From sonnie, Age 16 - 02/07/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'6", Start: 240 lb, Today: 230 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 140 lb - ok so 2day i had 2 go 2 a competition for my school and i hate half of a slice of pizza, 2 wings, lots of celery & carrots, a snack wrap, medium fry, and sum hi-c...iz what i had really that bad even though i know that itz not the greatest things 2 eat
Reply from Devin, Age 14 - 02/08/09 - IP#:
From Montana, Age 16 - 02/07/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'0", Start: 228 lb, Today: 217.5 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 170 lb - Losing lose weight at the rate 1-2 pounds per week may seem too slow to you but if you lose it as part of a new lifestyle where you eating sensibly with regular exercise then you could lose as much as 8 pounds in a month and more than 100 pounds per year
From brooke, Age 14 - 02/07/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2.5", Start: 132 lb, Today: 132 lb (BMI %tile: 85), Goal: 110 lb - has any ever tried jillian's michaels's 30 day shred for 30 days and had good results? i would wanna hear about it, cause i had the dvd since may and only used it about 15 times. i always lose motivation so maybe if someone used it and got good results, will help motivate me. i just thought of something: if someone on here as the dvd, we could do it together for 30 days and record eachother's results after the 30 days. that'll be good motivation(:
From Julia, Age 15 - 02/07/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'10", Start: 190 lb, Today: 198 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 160 lb -
From Montana, Age 16 - 02/07/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'0", Start: 228 lb, Today: 217.5 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 170 lb - For doing VERY crappy I've only gained .5 so yay I'm happy about that.. good luck everyone
From lisa, Age 15 - 02/07/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8", Start: 272 lb, Today: 252 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 125 lb - I lost 20 pounds!!I get to go get my 20lb prize today or tomorrow.I just cant believe it.I've been eating what I want all week and I lost 5 pounds since last Saturday.I wonder if you could tell me what how many calories I eat in a regular day-Breakfast-none.Lunch-Chicken wrap,water,and occasional small bag of sunchips.Dinner-zaxbys chicken finger plate...lately i've been eating zaxbys chicken finger plate alot(twice this week).Oh,and the only excersise i've been doing is running in p.e which i try to avoid.Thanks for reading,Good luck,and comment PLEASE!!
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 02/10/09 - IP#:
Reply from lisa, Age 15 - 02/09/09 - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 02/08/09 - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 02/08/09 - IP#:
Reply from lisa, Age 15 - 02/08/09 - IP#:
Reply from Chris, Age 16 - 02/08/09 - IP#:
Reply from lisa, Age 15 - 02/08/09 - IP#:
Reply from Jocelyn, Age 17 - 02/07/09 - IP#:
Reply from Montana, Age 16 - 02/07/09 - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 02/07/09 - IP#:
From DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 02/07/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2", Start: 175 lb, Today: 172 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - oops, forgot to update the weight, lol.
From DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 02/07/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2", Start: 175 lb, Today: 174 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - I lost 2 more pounds!! I am so exicted. I'm about to go to my 2 hr. ballet class. See ya'll later and good luck!!
