From Jenna, Age 18 - 03/15/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
i need a little advice over this way. i often find myself getting bored. when i get bored i want to eat but can't since i'm on a 1000 calorie diet and i only eat two meals a day with a snack in between. i would usually exercise when i get bored but i can't exercise all the time because when i do exercise i tend to get dizzy because i only eat 1000 calories a day. usually when i'm bored there's nothing on tv and i have nothing to read. anyone have any suggestions? they would greatly be appriecated. also sometimes when i eat my stomach hurts. i don't eat a lot but say if i hungry and it's time for my snack and i eat a granola bar or orange. out of the blue my stomach starts to hurt. anyone else experience this besides me?
Reply from janessa, Age 15 - 03/17/02 - IP#:
From j_lynn, Age 16 - 03/15/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Whats the deal with wanting to lose weight by spring break?? Thats incredibly LAME. You guys should want to lose weight whenever its most convenient. Like...what about DURING spring break?!?! You have tons of time to exercise during the day and concentrate on what you should and shouldnt eat- i recommend spending a lot of time out w/ your friends. Most ppls gain weight over spring break- but if you buckle down and take control you can manage a major head start. Stay STRONG!!!! lotta luvs- jay PEACE
Reply from allisa, Age 13 - 03/15/02 - IP#:
From Brittany, Age 12 - 03/15/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey I posted way before but somthin went wrong and it didnt post. No one shows me support and i need help to lose like 11 lbs. 94lbs is my ideal weight. Reason being that I am not very tall.
Reply from Brittany, Age 12 - 04/02/02 - IP#:
Reply from ingrid, Age 12 - 04/02/02 - IP#:
Reply from allisa, Age 13 - 04/02/02 - IP#:
From Ashley, Age 25 - 03/14/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Guys, I was in the same shoes you are in when I was a teen. I was overweight and embarassed and ashamed. I decided to take control of my life and lose the weight for me. I did and have kept the weight off for 6 years. If I scared any of you with my messages earlier, please accept my apology. To j_lynn, I didn't mean to offend you either, I was simply trying to relay my concerns. IF anyone has a problem with me being on this board, let me know, otherwise, please be healthy. Ashley P.S. j_lynn, if I stopped one girl from trying the 500 calorie, then I am glad I checked this site out.
Reply from Kymmi, Age 15 - 03/17/02 - IP#:
Reply from allisa, Age 13 - 03/15/02 - IP#:
Reply from rachel, Age 14 - 03/15/02 - IP#:
From rachel, Age 14 - 03/14/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
i have a school camp at the end of april, so i have one and a half months to lose weight. can you , well, what i really want is to tone more, can it work that fast? im eating healthy and i go on the treadmill for half an hour six days a week. please write back if you know that you can vivibly tone in the time limit i have, luv yas all rachel
Reply from janessa, Age 15 - 03/17/02 - IP#:
From Amy, Age 13 - 03/13/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I have had a little weight problem for years. before wither break i was 5,2 and i was 140. I was not so upset with my body untill this winter when my stomach became fat and my legs became lager. After break I was 150. and Now I am 160. i gained 20 pounds in just a cupple of Months. I exercize a little but my problem is my eating. Over winter break that was all I did. Now I see that i am fatter then I have ever been and I need to do something. each week I get on the scale and see the numbers get higher. Now with spring break I cant stop thinking about comeing home weighing 170 or even more. so write back and give me some advice. Amy
Reply from janessa, Age 15 - 03/17/02 - IP#:
Reply from j_lynn, Age 16 - 03/15/02 - IP#:
From Samantha, Age 14 - 03/13/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I am almost 14 and I hate how I look. I weigh like 165 and am 5'5. I really want to lose the fat! Every time i weigh myself, i just keep getting heavier and heavier! Some people even make fun of me at school and i hate it. I know I should go to a doctor and ask for some kind of diet but I'm not very close with my step-mom or my dad and I can't ask them to take me cause they'll go into this big talk and i hate those! You know? Spring Break is coming up and im going to an N'sync concert. i really want to look good. Also, this summer, i'm going on vacation with my friend. She is really skinney and makes me look even bigger! i hate going around in a bathing suit, looking like this. My goal is to reach 120. I know it will be a lot of work but if anyone has any advice, please respond to this. Thank you so much. I need this.. and for the rest of you, good luck! :o)
Reply from rose, Age 12 - 03/21/02 - IP#:
Reply from ana, Age 16 - 03/13/02 - IP#:
From Tara, Age 13 - 03/13/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey peeps. I love exercising. I haven't slipped up on my diet, but I want a diet buddy b/c i want to help sum1 and i want them to help me when i get in trouble. Do u think that a 1,000 calorie diet is good. I don't eat alot, and i exercise. I still need to lose 44 lbs. I am going to be 110lbs and help everyone that needs help. I want to encourage people to do it b/c it is worth it.
