From Natalie, Age 13 - 07/29/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey people! Look, I have a BIG problem. All my mates are so skinny and I'm well, not. Please someone help me!! I have tried so many diets but none have ever worked. I have stopped eating junk food but I doubt that will work. Anyone with any tips please, please, PLEASE reply to me. I can't possibly be happy unless I seriously lose weight!! I weigh 9 stone and I want to weigh 6 and a 1/2. I may not seem to be overweight but to everyone I am and I know that I am fat - (i hate that word.)
Reply from manda jh, Age 14 - 07/29/02 - IP#:
Reply from Leslie, Age 14 - 07/29/02 - IP#:
Reply from girly girl, Age 13 - 07/29/02 - IP#:
Reply from Jennifer, Age 15 - 07/29/02 - IP#:
From Kate, Age 14 - 07/29/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey 14 and 5'4" and i weigh like 140 lbs...NOTHING works...i mean..i dont get it, i play volleyball for school and i used to run track..but im not really muscular...can u guys help me out? like tell me wut yall do to lose weight? cuz i wanna lose weight...thanx everybody!
Reply from Angela, Age 12 - 07/30/02 - IP#:
Reply from manda jh, Age 14 - 07/29/02 - IP#:
From Rachel, Age 16 - 07/28/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
i saw on this website that spinning hula hoop around ur waist help u lose inches off ur waist and also lose some pounds just by doing it 10 minutes a day. i just started doing it like 2 days ago. i don't see any result so far, but i hope i will soon!
Reply from Rachel, Age 16 - 07/29/02 - IP#:
Reply from nicole, Age 12 - 07/29/02 - IP#:
Reply from Brian, Age 16 - 07/28/02 - IP#:
From jennifer, Age 15 - 07/28/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I need major help! I'm 5'4" and weigh 215. I'm trying to get into The United States Air Force Academy. I have to lose down to 146 lbs. by next summer to qualify for their summer program. Will someone please help me. I need to find something that works. I also need to get my 1.5 mile run down to under 10 min. (it's now 20) any tips are welcome. Thank You!
Reply from manda jh, Age 14 - 07/29/02 - IP#:
Reply from Krissy, Age 11 - 07/28/02 - IP#:
Reply from Robby, Age 14 - 07/28/02 - IP#:
Reply from Heather, Age 14 - 07/28/02 - IP#:
From Hailie, Age 16 - 07/28/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
sorry i almost forgot: I HAVE HUMONGOUS THIGHS!!! my parents dont help me all they do is tell me im gaining weight and it shows!!!! how mean ): .... that and my sister is like 5'6" and she weighs like 109 so she makes fun of me and wen were at the mall or sumtin and i get hungry she wont let me get what i want!!!!! okay well thanks again!
From Hailie, Age 16 - 07/28/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi! okay well here goes im 5'8" and i weigh 144 ... im a size 9 in (juniors) pants and i hate it!!!! None of my friends think im fat (or skinny for that matter) and a lot of them wear like either size 11 or 5 or 3 ... my best friends are the ones that wear sizes 3-5 and when we were lil they wud wear like size 0 ... and anyways whenever i go over or something we always wanna switch outfits but i can never fit in their pants and they always float in mine... my best friend is 5'8" and she only weighs 127... i was down to 138 for awhile but with summer here its hard to keep my weight down ... andill admit i do get lazy... so please help me guys!!! i need motivation and i need to put off the weight for junior year (my prom lol)... thanks!!!
