From Isabella, Age 13 - 10/08/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5ft. 5in., Wt. 168lbs. - To GABRIELLA: Ameriacn bacon? LOL, well, it's different from Candian bacon becuase it's usually made of pork and cut into rippled slices for frying to eat with eggs or something. Regular bacon is loaded with fat, although it's very good. But I do LOVE turkey bacon, becuase it's lan and yummy and crispy, even better than pork bacon! BUT I STILL 3 CANADIAN BACON! :0)
From Liz, Age 12 - 10/08/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5ft, Wt. 150 - Are Bananas OK to eat?
Reply from Gabriella, Age 12 - 10/10/06 - IP#:
Reply from alysa, Age 11 - 10/09/06 - IP#:
From Liz, Age 12 - 10/07/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5ft, Wt. 150 - Help! I just had the TOTAL cheating week! I ate cheetos and McDonalds and chocolate, the whole 9 yards! I gained 2 pounds from it! What will help me lose it back?
From Isabella, Age 13 - 10/07/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5ft. 5in., Wt. 168lbs. - Hey, dudes! I got my monthly I COULDN"T stop myself from eating 2 handfuls of chips, a a Jell-O CHeescake pudding snack, and 2 pieces of bread w/olive oil. BUt other than that...Breakfast: 2 lowfat pancakes, 2 slices Canadian bacon (very lean ham)/SNack: pretzel pouch/Lunch: homemade chicken soup (chock full of veggies, no salt added and very lean chicken), plus 2 cups of sphagetti sqwuash mixed with stewed tomatoes and a touch of Parmasean cheese/Dinner: 1 fillet salmon w/ steamed veggies, 1 potato, Weight Watchers dessert. How did I do?? ANY COMMENTS ONF FOOD? :0)PLus I had a few pieces of chocolate and caramels.
Reply from Gabriella, Age 12 - 10/07/06 - IP#:
From krista, Age 13 - 10/07/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5"7, Wt. 222 - yay i cant belive that i lost 3 more lbs in just one week yay i am down a total of 78lbs 48 lbs to go i have broken my platuea and i think i am night gonna go on it again do you gusy think i beet my goal by june of 42 more lbs yes or nor please answer and if you need more help email me at bye love yas
Reply from Gabriella, Age 12 - 10/07/06 - IP#:
From Erika, Age 12 - 10/07/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'2'', Wt. 205 - HI, I would really appreciate help because I'm kinda desperate to lose weight. People dont treat me like they use to,like my ex-friend tyler , we were friends in the sixth grade but now were in the eighth grade and he hasnt talked to me since and now he's in with the in crowd. I feel really lonely, and I really like him a lot. I would just like it if he just said someone help me lose weight, its hard to be overweight. p.s. I'm not doing this just for tyler I'm doing this for myself and everyone
From alysa, Age 11 - 10/06/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4 11, Wt. 134 - is kettle corn bad for u not the kind that has carmel on it the kind that's sweet and comes in a package that u have to pop
Reply from alysa, Age 11 - 10/08/06 - IP#:
Reply from Jazmine, Age 12 - 10/07/06 - IP#:
From Isabella, Age 13 - 10/06/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5ft. 5in., Wt. 168lbs. - ALso, i wanted to say that there's SO much more to you girls than your body! Try to remember that as you progress on your jounrny to be healthier! FInd your "eternal flame", that little spark inside of you that makes you burn like a candle, That candle has a scent that makes you you! I found that, after I started embracing my "flame" it greew brighter and made me steonger! I found out more about my style, my hobbies, and myself. I found goals I didn't know existes and searched for support from fmaily and firends. When you shine with confidence about YOURSELF, not just you appearane, people will see you for who you really are and notice you like who you are. Do you wnat to be that girl you hides behinds a door every time a fit girl or hoy boy walks past? I've always admire girl who are like "I LOVE... (view more)Ht. 5ft. 5in., Wt. 168lbs. - ALso, i wanted to say that there's SO much more to you girls than your body! Try to remember that as you progress on your jounrny to be healthier! FInd your "eternal flame", that little spark inside of you that makes you burn like a candle, That candle has a scent that makes you you! I found that, after I started embracing my "flame" it greew brighter and made me steonger! I found out more about my style, my hobbies, and myself. I found goals I didn't know existes and searched for support from fmaily and firends. When you shine with confidence about YOURSELF, not just you appearane, people will see you for who you really are and notice you like who you are. Do you wnat to be that girl you hides behinds a door every time a fit girl or hoy boy walks past? I've always admire girl who are like "I LOVE being me, and I don't care what you say!" Set yourself up for challenges. This is how I excled in school and toko up painting. Just remember that you CAN live your life, no matter how much you weight today. Also, be proud you're taking steps to a healthier, happier you! (view less)
Reply from alysa, Age 11 - 10/06/06 - IP#:
From Isabella, Age 13 - 10/06/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5ft. 5in., Wt. 168lbs. - Hey guys! What`s up?? TGIF! OKay, so here's my food today )not too bad considering we went on a fieldtrip and had to eat at a fod court. Breakfast pb on toast/Lunch: 1 veggie burger w/ bun and lettuce. tomato, onion, and pickle (no mayo), fries (not very salty or fried, they actually tasted kind of baked, diet Coke. I was able to resist that ice cream everyone was eating! So I know I haven't eaten anything very balanced today...that's why for a snack now I'm gonna have a opiece of fruit and lowfat pudding, plus I'm going tomy first ballroom dance lessons tonight! So, ANY THOUGHTS ON MY FOOD?
From Kelsey, Age 13 - 10/04/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5"6, Wt. 152.6 - Don't pst ur e-mail and then don't respond
From Julia, Age 12 - 10/04/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4", Wt. 175 - I've lost 3 pounds since 2 weeks ago Saturday!
Reply from Isabella, Age 13 - 10/06/06 - IP#:
Reply from Gabriella, Age 12 - 10/04/06 - IP#:
From alysa, Age 11 - 10/02/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 4 11, Wt. 134 i think - u guys know u shouldn't put ur emails on a post sight thing cuz there could be a pedafile or something not saying that i am i'm just saying that u shouldn't put ur email on a website that everyone in the world can see
Reply from krista, Age 13 - 10/03/06 - IP#:
From ANNA x3, Age 13 - 10/02/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 160, Wt. 5'4 - heyy krista i dont have an email or anything so can we just chat here? i need some good tips and advice and stuff cuz im so amazed on how you lost a lot of weight and i wanted to try it.
Reply from krista, Age 13 - 10/03/06 - IP#:
From krista, Age 13 - 09/30/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5"7, Wt. 225 - dear hannah email me at i can help you i started of at over 300lbs i am now 225 i can seriously help you so please email me love krista
From krista, Age 13 - 09/30/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5"7, Wt. 225 - omg yay i am finally offf of my plateu i lost 4 more lbs in the last few weeks for a total of 75 lbs yay i am 45lbs away from my goal do you guys think i can beat my goal by june yes or no
Reply from breana, Age 12 - 10/20/06 - IP#:
Reply from jean, Age 64 - 10/03/06 - IP#:
Reply from jean, Age 64 - 10/03/06 - IP#:
Reply from Jazmine, Age 12 - 10/02/06 - IP#: