From hetty, Age 14 - 08/11/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
does anyone know how to lose weight sucessfuly? i try and try and i never seem to lose much. i excersise lots. please reply. thankyou
Reply from sarah, Age 18 - 11/06/01 - IP#:
Reply from Samantha, Age 16 - 08/16/01
From candy, Age 13 - 08/11/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
i m thinking of going of a no eating diet. anyone has any comments on it?!
Reply from *Zanadi*, Age 14 - 11/24/01 - IP#:
Reply from Kiara Lyn, Age 14 - 10/11/01 - IP#:
Reply from ashley, Age 12 - 08/13/01
Reply from candy, Age 13 - 08/12/01
Reply from catherine, Age 15 - 08/12/01
Reply from Crystal, Age 16 - 08/11/01
From James, Age 13 - 08/11/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi. I have not put any thing up here before. I feel like a big blob of fat. And I look that way too. I some times want to be anerexic to lose weight. But I ralise that that is bad. It just seems like such a good idea when all my friends are at lest 200-250 pounds lighter then I am. I can't talk to them about it they would not under stand. Incase you were wondering how much I weigh I weigh 35 stone. (420 ponds) I just feel so bad. I tryied to diet for a month and lost 10 pounds. Then I stoped for a day break. This turned into me not starting again and gaining back the 10. This made me feel depresed so I ate alot. So much that to date I have gained 50 pounds or so. This is because of the viscious circle. Please help. I need it badly. I have been warned by my docter that if I don't loose at least 50 pounds I will have a heart attack in under 2 years. And it is just so hard to loose weight. Especially if you have close to 300 pounds of extra fat on your body. Like I said I need help badly PLEASE HELP.
Reply from Alicia, Age 19 - 12/16/01 - IP#:
Reply from jake, Age 16 - 09/29/01 - IP#:
Reply from eri, Age 12 - 09/29/01 - IP#:
Reply from Cody, Age 13 - 08/23/01 - IP#:
Reply from jdm2001, Age 16 - 08/19/01
Reply from jdm2001, Age 16 - 08/19/01
Reply from jess, Age 13 - 08/19/01
Reply from jess, Age 13 - 08/19/01
Reply from james, Age 15 - 08/13/01
Reply from candy, Age 13 - 08/13/01
Reply from Liz, Age 14 - 08/13/01
Reply from Luisa, Age 13 - 08/12/01
Reply from candy, Age 13 - 08/12/01
From Christina, Age 15 - 08/11/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
This is for anyone looking to lose weight: i have since gone on a diet and i am losing slowly but surely, in two weeks i have lost 7 pounds. that may not seem like a lot but it is to me. the thing is for anyone out there that is trying to lose weight the first thing is not to look at the scale. that may seem like something crazy but it is true. i may have only lost like 7lbs but i can tell my clothes are getting a little bigger and i can tell that with just 7lbs! Another thing is u may think that u aren't doing well if u look at the scale and then may give up, that is one of the worst things to do b/c u may of gained muscle and are actually skinnier. My number 1 tip is DON'T BELIEVE WHAT THE SCALE SAYS! lol If anyone needs anymore advice on getting started email me at and put blubber buster in the subject so i don't delete it Thank You!
Reply from Zanadi, Age 14 - 11/24/01 - IP#:
Reply from Sheila, Age 15 - 08/13/01
Reply from Liz, Age 14 - 08/13/01
From Angelica, Age 14 - 08/10/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey everyone well I'm 5 ft 6 inches I'm trying to lose 50 pounds if anyone knows of any tips or ideas or needs someone to talk to PLEASE email me I hate looking at myself in the mirror I really want to lose my weight I f anyone can help or talk to me PLEASE do!my email address is
Reply from angelica, Age 14 - 08/13/01
Reply from candy, Age 13 - 08/12/01
From Samantha, Age 16 - 08/10/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
PLEASE HELP!!!! I need to know some ways to loose weight. I am doing the no eating diet and it's working wonders for me. But i just want to know who else is on this diet and tell me how much weight they have lost and stuff. Thanx all of you!!!. Please reply, or email THANX
Reply from sabrina, Age 16 - 11/03/01 - IP#:
Reply from sunshine, Age 14 - 10/13/01 - IP#:
Reply from Crystal, Age 16 - 08/10/01
Reply from Angelica, Age 14 - 08/10/01
From Matt, Age 13 - 08/10/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi. I am trying to loose weight. I need some body to give me some encouragment to get me started. It is hard for me to start on diets after I have been of for some time.
Reply from Christina, Age 15 - 08/11/01
From ashley, Age 13 - 08/10/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
i am 13 years old and 5ft1 inch and i weigh 140 can some one tell me how i can lose weight quickly... i don't look like i weigh that much but sadly i do!! so can sum-1 help me fasy i am trying to go on a diet but it doesn't seem to work!!
Reply from CATHERINE, Age 15 - 08/12/01
Reply from Angelica, Age 14 - 08/10/01
From Amanda, Age 12 - 08/09/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi, um I'm not really that fat, it's just the I still need the lose about 5lbs in my thighs. Well, I am 5ft, and I weigh 100/101 pounds, and still can wear size 14(kids) and/or size 0. Does anybody have any advice on how to loose 5-10 pounds before school starts?
Reply from Angela, Age 11 - 08/10/01
Reply from candy, Age 13 - 08/10/01
From Danielle, Age 16 - 08/09/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
I have a question. Will someone please let me know exactly what to do to lose weight? I really need help.Someone please reply.
Reply from Alicia, Age 19 - 12/16/01 - IP#:
Reply from Samantha, Age 16 - 08/10/01
From emma, Age 13 - 08/09/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
do u think I am over weight. I am 9 stone (126 pounds) 5'3" 30-32 inch waist and quite big cheasted. 34b.
Reply from Matt, Age 13 - 08/10/01
Reply from Crystal, Age 16 - 08/09/01
Reply from Luisa, Age 13 - 08/09/01
From Kate, Age 15 - 08/09/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
Several people have posted messages about eating disorders, and I'd like to say my piece, as well. After being aneroxic (as well as purging food when I was backed into eating) for three years, I have finally started on the road to recovery. Some people seem to think that being aneroxic or bulimic means being thin and nothing else. During my years of severely restricting my food intake and forcing myself to throw up what I did eat, I lost so much more than weight. Whenever I went to brush or even touch my hair, it would come out in huge clumps in my hands due to a protein deficiency. I am very into singing, but purging so often left my glands swollen and my throat sore. I have the beginnings of osteoperosis which has no cure and it will only get worse as I get older. Because of this, I am no longer allowed to swim on my school's team- something I greatly enjoyed. When my parents finally... (view more)Several people have posted messages about eating disorders, and I'd like to say my piece, as well. After being aneroxic (as well as purging food when I was backed into eating) for three years, I have finally started on the road to recovery. Some people seem to think that being aneroxic or bulimic means being thin and nothing else. During my years of severely restricting my food intake and forcing myself to throw up what I did eat, I lost so much more than weight. Whenever I went to brush or even touch my hair, it would come out in huge clumps in my hands due to a protein deficiency. I am very into singing, but purging so often left my glands swollen and my throat sore. I have the beginnings of osteoperosis which has no cure and it will only get worse as I get older. Because of this, I am no longer allowed to swim on my school's team- something I greatly enjoyed. When my parents finally realized that I had an eating disorder, they took me out of school so I could go into treatment at a hospital. I missed months of important education, and when I finally did go back to school people didn't stop gossipping for weeks. This is the norm for an eating disorder patient- I was no exception. Now that I am recovered and have reached a healthy weight, my life has changed completely for the better. Although I'm sad about the things I lost because of my eating disorder, I'm grateful that I was able to recover. So all you people who think aneroxic is cool, I think you need to ask yourselves: how cool is it to have permanent bone damage, lose hair, and finally leave school in the middle of the year to get treatment? Obesity isn't healthy, but aneroxia and bulimia are just as unhealthy. If you are overweight and it is affecting your health then of course its good to lose a few pounds THE HEALTHY WAY. Which is not skipping meals and forcing yourself to throw up. (view less)
Reply from Kate, Age 15 - 08/09/01
Reply from Cree, Age 16 - 08/09/01
From mel, Age 13 - 08/09/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
hi every1 !! well i hope every1 achieves thier goals in loosing weight!its so hard! i h8 my body im gettin really fat i wona loose15-20 pounds. but its so hard ive been tryin 2 fast and it neva works ive been tryin 4 3 yrs . i need sum 1 help! could n e of u tell me a good way of loosing that weight in 30 days?? well i do a bit of exercise but i cant stop eating all this nice food . im goin 2 try and cut bk but i need sum thin betta than that! PLZ sum give me sum tips on loosing this weight! i'd be so happy!!! :)
Reply from sarah, Age 12 - 08/09/01
From candy, Age 13 - 08/09/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
i am from asia... and we dont have slimfast here, thats so sad cause the mixture-drink diets we have here are really expensive.. a 21 meal package costs around 50$ while i heard a 21 meal slimfast cost only 15$.. is there anyone willing to send a package to me? i can pay you or i can send some produsts we have here taht you dont have there.
Reply from candy, Age 13 - 08/10/01
Reply from ..., Age 15 - 08/09/01
From jenny, Age 13 - 08/08/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey all u losers who thinks anorexic is ok!ITS NOT!! my best friends mom was anorexic in high skool and she had 5 miscariges!FIVE!My best friend almost died when she was being born becuase of that!I DONT KNOW WHAT I WOULD DO WITH OUT HER!
Reply from jess, Age 13 - 08/19/01
Reply from Crystal, Age 16 - 08/08/01
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |