now I am 145 it took me 1 year on a steady diet ok this is what I did I guzzeld water every chance i got I even took bottles to school for brekfast I usualy ate 2 scrambled eggs and I didnt use grease in the skillet I used PAM that is very important pam is not fatty for lunch I ate whatever the school served but i cut it in half and i had a salad but I brought a Crystal Light drink for dinner I really liked skinless baked chicken sometimes I chopped the chicken up in the salad and just had salad for dinner I also drank lots of PURE Grapefruit Juice it has to be pure!!! and I also ate celery beause grapefruit and celery contain so much acid if... (view more)Hi my name is Alicia and I would like to share my weight loss sucess story I used to weigh 290 pounds I WAS MISERABLE well one day I got up off of my rear end and said to myself I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE I was sooo sick of being obese my goal was 145 now I am 145 it took me 1 year on a steady diet ok this is what I did I guzzeld water every chance i got I even took bottles to school for brekfast I usualy ate 2 scrambled eggs and I didnt use grease in the skillet I used PAM that is very important pam is not fatty for lunch I ate whatever the school served but i cut it in half and i had a salad but I brought a Crystal Light drink for dinner I really liked skinless baked chicken sometimes I chopped the chicken up in the salad and just had salad for dinner I also drank lots of PURE Grapefruit Juice it has to be pure!!! and I also ate celery beause grapefruit and celery contain so much acid if you drink a couple of shots of grapefruit juice after any meal its just like you didnt eat at all because the citric and or acid cuts some or even all the calories in the meal U just consumed I also ate lots of fruit sometimes If I did real bad on my diet that week I would make a big ol fruit salad I put in strawberrys oranges pineapples grapes grapefruit plums peaces nectarins etc. whatever you like.Slimfast is great to drink in place of a meal Lean Cuisean doesnt taste that good but its a meal. and I always treated myself i did my treat on Fridays I would buy a quart of ice cream and i would eat 1 scoop and 1 scoop only every friday REMEMBER YOU CAN ALWAYS HAVE A LITTLE TEMPTATION oh yeah for like my pizza I ordered vegiatrian with cheese on it . For my exercises I did Tae Bo Windsor Pilates Richard Simmons workout tapes I also bought the bun and thigh lateral trainer and I did that everyday I also ran on my tredmil 45 min a day and I own a spinning bike I had my own personal spinning class and i also did the FIRM workout tapes oh yeah I took Mega t Green Tea diet pill supplemnts I took these becuase I hate the taste of green tea and the pills really work but you have to put forth the effort and try try try You will succeed if u try hope i helped you all. remember if you try you will defiantely SUCCEED (view less)
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 03/21/04 - IP#:
Reply from Emily, Age 13 - 03/21/04 - IP#:
From linsey, Age 14 - 03/21/04 - IP#: Click here to reply next mini-goal is 155! Once i get there i will officially be in a healthy weight range. I want to get By the second week in April. Now i am 159. So i have 3 weeks to lose 4 pounds which is totally possible! Yay! I hope i can do it! wish me luck and good luck to all of y'al!
Reply from (a$$!3, Age 16 - 03/22/04 - IP#:
Reply from Emily, Age 13 - 03/21/04 - IP#:
From (a$$!3, Age 16 - 03/21/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I'm doing bad this week I know I am because I ate crisps, and I gave those up last year because they r high in fat. I don't know what to do I'm totally stuck help me. I don't know what diet I'm on, what exercise I'm doing heellpp please I don't want to go up in weight
Reply from smiles, Age 14 - 03/21/04 - IP#:
Reply from Rachel, Age 14 - 03/21/04 - IP#:
Reply from (a$$!3, Age 16 - 03/21/04 - IP#:
Reply from Rachel, Age 14 - 03/21/04 - IP#:
From emily, Age 15 - 03/21/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey everyone does anyone know any exercises to work out your butt and sides of your stomach? if you do post id greatly appreciate it
Reply from stacie, Age 13 - 03/21/04 - IP#:
From fatso_girl, Age 14 - 03/21/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Okay Im fat! plan and simple i dont get down to excersise right and eat right i try i have no self control any tips thanks a lot!
Reply from Lyssa, Age 14 - 03/22/04 - IP#:
From Karmella, Age 15 - 03/20/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I have a question for you all. I started my diet in early novemeber and lost like a total of 15 pounds in november-decmeber and in January-Febuary lost NOTHING!!! I was at about 151 a week ago and i started to exercise alot and really eat nothing but a few pieces of fruit, some vegetables,2 special k bars, and a bowl of special k for supper, and all i drink is water and now i'm at 143. Is 8 pounds too much of a weight loss in a week and should i be eating more than what i am? By the way i'm 5'7 and want to weigh 115-120.
From XX, Age 16 - 03/20/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
i have a question. What size like waist or whatever is right for a person 5 6 who is female. I mean, im not "overweight" but i know that the size clothes i wear is not small either. can you be an average weight and still "fat" or whatever
From Brooke, Age 14 - 03/20/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey everyone, I'm 5'4 and 14 years old. I know there's a weight calculator on this website, but what do you guys things the IDEAL weight for my height and age is?
From Rachel, Age 14 - 03/20/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I just bought a new bikini and I actually look good in it!! After all my work I should! I weigh 123 and I'm 5' 6' and I want to be 115 but this really inspired me after seeing how good i looked! Well I just wanted to share cause I'm really happy!! =D Guys just stick with it yall can do anything!!
Reply from Rachel, Age 14 - 03/20/04 - IP#:
Reply from stacie, Age 13 - 03/20/04 - IP#:
Reply from (a$$!3, Age 16 - 03/20/04 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |