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From Tini, Age 13 - 07/22/02 - IP#: 24.71.223.xxx  Click here to reply  
Okay, yeah. In weighty watchers terms, I'm having 25 or less point things a day, PLUS I'm doing 30 min of running, 60 situps, 60 leg lifts, and one hour of upper body weight lifting (with light weights). Will this make me lose weight? I don't have a scale because I'm stupid.. uhh.. I weigh about.. uhh.. I don't know. But I *am* a fat tub of lard.. post here or mail me at PurpleSyrup@hotmail.com
Reply from Jessika, Age 13 - 07/23/02  - IP#: 24.66.94.xxx

From Rachel, Age 16 - 07/22/02 - IP#: 216.154.6.xxx  Click here to reply  
to Come On aged 17, how long did it take for u to reach ur weight goal?? and what kind of exercise did u do? what is ur diet? it will really help if u reply. thanks a lot
Reply from faith, Age 17 - 07/23/02  - IP#: 148.78.249.xxx
Reply from Come On, Age 17 - 07/22/02  - IP#: 208.61.125.xxx

From Holly, Age 12 - 07/22/02 - IP#: 67.235.183.xxx  Click here to reply  
i just wrote but i forgot to say that almost all of my friends are real skinny i mean my best friend is a gymnast and she only weighs like 70 lbs! and alot of my friends are like im so fat i wear a size like 14 in girls well i wear sizes 5,7,and sometimes 9's. and then there is my sister she is like a size 0 in juniors, but i would like to get down to like 110-120 lbs. so plz plz help me!
Reply from Rockerbaby - 08/13/02  - IP#: 65.163.106.xxx
Reply from Holly, Age 12 - 07/24/02  - IP#: 63.154.36.xxx
Reply from Cristina, Age 13 - 07/24/02  - IP#: 209.86.165.xxx

From Rachel, Age 16 - 07/22/02 - IP#: 216.154.6.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi i was just wondering how often u guys eat junk food and how much. thank u!
Reply from Rhiannon, Age 14 - 08/01/02  - IP#: 63.20.208.xxx

From Holly, Age 12 - 07/22/02 - IP#: 67.235.183.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi, i'm 12 years old and i weigh around 140 pounds. i'm only like 5ft 1in or something around that. It's not like i wanna lose weight to get asked out or nething like that its just so it would boost my cofidence about myself. I am pretty muscular but i have a quite a bit of fat on my stomach and and my inner thighs are kind of big. my email address is hollyeva1@msn.com if u wanna chat or nething. i would really really appreciate it if someone could help me, and if u know of any programs that are pretty cheap please email me, and if u wanna chat and u have aim my name is jerzeeqt007. plz, plz, plz help
Reply from Miami, Age 11 - 05/21/03  - IP#: 65.37.178.xxx

From britany, Age 13 - 07/22/02 - IP#: 165.121.125.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey every 1 i was wondering what would be good for to eat. i know fruit and veggies blah blah blah but what about sandwhiches, stuff like that that is healthy. plz give me what you eat everyday to lose weight, thanx

From britany, Age 13 - 07/22/02 - IP#: 209.86.219.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey all, i was wondering which is better for your body to getting a 6 pack like britany spears or something situps or crunches what are good crunches to do my friends tell me there are different kinds if you have ne ideas plz reply thanx
Reply from jessica, Age 13 - 07/22/02  - IP#: 65.48.157.xxx

From emma, Age 17 - 07/22/02 - IP#: 67.80.149.xxx  Click here to reply  
heres a great website-
everyone check it out!

From Angel, Age 12 - 07/22/02 - IP#: 24.242.83.xxx  Click here to reply  
i weigh 110 but am short. i really want to get to 100lbs.

From Shayna, Age 12 - 07/22/02 - IP#: 12.255.199.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi everyone. I am 12 and 132 lbs. I am short so it makes me look even fatter. I can't ecen cross my legs. I am going into middle school and a girl that said she is my best friend told one of my true friends that she wasn't going to be my friend next year because she is "not going to be seen with a fat cow" as she says. people call me fat, cow, pig, disgusting, elephant, tub of lard, and won of the kids goes around and says "fresh pig, 6.99 a lb." I look at my friends and get so jelous that i come home and cry. Most of my friends fit in size 0-5 junior jeans, i fit in size 14! anyone help me PLEASE! I am going to be a social loser if i dont lose at least 10 lbs. in this next month so help please! Thanks and God bless you all!
Reply from i LOVE hayden c., Age 121 - 07/29/02  - IP#: 24.120.40.xxx
Reply from Ashley, Age 13 - 07/24/02  - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx
Reply from Samantha, Age 15 - 07/22/02  - IP#: 209.252.197.xxx
Reply from Kylie, Age 12 - 07/22/02  - IP#: 208.26.242.xxx
Reply from Krissy, Age 12 - 07/22/02  - IP#: 4.47.85.xxx
Reply from Camille, Age 14 - 07/22/02  - IP#: 63.78.42.xxx

From jessica, Age 12 - 07/22/02 - IP#: 65.48.157.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi, i'm jessic a and can you tell me if 130 is overweight.i'm 5.7 thanxs
Reply from no, Age 13 - 07/23/02  - IP#: 80.56.136.xxx
Reply from jordan, Age 12 - 07/22/02  - IP#: 65.139.29.xxx
Reply from i LOVE hayden c., Age 12 - 07/22/02  - IP#: 24.234.209.xxx

From Come On, Age 17 - 07/22/02 - IP#: 208.61.143.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ok, i have heard people on this board, talking about it doesnt matter if your overweight, as long as your happy. I somewhat agree with this, and somewhat disagree. I think that if you are happy, then fine, you are happy, but did you know that if you are even the slightest big overweight, you increase your chances dramatically to contract type 2 diabetes, which is mostly assosciated with being overweight, and eating/drinking too many sodas, and sugar. Plus you get higher chances of getting cardiovascualr disease, and contacting other incurable diseases, just because you are 15-20 lbs overweight. 5 lbs makes the diference. I am happy that some of you are happy with the way you are, and you probably were told by your parents that its the person inside that counts, and that no matter what you look like, or how much you weigh you are still beautiful, well, beauty is in the eye of the... (view more)
Reply from natasha, Age 14 - 07/25/02  - IP#: 66.63.204.xxx
Reply from Casey, Age 16 - 07/22/02  - IP#: 67.33.130.xxx
Reply from jordan, Age 12 - 07/22/02  - IP#: 65.139.29.xxx

From Angel, Age 12 - 07/22/02 - IP#: 24.242.83.xxx  Click here to reply  
how many lbs can i lose in 3 days?
Reply from jessica, Age 12 - 08/09/02  - IP#: 65.48.156.xxx
Reply from Rachel, Age 16 - 08/08/02  - IP#: 24.192.202.xxx

From Angel, Age 12 - 07/22/02 - IP#: 24.242.83.xxx  Click here to reply  
Is it safe to lose 3lbs a week?
Reply from Katie, Age 13 - 08/08/02  - IP#: 208.155.75.xxx

From jallisa, Age 12 - 07/21/02 - IP#: 63.25.15.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi,im a 12 year old girl and i weigh 210 for my age i heard thats realy bad.i wish i can lose weight,but how?

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