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From Lisa, Age 14 - 03/25/04 - IP#: 65.100.75.xxx  Click here to reply  
I have some bad news and some good news. The bad news is I gained 4 pounds in the last week. The good news is now I'm cooking for my family but I don't know really any healthy things to cook; besides chicken. Another bad thing is I get to make things that I want to eat therefore I eat a lot. For example last night we had spaghetti and I had two servings w/ sauce. (clams, spinich, and butter, oh yeah onions is the sauce) then I had 3 slices of homemade bread; 2 plain; and 1 w/ butter and peanut butter. Resulting in what I think is like 1 or 2 pound weight gain!! Help!!
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 03/26/04  - IP#: 216.66.107.xxx
Reply from Rachel, Age 14 - 03/25/04  - IP#: 24.31.201.xxx

From CL, Age 18 - 03/25/04 - IP#: 151.198.226.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi, I'm totaly serious about losing weightI was wondering if any of you could help me I'm so heavy it's really sad and very unhealthyI'm close to 300 pounds!and I'm only 18! 5'4".5 Anyone have any ideas on how to quickly lose weight?My all time ultimate goal is 130-140 pounds
Reply from S, Age 17 - 03/27/04  - IP#: 81.76.84.xxx
Reply from S, Age 17 - 03/27/04  - IP#: 81.76.84.xxx
Reply from milly, Age 17 - 03/27/04  - IP#: 80.43.82.xxx

From emma, Age 16 - 03/25/04 - IP#: 212.219.57.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi am really down about being over weight becuse i can stop eating fatty foods because i enjoy them so much please help me thankyou
Reply from Amieelyn, Age 15 - 03/25/04  - IP#: 67.201.228.xxx
Reply from chelsea, Age 15 - 03/25/04  - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx

From anne, Age 17 - 03/25/04 - IP#: 216.66.107.xxx  Click here to reply  
"it's more frustrating to stay overweight then it is to stop overeating"
Reply from sarah, Age 15 - 03/25/04  - IP#: 81.77.29.xxx

From Brett, Age 13 - 03/25/04 - IP#: 24.28.154.xxx  Click here to reply  
Guys, I REALLY need help here. I put messages up, but knowone reply's. Please, I RREEEAAALLYY ned help. All my friends are really thin and healthy. I don't like myself at all, dispight the fact that I WOULD BE hot. :). I really need to lose some weight. I'm 5.2ft, and 160lbs.If someone could reply, that would be so much help.
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 03/27/04  - IP#: 216.66.107.xxx
Reply from Linda, Age 17 - 03/26/04  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx
Reply from Cherry, Age 15 - 03/26/04  - IP#: 12.166.1.xxx
Reply from Jessica, Age 13 - 03/26/04  - IP#: 150.176.108.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 03/26/04  - IP#: 216.66.107.xxx
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 03/25/04  - IP#: 216.74.216.xxx

From Amber, Age 16 - 03/24/04 - IP#: 68.66.61.xxx  Click here to reply  
OK , I am 200 pounds ! I am goin on vacation this summer ! YAY!! Nad I want to be down to aleast 135!! I want to look good!! I havenever really been small in my life!! When my mom and dad got divorced I started gaining!! Now I want to loose this weight !!! I need help thought Please help me!! My boyfriends tell me that I look good and it does make me feel good sometimes but I want to know I look good! So please give me some kind od diet or exercise anything!! Thank you!!!
Reply from milly, Age 17 - 03/27/04  - IP#: 80.43.82.xxx
Reply from Brooke, Age 12 - 03/26/04  - IP#: 64.53.99.xxx

From Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 03/24/04 - IP#: 216.74.217.xxx  Click here to reply  
For those of you who have Dance Dance Revolution, is it really fun? And how much does it cost??????
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 03/25/04  - IP#: 216.66.107.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 03/25/04  - IP#: 216.66.107.xxx
Reply from lindsey, Age 14 - 03/24/04  - IP#: 209.30.166.xxx
Reply from Mary, Age 13 - 03/24/04  - IP#: 12.75.241.xxx

From Emily, Age 13 - 03/24/04 - IP#: 209.137.211.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ok I've been on this diet really good for about two dayz..i know not alot but like after school i eat a huge snack...and i think thats why i have never lost any weight...how can i stop that...if i keep myself busy i wont eat i suppose. But Im soo tired of being over weight. Can someone please give me tips on how to controls this thank you very much! I weigh 187lbs
Reply from Ashley, Age 12 - 04/10/04  - IP#: 207.6.216.xxx
Reply from jess, Age 13 - 03/24/04  - IP#: 68.54.94.xxx

From Rachel, Age 14 - 03/24/04 - IP#: 24.31.201.xxx  Click here to reply  
I did really bad on my diet today.... for lunch I had Chick-Fil-A chicken strips and then for supper I had hamburger streak w/cheese and 3 reeses peanut butter cups! =(
Reply from mary, Age 13 - 03/24/04  - IP#: 12.75.241.xxx

From Matthew, Age 14 - 03/24/04 - IP#: 206.45.176.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey there! I haven't been on here in a long time just been really busy. My height is 5"6 and i am 167 pounds i would like to go down to 140 so i would like to lose 27 pounds. i wanna a get in shape for this summer. so if any1 could helpe me with a eating plan and exercise plan reply plz and i will get bak to you thanx a.s.a.p
Reply from Charlie, Age 14 - 03/26/04  - IP#: 205.184.185.xxx

From Jess, Age 13 - 03/24/04 - IP#: 68.54.94.xxx  Click here to reply  
i really need to lose just 10 lbs, r there any foods that would be good for a diet?
Reply from Rachel, Age 14 - 03/24/04  - IP#: 24.31.201.xxx

From Jennifer, Age 16 - 03/24/04 - IP#: 198.86.224.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey, as long as I can remember I've been overweight and I just want it to stop because I gain atleast 10 or more pounds a year. Since I started boarding school last August I have managed to gain 45 pounds. If there is anyone, with any advice at all please help me.
Reply from chelsey, Age 15 - 03/25/04  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 03/25/04  - IP#: 216.66.107.xxx

From Brett - 03/24/04 - IP#: 24.28.154.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey. Guys I really want to lose weight. I'm 160 and 5.2ft tall. All my friends (and I mean ALL my friends) are like toothpicks! Please can you like end me some dieting options? Thanks
Reply from Ashley, Age 12 - 04/10/04  - IP#: 207.6.216.xxx
Reply from ash, Age 131 - 03/28/04  - IP#: 209.6.245.xxx

From Michelle, Age 17 - 03/24/04 - IP#: 69.37.209.xxx  Click here to reply  
I have a quick question. Well I'm on a diet right now..I'm at 176 and I wanna go down to 130. I know that when I start to loose the weight that I'm going to have flab..is there anyway that I can get rid of it?
Reply from Jenn, Age 17 - 04/15/04  - IP#: 170.222.136.xxx
Reply from Jennifer, Age 16 - 03/24/04  - IP#: 198.86.224.xxx

From anne, Age 17 - 03/24/04 - IP#: 216.66.107.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey guys, another thing is that when you exersize it doesn't boost your metabolism permanently- it only keeps it higher then your regular metabolism for a couple of days so you need to make sure you exersize every couple days or your metabolsm won't stay up. one thing that is a bit more long lasting is building muscle- that keeps your metabolism up as long as you have that muscle built up. remember- you have to be consistasnt and frequent with working out. you can't just work out once a week for 5 hours and expect your metabolism to stay up- becasuse it doesn't work that way. but another thing is that when you workout when your metabolism is still up from working out the other day it keeps getting higher so that's really great. and don't over do it because working out for 5 hours will boost your metabolsim about as much as just working out for one hour. granted- you'll lose more fat but ... (view more)
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 03/25/04  - IP#: 216.66.107.xxx
Reply from mary, Age 12 - 03/24/04  - IP#: 12.75.241.xxx

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