Reply from Crombie Chicka, Age 15 - 03/13/02 - IP#:
Reply from TARA YOU MUST READ THIS!!, Age 11 - 03/13/02 - IP#:
From Ana, Age 16 - 03/13/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Cuz im on spring break and not traveling anywhere, i have all this extra time and i just started my new excercise routine, 2 hours of kickboxing everyday, sometimes i can only get an hour and a half, but im seeing great results, i know if i kept this up for another month, ill have a -to die for- flat stomach, but im doing the best that i can eating healthy and excercising. My parents don't understand me or what im trying to do, and they yell at me all the time because i refuse to eat the junk food that they eat, the rest of my family is overwieght. good luck to ya all.
From Jenna, Age 18 - 03/13/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
It MAY help some of you not to get on the scale every two days. Try just once a week or once every two week. For me it's like I have to because if I see that I lost only one pound it encourages me to try harder. I guess I'll just weigh myself once a week. I have no school today. I guess I can get in one hour of walking today. And then one hour of areobics.
From Nikki, Age 12 - 03/13/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey I'm new here and i need some tips and ideas on how to lose 10lbs. I would really appreciate it if someone would help me and show me some support. I was thinking of eating nothing but drinking water but i could not do it. My stomach started to hurt and I got dizzzy. PLEASE HELP!!
Reply from Ellen - 04/01/02 - IP#:
Reply from Casey, Age 12 - 03/30/02 - IP#:
From Samantha, Age 13 - 03/12/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I am 5,2 and I weigh 150 lbs. This winter I have gained 20 lbs. I look so terrrible. Before winter break I was 120. I went away and all i did was eat. I gained 10 pounds. after i got back i gained even more weight and now it is out of conrol. My pants don't fit well and i need to lose like 10 pounds or more fast. Now with spring break I feel that i might get up to 155 or even 160! so help me write back.
Reply from rachel to rebecca, Age 14 - 03/13/02 - IP#:
Reply from rebeccA, Age 13 - 03/12/02 - IP#:
From j_lynn, Age 16 - 03/12/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Remember...even though you want to stop dieting and binge out on cookies dough...(coughMEcough) you are the only one in control of what you do or DO NOT eat. No one can force you to eat fattening food and make you gain weight. This is your body. You need to take control, keep exercising and eating good for you foods. you are the only one who can make yourself. OK. lecture complete. LOTTA LOTTA A LOTTTTA love- peace
Reply from SHELLY, Age 13 - 03/13/02 - IP#:
Reply from dani, Age 15 - 03/12/02 - IP#:
Reply from Kelli, Age 17 - 03/12/02 - IP#:
From Jen, Age 12 - 03/12/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Please help me to lose like 15lbs. I,m to like the point where i want to starve myself. Can someone please show me some support? I weigh 110lbs. I'm also really short. I checked and my weight is waaaaaay to high for my hight. 4'5.
Reply from rachel to laurie, Age 14 - 03/30/02 - IP#:
Reply from Laurie, Age 13 - 03/29/02 - IP#:
From Amber, Age 13 - 03/11/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I'm 165 I have not reached my goal weight of 115 yet,but all of your stories have inspirted me too go on and with my goal. I want to be a cheerleader in highschool so I want to lose weight by then, also I don't want to be made fun of in highschool.I heard from my friends older brothers and sisters that the fat kids have it really bad. If you have any exerices that could help me please e-mail me at shopgirl33312388@aol.comthanx
Reply from Kimberly, Age 19 - 03/13/02 - IP#:
Reply from rachel, Age 14 - 03/13/02 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |