From Alyssa, Age 13 - 08/13/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey everyone! I'm 13..turning 14 on September 5. I'm going to be a Freshman in High School. I just got weighed in for a cheerleading physical, and i turned out to be 159 lbs. My BMI is 25, and they say thats OK. But I feel disgusting. My sister always makes fun of me, even though shes not even skinny. She weighs more then I do. I try not to eat..then I get so emotional..and I just pig out. I try everyday to exercise, but then I just get so hungry. I just want to be atleast 130 lbs. does anyone know how I can do this!??! Please help me!
Reply from veronica, Age 13 - 08/14/02 - IP#:
From manda jh, Age 14 - 08/13/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I've been on weight watchers for 4 weeks now (im just beginning my 5th) and I've lost 11 1/4 lbs! I'm feeling great. I was doing beachbody workout tapes 6 days a week, but now my highschool swim team is starting. So every weekday we have a 2 hour practice. And it's hard. So that's 10 hours of hard swimming. Goodness. lol I hope to lose much more. Plus this week I've offically eliminated pop (the diet stuff) So maybe that will make me lose even more. I hope you guys are having as much luck as me! Bye;-)
Reply from manda jh, Age 14 - 08/13/02 - IP#:
Reply from Alyssa, Age 13 - 08/13/02 - IP#:
Reply from ~Leslie~, Age 14 - 08/13/02 - IP#:
From Katey, Age 12 - 08/13/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I'm 5'3 and I weigh 189 am I obese or just overweight because I don't know.
Reply from manda jh, Age 14 - 08/13/02 - IP#:
From Katie, Age 13 - 08/13/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Does anyone know a good toning exercises? if you do please reply, thanks.
From Krissy, Age 12 - 08/13/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Drink any kind of water wether it is Sparkling flavored water or flavored water or just plain water. Tell your mom to buy some. If you eat breakfast in the morning try to have a 1 bowl of cherreo's it lowers bad colestral, and it has 1 gram of fat per cup. So if u want 2 cups of cherro's that is 2 grams of fat. Now all that stuff is for every body. SO if u read this post. Try it. It is working for me. P.S. EXERSIZE
From Rockerbaby - 08/13/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey yall!! I'm 4' 5" and i way 137. I have a BMI of 34.3, so I am considered obease. I just started walking with my friends today and i have started doing 2 thirty minute workout sessions on tv. I have a boyfriend and he says it doesn't matter how I look b/c i will always be perfect to him. I haven't been getin real many replys.I'm doing this because I want to be healther. ; ) Much Luv ,ROCKERBABY
Reply from Rachel, Age 16 - 08/14/02 - IP#:
Reply from manda jh, Age 14 - 08/13/02 - IP#:
Reply from candy, Age 14 - 08/13/02 - IP#:
Reply from ~Leslie~, Age 14 - 08/13/02 - IP#:
From Jacinta, Age 13 - 08/13/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I am almost 5'8 and i weigh 78kg which is, i'm just guessing here, 170 something lbs. i am too embarrassed to do sport at school, so i'm always missing school. i want to lose weight REALLY quickly!! as in EXTREMELY quickly. Lately i've been throwing up after eating, but sometimes it doesn't work, i don't know why. i've tried starving myself, but i can't! i love food!!!! how can i get down to 60kg in a month or 2 months! i am so desperate!
Reply from Erin, Age 14 - 08/13/02 - IP#:
Reply from eric, Age 15 - 08/13/02 - IP#:
Reply from Paul, Age 15 - 08/13/02 - IP#:
Reply from Melanie, Age 12 - 08/13/02 - IP#:
From Rockerbaby - 08/13/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey! I just wanted to say that before I saw this website I thought losing weight was hopeless but you all are so helpful and thoughtful of each other and I want you to know that I appreciate all your help and support. Love, Rockerbaby P.S. THANX to Cassie that was great advice.
From jenny, Age 15 - 08/12/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
HEY! i have lost 5 pounds in 5 days heres what i have done, i cut my food in half of what i normally eat and save the other for later or tommorrow i drink lots lots of water. I hid my scale so it wouldnt dissapoint if i didnt lose any(cuz your weight goes up and down through the day) so i had my brother hide it. I work out like everyday exercising is seeming fun to me when im bored i exercise. I do yoga aroebics or running/walking on the trendmill.Im 5'3 and was 125 but now 120 my goal is 105, i know i might not be overweight but im depressed how i look cuz i have big big thighs seriously, i also chew my food for a long time and i never get seconds. WELL HOPE THIS HELPED GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!!!!
Reply from kristin, Age 14 - 10/26/02 - IP#:
Reply from shannon, Age 16 - 08/14/02 - IP#:
Reply from Nicole, Age 12 - 08/13/02 - IP#:
From Cassie, Age 13 - 08/12/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey, i am 5'6" and 145lbs. last summer this time i was 5'5" and 130lbs SCHOOL FOOD ugh so i really need encouraging so far i have lost 5lbs but i dunno how if u would like to tell me sum advice plz e-mail me at
From CHRISTINA, Age 13 - 08/12/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
nobody answered my post !! pleeasssee tell 5'1 and a half and im weigh 140 pounds is that too much??
Reply from kristin, Age 14 - 10/26/02 - IP#:
Reply from Paul, Age 15 - 08/13/02 - IP#:
From kolleen, Age 12 - 08/12/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
someone help me i am 130lbs and i need tips on how to get down to a 100 by the end of school.... plz right I have e-mail also msn name aol kollbaby2005 umm yahoo lilkoll2000 thanks bye ps. I am 5'2 130 lbs 12 years old
Reply from christina, Age 13 - 08/12/02 - IP#:
From "christina", Age 13 - 08/12/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
im 13 i weigh 140 and im 5'1 and a half tall is that allot?
Reply from kolleen, Age 12 - 08/13/02 - IP#:
From Rockerbaby - 08/12/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I posted this in the 5-10 section but i think everyone needs to hear this. Why do people think just because other people are diffrent they automatically have the right to tease them. My cousin has a disability and his parents never took the time to teach him it is rude to segragate people just because they are diffrent. He had a magic show and he was throwing darts at me and he told the audiance that it wouldn't hurt because I had a enough blubber to coushin myself. when I got home i cried. but it just goes to show you kids get it from their parents, Please Reply A.S.A.P THANX , Rockerbaby
From Rockerbaby - 08/12/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey, I just want to know what secets yall know because you all seem to be losing weight and sticking to your diets better than I have. I have been dieting for all of last year and all of summer and i have only lost 5 lbs.(and gaied three back)Please reply any websites tapes or tips. I'll be glad to get em.(ps why do they call them diets anyway? why not something that sounds more positive.)
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