From Katie, Age 14 - 03/15/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 160 lb, Today: 152 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 125 lb - Hi. Can you help mr find ways to exercise while at home. Like simple things that I can do. Or ways that have helped you. Thanks! =)
Reply from Montana, Age 16 - 03/17/09 - IP#:
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 03/16/09 - IP#:
From Gabrielle, Age 14 - 03/13/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'7", Start: 200 lb, Today: 190 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 140 lb - Heyy wats good ta b honest all i kno is i gotta do dis for me and no one else cause it seems like ever one around me can b healthy and look great and just thinkin my time is gonna come without me puttin in any effort is a bunch af bull crap so i start right now no more excuses and i hope anyone who disirse ta get their life on the right track has everything and everyone ta do wats good for u it is wat it is now let me make it wateva i want=] duces
From Montana, Age 17 - 03/12/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'0", Start: 228 lb, Today: 215 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 170 lb - I'm going to do this, I know I can do this if I set my mind to it and do it. I know you all can to. So put your minds to it motivate yourself however you need to I'm going to lose weight it's going to be hard but it will be so worth it. Good luck everyone =)
Reply from yo, Age 18 - 03/21/09 - IP#:
From daniel, Age 16 - 03/11/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8", Start: 250 lb, Today: 250 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 180 lb - im 16 an always been picked on cuz my weight i tried diets but nothin seems to work they say u r in control but thats not always true an i would like tips on how to lose weight
From hii, Age 13 - 03/11/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8", Start: 165 lb, Today: 162 lb (BMI %tile: 91), Goal: 120 lb - sooo, i walk 3 miles 3 times a week, and it's uphill and i also do other exercises. and i really wanna be 120 pounds this year!!
From DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 03/11/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 175 lb, Today: 172 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - Well, yesterday I didn't eat too badly (I didn't eat healthy but I managed my portions alright) and here's what I did for exercise: I walked for about 50 minutes (jogging then walking then jogging, etc.), did 20 push-ups against the wall, and had lots of water. Do you think that's enough for one day??
From JJJJJJJJ, Age 13 - 03/10/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Start: 153 lb, Today: 153 lb (BMI %tile: 93), Goal: 130 lb - Hey! I have been trying to lose for ever. IT'S SO HARD!!LOL!! Anyway could anyone tell me what in the heck is water weight??
From Cienna, Age 13 - 03/06/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8", Start: 150 lb, Today: 168 lb (BMI %tile: 93), Goal: 125 lb - As you can see I weigh more than I should for a thirteen year old. Its horrible for me because everyone (except for my mom and dad) in my family are smaller than me. When I was in 5th grade I could wear my Grandma's clothes, it's almost pathetic. My mom always teases me about how when I was born I was the biggest baby in the hospital, now I want to be a normal sized girl. My goal is to be at least a size five by the time I am done with my diet. Wish Me Luck!
Reply from Melissa, Age 15 - 03/09/09 - IP#:
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 03/08/09 - IP#:
Reply from Hali, Age 15 - 03/07/09 - IP#:
Reply from kitty, Age 16 - 03/06/09 - IP#:
From Melissa, Age 15 - 03/05/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 173 lb, Today: 169 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 130 lb - I think a great way to stay on the tredmile without getting bored is to listen to music or watch the television while walking. It keeps you from being bored and before you know it you've walked for an hour! I've done really good today on my eating except for the 2 muffins at dinner and 2 rolls at lunch...i eat WAY to many carbs. they're just so yummy...anyway, i'll get back to you guys in like maybe a few days, a week at the most and tell you how i've done! love you all! good luck this week!
From Chris, Age 15 - 03/05/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Start: 200 lb, Today: 182 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 150 lb - I got sick of being overweight, trying to make myself look like im thin when im not, one day i felt really moptavated like never before and in 5 weeks i lost almost 20 pounds while watching 3 episode of how i met your mother (Aprox. 1 hour) on the treadmill a day
Reply from yo, Age 18 - 03/21/09 - IP#:
From Katie, Age 14 - 03/04/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 160 lb, Today: 154 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 125 lb - Heyy. Ok so I need some help. I have been tryin to lose weight for like forever. I have watched what I eat and all that good stuff. I also play soccer, basketball, and vollyball, but none of that ever really helps me. I'm kinda confused why I'm not losing weight. Can some one help me? If anything can you help me figure out HOW I can lose all my disgustingness. lol.
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 03/08/09 - IP#:
Reply from britney, Age 14 - 03/06/09 - IP#:
From Montana, Age 17 - 03/04/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'0", Start: 228 lb, Today: 215 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 170 lb - IT'S MY BIRTHDAYYYYY! =) lol thought I'd share that with everyone. Hows everyone doing with their weight loss?
Reply from Montana, Age 16 - 03/08/09 - IP#:
Reply from kitty, Age 16 - 03/06/09 - IP#:
From KATHY, Age 17 - 03/04/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Start: 138 lb, Today: 180 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 120 lb - TREADMILL W0RKS?????????????????????????????
From britney, Age 14 - 03/03/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2.5", Start: 134 lb, Today: 136 lb (BMI %tile: 88), Goal: 110 lb - okay so you know how my goal weight is 110 right? well my friend is the same height as me and is 110 pounds, but i think she's too skinny. but i used to weigh around 110 about two years ago and i still wasnt as skinny as her(i wouldnt want my body to be like hers anyway) so do you guys think its just that our bodies are different shapes or what?
Reply from Jocelyn, Age 17 - 03/03/09 - IP#:
From Molly, Age 18 - 03/02/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'6", Start: 208 lb, Today: 192 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 150 lb - Hey everyone! I started my healthy life change on the first on last month and was doing great! I get 64 ounces of water a day, record my calories, do cardio daily and resist sweets and junk food. However, this past week I worked out harder than ever only to find I only lost 1 pound. Is my body just getting too used to my new routine? Thanks in advance for any advice, and good luck to you all!
Reply from kitty, Age 16 - 03/06/09 - IP#:
Reply from britney, Age 14 - 03/03/09 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |