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From Megannx3, Age 15 - 01/11/09 - IP#: 70.172.243.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 185 lb, Today: 185 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 140 lb - Okay so i've been on this board before, and i always come here and feel so motivated. :D
But i'm tired of being the girl that can't keep up in P.E class, the fat girl.
I think life would be a lot easier for any teenager if they didn't have to worry about the way their clothes fit, or having to buy ugly clothes bc of it.
I don't want to have high blood presure and such things at the age of 15. I wanna be healthy.
Day One for me starts tomorrow :D
I would love to be to my goal weight by September.
so it can say it on my license lol.
Reply from Melissa, Age 15 - 01/14/09  - IP#: 70.58.33.xxx
Reply from kitty, Age 16 - 01/11/09  - IP#: 24.125.150.xxx

From Twitch, Age 13 - 01/11/09 - IP#: 69.236.183.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 163 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 115 lb - I weighed this morning before i ate... and im at 150.8!!!! yessss. some was probably water weight cuz my period just finished but yea. im happyyy. ok im doin decently good. not amazingly great but im gettin there.
Reply from kitty, Age 16 - 01/11/09  - IP#: 24.125.150.xxx

From lindsey, Age 13 - 01/11/09 - IP#: 76.87.166.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 158 lb, Today: 155 lb (BMI %tile: 87), Goal: 135 lb - well this whole winter break i haven't done very well because there's no reason really to have to excersize and there's an endless supply of food but tomorrow i go back to school. i have to walk about a mile to get to the city bus stop and a mile back and i have gym of course so that will help but the food! i usually get a turkey subway with water and sometimes cheezits which is fine right? but can i please get more tips! thank you (:

From britt, Age 15 - 01/11/09 - IP#: 65.54.97.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 198 lb, Today: 144 lb (BMI %tile: 83), Goal: 127 lb - i was just wondering if anyone knows any good toning excersises because even though i have lost a lot of weight i am still in a size 10 my goal is a size 7 but i was just wondering i wanna lose a couple more pounds before my school's homecoming on jan. 30 (it's for basketball) good luck to all

From Dean, Age 16 - 01/11/09 - IP#: 64.12.117.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1", Start: 420 lb, Today: 420 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 105 lb - Hi, my name is Dean and i am a tad heavy. I started out in 3rd grade weighin about 240 and change. I mean that wasnt bad, i'd say about 15 pounds overwieght then. Then once my best friend told me to back off the cakes and cookies, i lost it. I broke his nose and told his mother, then she said the same thing. After that I went on a eating frennzyy. I have to say i gained about 45 pounds in a range of the season of fall. I felt great, but I know that I was just digging myself deeper in the hole of obesity :(... This cycle repeated until around 6th grade (middle school). It was this time when i found the love of my life, Zoey from the hit TV show Zoey 101. I wrote her letters everyday, telling her that I was 6'1'' and 150lbs. I was at this point, living in a fantasy world. Then my mother told me that I would never have a chance with her, so I decided to become anerexic. I tried ... (view more)
Reply from Melissa, Age 15 - 01/14/09  - IP#: 70.58.33.xxx
Reply from Ryan, Age 15 - 01/13/09  - IP#: 76.184.175.xxx

From Sonya, Age 18 - 01/11/09 - IP#: 97.87.70.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 170 lb, Today: 158 lb (BMI %tile: 86), Goal: 140 lb - I'm in my freshman year of college, and I've always been a little overweight. I didn't want to gain the freshman 15, so a friend told me about fitday.com. Instead I've almost lost 15 lbs! I would recommend it for anyone.
Reply from kitty, Age 16 - 01/11/09  - IP#: 24.125.150.xxx
Reply from Melissa, Age 15 - 01/11/09  - IP#: 67.41.230.xxx

From Hali, Age 15 - 01/10/09 - IP#: 74.5.167.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 181 lb, Today: 172 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 150 lb - Oh and as a PS to everyone... even if you arent a tea drinker, you should try Lipton Diet Green Tea w/ Citrus. I hate green tea but I can drink a 48 oz bottle of this (although i wouldnt recomend 48 oz of this in one day, lol) It is amazing for you, it is diet which means no calories, carbs, or anything, but it only has 60grams of sodium which is very low for a diet product. And it has 72grams of flavonoid antioxidants (which you can get from fruits and veggies too) I love it. I encourage people to try it (but read the label in case your allegic to something in it.) tata for now!
Reply from Montana, Age 16 - 01/13/09  - IP#: 207.200.116.xxx
Reply from Hali, Age 15 - 01/12/09  - IP#: 74.5.167.xxx
Reply from kitty, Age 16 - 01/11/09  - IP#: 24.125.150.xxx
Reply from Montana, Age 16 - 01/10/09  - IP#: 207.200.116.xxx

From Hali, Age 15 - 01/10/09 - IP#: 74.5.167.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 181 lb, Today: 172 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 150 lb - Hey, okay. So today I am really going to stay on track. I HAVE to. The problem is that I give into cravings WAY to easily...does anyone have any advice???
Reply from Melissa, Age 15 - 01/11/09  - IP#: 67.41.230.xxx

From raiven, Age 13 - 01/09/09 - IP#: 76.112.140.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'9", Start: 200 lb, Today: 177 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 111 lb - i lost so much pounds just by comeing on this web site i feel so much like aregular sized teen i can now bend down with out pains this is my story i first start going on ondemand to work out then my mom told me about this so iread every thing on it and followed the directions that was on here and i lost a lot of weight it wasn't easy it wasn't hard and wasn't fun 1 step i did was not drinking juice or pop i drunk water and i lost almost 15 pounds in 2 weeks
Reply from Jaime, Age 19 - 01/12/09  - IP#: 69.212.51.xxx
Reply from kitty, Age 16 - 01/11/09  - IP#: 24.125.150.xxx
Reply from Melissa, Age 15 - 01/11/09  - IP#: 67.41.230.xxx
Reply from Sonya, Age 18 - 01/11/09  - IP#: 97.87.70.xxx
Reply from sonia, Age 14 - 01/10/09  - IP#: 72.83.181.xxx
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 01/09/09  - IP#: 75.66.64.xxx

From Jun, Age 13 - 01/09/09 - IP#: 72.8.67.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 140 lb, Today: 139 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 115 lb - I'm really depresed on being fat and everything. i'm 13, and I don't do anything but sit on the couch listening to my ipod. I have DDR, but I never play it. I know it's hard, but I need some advice. Could you give me advice? I really don't think food is my problem though. I eat only about 1300 cal's a day...
Reply from kitty, Age 16 - 01/11/09  - IP#: 24.125.150.xxx
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 01/09/09  - IP#: 75.66.64.xxx

From Michelle, Age 14 - 01/09/09 - IP#: 67.235.213.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 228 lb, Today: 203 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 187 lb - ok so its my weigh in day and i only wanted to lose 1 pound but.............................I lost 5 I'm really happy
Reply from Amanda, Age 19 - 01/10/09  - IP#: 69.60.225.xxx

From courtney, Age 14 - 01/09/09 - IP#: 70.225.80.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 220 lb, Today: 214 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - wow wow wow wow wow wow 6 pounds! omg i went to the docter today cuz i was not feeling good--i had a sinius infection but anywho i weighed 214! im soooo happy! well i gotta go lol bye good luck guys

From Amanda, Age 19 - 01/09/09 - IP#: 67.204.232.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 170 lb (BMI %tile: 83), Goal: 145 lb - i'm at a loss for words. i'm getting really over this. no matter what i do. i cant GET OFF THIS PLATEAU! ive been this weight since JUNE. i got down to 167 but i was BARELY eating this summer, then when i ate normal i blew up like a blow fish. ive lost 55 pounds already like as if i cant lose at least another 10. what am i doing wrong i count calories i eat healthy most of the time, and when i dont i include it in my calories. i exercise more than i used to and NOTHING. why do i even bother anymore like am i meant to be this weight or what. ugh sorry for the rant but im so tired of seeing the scale go up or stay the same.
Reply from Hali - 01/10/09  - IP#: 74.5.167.xxx

From Melissa, Age 15 - 01/08/09 - IP#: 67.41.230.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 173 lb, Today: 173 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 130 lb - I wanted to show you guys this article...it's great about losing pounds to get to your "ideal" weight, but how we should shoot for small goals like 4-5 pounds instead of 30 big pounds...and just increase our goal after we've lost those few pounds :) Read the article, it's good.
PS. Take the spaces out of this web address....this website wouldn't let me do a "longer than 70 character word"
Admin says: web address corrected
Reply from courtney, Age 14 - 01/08/09  - IP#: 70.225.80.xxx

From Michelle, Age 14 - 01/08/09 - IP#: 67.235.213.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 228 lb, Today: 208 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 187 lb - Ok I'm doing the 30 day shred which is just a work out dvd and I've done Pretty well I' have a new hobby I got a guitar his name is jorge I'm so happy today I'm going to buy him a new case anyway I Hurt all over ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! squats and push ups are not my friends.
Reply from meg, Age 14 - 01/13/09  - IP#: 75.109.9.xxx

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