From Meg, Age 17 - 02/06/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8", Start: 260 lb, Today: 255 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 170 lb - Ever since I was in fifth grade, I've always had problems with my weight. It wasn't so bad back then, though. I was tall, and just a bit thick. However, as the years went by, I just seemed to gain more and more weight. Now, at the age of seventeen, I am a horrifying weight of 260lbs. More than anything, I want to be healthy and fit. I'm too young to be as big as I am. I'm too young to be having chest and back pain, too young to be out of breath after walking three flights of stairs, too young to start sweating bullets after jogging a block to reach the bus. I want to be confident. I want to not have to worry about whether or not a shirt will show my love handles, or if jeans will fit too tight. I want to be able to shop with my friends in the same clothes store, without having to stand there and watch them try on size 5 and 7 and 9 pants, all the while knowing that the store definitely... (view more)Ever since I was in fifth grade, I've always had problems with my weight. It wasn't so bad back then, though. I was tall, and just a bit thick. However, as the years went by, I just seemed to gain more and more weight. Now, at the age of seventeen, I am a horrifying weight of 260lbs. More than anything, I want to be healthy and fit. I'm too young to be as big as I am. I'm too young to be having chest and back pain, too young to be out of breath after walking three flights of stairs, too young to start sweating bullets after jogging a block to reach the bus. I want to be confident. I want to not have to worry about whether or not a shirt will show my love handles, or if jeans will fit too tight. I want to be able to shop with my friends in the same clothes store, without having to stand there and watch them try on size 5 and 7 and 9 pants, all the while knowing that the store definitely wouldn't have the same jeans in a 16. I want to look in a mirror and not hate my body. I want to eat an ice cream cone on occasion, and NOT feel like I'm a whale for eating it. I don't want to worry about my health, and fear going to the doctor because he will reprimand me again for gaining weight, instead of loosing it. I want to feel good about myself. I want to LOOK good. I want to loose weight, and for once in my life, not be the "fat girl in class b", or "that big girl that hangs out with Erica". I want to be fit, healthy, and slim-- more than anything. (view less)
Reply from Veronica, Age 16 - 03/22/09 - IP#:
Reply from brooke, Age 14 - 02/07/09 - IP#:
Reply from Kaylie, Age 17 - 02/07/09 - IP#:
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 02/07/09 - IP#:
From Mikayla, Age 18 - 02/06/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Start: 214 lb, Today: 195 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 130 lb - I finally found time to go to the gym today. I did an hour of cardio and I feel sooooooooo good. I turn red when I run because I am so pale, and that started happening about 45 minutes into it. I was gonna quit, but I decided I was just gonna tough it out, look like a lobster and go for my full hour!
Reply from Meg, Age 17 - 02/06/09 - IP#:
Reply from Montana, Age 16 - 02/06/09 - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 02/06/09 - IP#:
From sonnie, Age 16 - 02/06/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'6", Start: 240 lb, Today: 230 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 140 lb - so i've jus started losing weight and i wuz wondering iz it a good idea 2 get a scale and when a good time 2 exercise
Reply from Montana, Age 16 - 02/06/09 - IP#:
Reply from twitch, Age 13 - 02/06/09 - IP#:
From Montana, Age 16 - 02/06/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'0", Start: 228 lb, Today: 217.5 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 170 lb - I think it's been over a week and a half that I've done EXTREMELY crappy, so I'm honestly going to get back on track with the eating tomorrow. I'm going to get back into my exercising everynight and focous. I haven't weighed myself so I don't know how much I've gained...but I decided I was losing weight and it made me happy and I want to be happy with my body so I am going to do this. good luck everyone. =)
Reply from Montana, Age 16 - 02/07/09 - IP#:
Reply from Meg, Age 17 - 02/06/09 - IP#:
From Twitch, Age 13 - 02/05/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 163 lb, Today: 145 lb (BMI %tile: 93), Goal: 115 lb - so far for breakfast i had cereal, then some coconut water stuff, for lunch i had a sandwich with canadian bacon. in the afternoon i had some sobe lean as a drink. and 1/2 cup of cottage cheese. for dinner i had this vegetable turkey soup, a slice of bread, and an egg. i'm probably going to have an apple later as a snack.
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 02/06/09 - IP#:
From sonnie, Age 16 - 02/05/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'6", Start: 240 lb, Today: 230 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 140 lb - all rite so I've lost ten pounds which came off so easy all i did was exercise twice a day and i basically ate what i wanted but with portion control but after i lost my 10 pounds it kinda went to my head and i started not exercising and eating bad again. does anybody have any advice on how to stay on your weight loss plan and not lose focus?
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 02/06/09 - IP#:
From hii, Age 13 - 02/05/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8", Start: 163 lb, Today: 163 lb (BMI %tile: 91), Goal: 120 lb - well i started exercises this morning but i just don't know how to stop eating all the junk i had a muffin and croissant and they're fattening
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