Reply from Eminem is sooooooo sexy!, Age 14 - 07/29/02 - IP#:
Reply from i LOVE hayden c., Age 121 - 07/28/02 - IP#:
Reply from Rachel, Age 16 - 07/28/02 - IP#:
From oh boy, Age 15 - 07/28/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
i cant seem to lose the weight im 5'8 and weigh 209. My parents give me food for every time i do some thing good like take out the trash to vacuming i have to eat it because i don't want to hurt ther fellings but every time i lose weight they are happy but they reward me wit you guessed it food. My little brother lets me eat his food because in my family we don't waste food as my mom would say any help
Reply from Patrick, Age 11 - 08/04/02 - IP#:
Reply from Vicky, Age 33 - 07/28/02 - IP#:
From Hannah, Age 16 - 07/28/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey. I weigh 193 and i am 5'6". I want to get down to around 140-150 because that is a healthy weight for me because i am a competative weightlifter so i got a heck of alot of muscle but anyways. My sister is having a wedding on Oct. 5th. And the dress i have to wear has tiny little straps and hugs me in all the WRONG places. Does anyone know of an easy way to get that amount of weight off in that amount of time (almost 3 months) thank ya!
Reply from manda jh, Age 14 - 07/29/02 - IP#:
Reply from A.V. Walker - 07/28/02 - IP#:
From Heather, Age 14 - 07/28/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi* I am 5'8 250 lbs. I am looking for a weight loss buddy. I go to the gym for an hour and a half almost every day and I am on weight watchers. I tried to find a weight loss buddy about 2 weeks ago but no luck. It's going to be harder to lose weight I think during the school year becuase of all the fatty cafiteria food. And I really don't like to take my lunch. So if you are interested in being my weight loss buddy email me at thanks!*
Reply from katherine, Age 13 - 07/28/02 - IP#:
From katherine, Age 13 - 07/28/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hello. I am 4'11 and 1/2 and weigh 147 i believe. the prob is that i am overweight but not terribly over weight so... i want to lose weight but dont really know how. i mean i do; dont eat as much excercise more, but if any of u have tips then they would be welcomed and appreciated. i have only been going to this site for about 3 days so i dont know all the works yet. thats it. BBP.S. i dunno if there is another Katherine here but if there is then i will go by Kat since everyone calls me that.
Reply from Krissy, Age 11 - 07/28/02 - IP#:
From Kaia, Age 12 - 07/28/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Just so that everyone who uses the older kids chatroom knows this. the person who calls herself krissy age 11 also pretends to be a boy called dave! if u chat to someone called krissy or dave make sure u know that they are lying! dont get into chatting with her/him!
Reply from rachel, Age 16 - 07/28/02 - IP#:
From manda jh, Age 14 - 07/28/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
krissy (12), sry, got booted off from the chat. ttyl;-)
Reply from Krissy, Age 12 - 07/28/02 - IP#:
From Samantha, Age 14 - 07/27/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey this is to ??? age 15 i am also over weight the best thing you can do is instead of drinkin soda or something like juice drink water. water helps clear out the nasty stuff inside you. if you get hungry in between meals eat an apple of some type of fruit. my doc says that you should eat like a king at breakfast instead of skipping it beacuse you can burn those calories off b/c you have the whole day! lunch eat a decent amount but try not to eat any fatty foods. For diner eat slowly and take small amounts. if you go out to eat the beast thing you can do is eat a large salad and stick the dressing on the side dip your fork in and then get the lettuce or whatever then eat meat and something try not to get the fried stuff and then eat fruit for desert you should do this or try to avoid eating you fav foods most of the week and pick a day where you can have like small amounts of ice cream well i hope this helps and DONT FORGET TO STAY ACTIVE. PS I AM NOT THAT OTHER SAMANTHA AGE 14!!!
Reply from christina, Age 32 - 05/15/03 - IP#:
From Rachel, Age 16 - 07/27/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
what types of food do u guys eat when going out for lunch or dinner to a restaurant or fast food place?
Reply from manda jh, Age 14 - 07/28/02 - IP#:
Reply from Camille, Age 14 - 07/28/02 - IP#:
From Lauren, Age 14 - 07/27/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Does anyone know of a good excersize that will help me lose inches off my waist. I do sit ups and crunches, and things like that, I'm losing weight but just not inches Please Help
Reply from tina, Age 32 - 05/15/03 - IP#:
Reply from katherine, Age 13 - 07/28/02 - IP#:
Reply from Rachel, Age 16 - 07/27/02 - IP#:
Reply from manda jh, Age 14 - 07/27/02 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |