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From Gabriella, Age 12 - 10/25/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 4' 11.9'', Wt. 116.5 - I know I posted this before, but is anyone else multi-lingual ? I speak 2 languages fluently (english and french) , and a bit of spanish . I am not fluent in spanish , but learning. My first language is english , but i am also fluent in french , and am learning spanish .
Reply from rebecca, Age 13 - 10/30/06  - IP#:
Reply from alysa, Age 11 - 10/27/06  - IP#:
Reply from amanda, Age 12 - 10/26/06  - IP#:

From Isabella, Age 13 - 10/24/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5 ft. 5in., Wt. S:184 N:166.6 G:145 - Oh and any tips on hw to avoid the HOLIDAY EATING DISASTERS?! LIke social food traps at parties and stuff? Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and Christmas will eb here before we know it!
Reply from Gabriella, Age 12 - 10/25/06  - IP#:

From Isabella, Age 13 - 10/24/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5 ft. 5in., Wt. S:184 N:166.6 G:145 - Food today: Breakfast: cheese toast, sugar free lowfat hot choc., nonfat yogurt/Snack: Ritz snack mix (the one w/ pretzels and stuff)/Lunch: turkey and cheese snadwhich, fat free 100 cal. puding/Snack: non fat yogurt, cup of fat free fench onion soup with 100 cal pack of goldfish instead of bread/DInner: Healthy Choice chicken, potato, and vegie medley dinner w/ cherry cobbler. other veggie medley. I know I have to get back on track with the fruits and veggies and stuff, but I think of loosing weight as winning small not drinking soda, then not eating candy...then, pretty soon, you'll be in good shape! P.S Exercise- 30 min. of intense cardio workout dvd with stength training. How am I doing?
Reply from alysa, Age 11 - 10/24/06  - IP#:
Reply from breana, Age 12 - 10/24/06  - IP#:

From missy, Age 13 - 10/24/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4, Wt. 160 - so, i can finaly fit into a size 30 in guess skirts. and plus, i can now fit good in my new skirt that is a size 13 teens. i guess thats my size now until i finally start losing more weight. all i did was EAT NO BREAD! SKIM MILK! and NO JUNK FOOD, except for one day of the week so you dont go crazy.
Reply from Isabella, Age 13 - 10/24/06  - IP#:

From it's me ANNiE! =O, Age 12 - 10/24/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1, Wt. 197 - hey. i tried losing weight but everytyme i try i always break down when im exersizing. lyk, im so fat thati can barely do a situp im so embarassed, then my gym teachers had to have a private convo with me about my weight. then all my friends are always talking about how fat they are and there only lyk 100 pounds! then my older sister whos just about your average barbie doll is always trying to get me to do situps but i can never do them! there always so hard becuz im not use to excersizing. any suggestions?
Reply from sara, Age 14 - 10/24/06  - IP#:

From BELLA*, Age 11 - 10/24/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2, Wt. 158 - hello everyone. iM nEW oN tHIS sITE aND wELL. iM sICK oF bEING sO cHUBBY! tHE lOWEST sIZE i cAN fIT iNTO iS a 8 tEENS//wOMENS. iM sICKA mY fAT//rOLLS hANGING oVER mY jEANS aND pANTS! pLUS i tRY aND wEAR bIKINIS bUT wHENEVER i dO mY fRIEND iS aLWAYS pOKING mY jELLY bELLY. aND i cANT sTOP eATING jUNK fOOD. iT'S mY AdDiCtIoN!! hElP!!!! pLEASE!
Reply from sarah, Age 12 - 10/24/06  - IP#:

From Isabella, Age 13 - 10/23/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5 ft. 5in., Wt. 166.6lbs - To Shannon (and everyone else): Okay, I’m going to be honest with you! First of all, you should talk to your doctor to see how much you should weigh! On this site it said I should be in the 130s but my doc knows my parents and knows I’m meant to be larger and healthy, not thin and healthy! So anyhow, thanks for the support! I hope to loose 5lbs by Christmas (My weight comes off slowly) so I can say I lost over 20lbs. In Feb. I was 184 lbs. so in 9 months I lost 20lbs which means I lost about 2lbs per month. By May I’d like to be 145, so I still have about 7 months to loose 20 lbs. which means I need to loose 3lbs a month. Now, you shouldn’t be on an adult diet. You’re nearly a teen and hat means you need to be nutritionally smart and happy with who you are! So buy the Diet Book for... (view more)

From allie, Age 12 - 10/22/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4, Wt. 154 - oh my gosh my mom is PREGNAT and she is so small i just hate to know that my mom wears a size smaller than that a much smaller than me a size 3 omg
Reply from ALYSA, Age 11 - 10/23/06  - IP#:

From allie, Age 12 - 10/22/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4, Wt. 154 - SO DOES ANYONE KNOW THIRD DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply from Gabriella, Age 12 - 10/24/06  - IP#:

From allie, Age 12 - 10/22/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4, Wt. 154 - BOLBI DID YOU SAY YOU LIKED ME ???????????????????????

From Shannon, Age 12 - 10/22/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1, Wt. 142lb. - Alright so starting tomorrow, I'm going to eat a slice of peanut butter toast for breakfast, one scrambled egg, and a cup of orange juice. For lunch I'm going to have a chicken wrap with lettuce and cheese, a bag of 100 calorie snack, applesauce, and a bottle of water, when i get home from school i'm going to have a juice box, then for dinner i'm going to have what my mom cooks which is usually really healthy and a glass of water or milk. Then I'm going to go to the gym for an hour every on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. (15 mintues on the bike, 15 mintues on the eliptacle, and 30 minutes oint he treadmill) Wednesday will be my day off, and Friday and Sunday I'll walk/jog around my neighborhood. I want to lose 20 pounds before my birthday (December 31). Do you think I could do this? Is it a reasonable goal within that time? Please let me know!
Reply from missy, Age 12 - 10/23/06  - IP#:
Reply from alysa, Age 11 - 10/22/06  - IP#:

From Shannon, Age 12 - 10/21/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1, Wt. 142lb. - Ok, so I wear either a 9 or an 11 in juniors pants, and a M,L, or XL in shirts. I want to be a 5 in pants and a medium in shirts. So what weight do you think I would have to be to wear those sizes? Like somewhere in the 120's? Cuz I want to weigh about 123 lb. and i was wondering if I could wear those sizes at that weight? Please help me. Thank you!
Reply from breana, Age 12 - 10/22/06  - IP#:
Reply from Molly, Age 14 - 10/21/06  - IP#:
Reply from ALYSA, Age 11 - 10/21/06  - IP#:
Reply from Tammy, Age 15 - 10/21/06  - IP#:

From Brittany, Age 13 - 10/20/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5"5", Wt. 358 - Hey yall idk wat to do anymore all i can do is eat non stop and i dont kno how to tell myself to quit but it is makin me miserable so if anyone can help me e mail me at thanx and if anyone wants to be my weight loss buddy that would be great bye!
Reply from Gabriella, Age 12 - 10/21/06  - IP#:
Reply from breana, Age 12 - 10/20/06  - IP#:

From allie, Age 12 - 10/20/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4, Wt. 154 - TO BOLBI : so bolbi why did you say you liked me!!!!!

From Isabella, Age 13 - 10/20/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5ft. 5in., Wt. S: 184 N:166.6 G:145 - was SO happy today! I went to Mandee and bought 2 cute skirts (size L) and a knitted, black-and-white striped tunic (size M) and everyrthing fit!! In one of the skirts I tried on an XL and it was WAY too big so had to get a L!
Reply from Shannon, Age 12 - 10/21/06  - IP#:
Reply from breana, Age 12 - 10/20/06  - IP#:

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