From alysa, Age 11 - 10/29/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5ft, Wt. 134 - last nite i told myself that i'm not going to eat anymore fatty foods and i'm finding it kind of hard to find something to eat for breakfest cuz the stuff i would normally eat have a lot of calories and fats in them there's these corn flakes(not frosted) but they taste really nasty does anyone have any ideas of what i should eat for breakfest and lunch (for dinner my mom usually makes meats and veggeies healthy stuff)
Reply from Isabella, Age 13 - 10/30/06 - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey, Age 11 - 10/29/06 - IP#:
Reply from Kayla, Age 12 - 10/29/06 - IP#:
From abby, Age 12 - 10/29/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'2", Wt. 167 - pizza rolls are my evening snack~r they fatning? because my mom baught low fat ones!they taste like crap!
Reply from breana, Age 12 - 10/29/06 - IP#:
Reply from abby, Age 12 - 10/29/06 - IP#:
Reply from breana, Age 12 - 10/29/06 - IP#:
Reply from missy, Age 13 - 10/29/06 - IP#:
From abby, Age 12 - 10/29/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'2", Wt. 167 - and what ever cardio is should someone like me try it?
Reply from Jennifer, Age 13 - 11/01/06 - IP#:
From abby, Age 12 - 10/29/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'2", Wt. 167 - ok one more thing what is cardio?
Reply from Lindsey, Age 11 - 10/29/06 - IP#:
Reply from missy, Age 13 - 10/29/06 - IP#:
From abby, Age 12 - 10/29/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'2", Wt. 167 - should i be like depressed since my mom told me i was getting fat and should change my eating habits?:( and am i overweight? if u dont know~do u know how i might find out with out asking my parents?
Reply from breana, Age 12 - 11/04/06 - IP#:
Reply from Lindsey, Age 11 - 10/29/06 - IP#:
Reply from ALYSA, Age 11 - 10/29/06 - IP#:
Reply from abby, Age 12 - 10/29/06 - IP#:
Reply from alysa, Age 11 - 10/29/06 - IP#:
Reply from missy, Age 13 - 10/29/06 - IP#:
Reply from Rickie, Age 10 - 10/29/06 - IP#:
From allie, Age 12 - 10/28/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4, Wt. 154 - omg my mom is haveing another boy i have 2 older brothers there 15 and a younger brother that is 2 she said its possible for twins ahhhh!!!!!!
Reply from breana, Age 12 - 11/10/06 - IP#:
Reply from alysa, Age 11 - 10/29/06 - IP#:
Reply from missy, Age 13 - 10/29/06 - IP#:
From Isabella, Age 13 - 10/28/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5ft. 5in., Wt. S: 184 N:167ish lbs - Have any of you ever gotten fitted for a dress before? In May I'd like to be close to my goal of 145lbs and I have to be fitted for a dress for my big graduation dinnr dance and another party. I'm nrevous about getting measured! Anyone have advice?
Reply from allie, Age 12 - 10/28/06 - IP#:
From allie, Age 12 - 10/28/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'4, Wt. 154 - hey what is everyone being for halloween im going to be a pirate
Reply from missy, Age 13 - 10/30/06 - IP#:
Reply from alysa, Age 11 - 10/28/06 - IP#:
From Isabella, Age 13 - 10/27/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5ft. 5in., Wt. 167ish lbs - Sorry food today: Breakfast: 2 whole grain fat free pancakes with tad of Smart Balance, banana, 2 slices lowfat Canadian bacon (lean ham), no sugar added hot cocoa/LUnch: **We went on a foodtrip and ate at a foodcourt...not many healthy options. I was sick of salads and I was scared that the "veggie burgers" were loaded with unmentionables! SO I decided to get Chinese, chicken w/ brocoli and rice.** I"m sure it was partially fried and loaded with salt, but I did my best. PLus I only had water. No soda! Snack: 2 whole wheat gram crackers and pudding/Exercise: 10 min. intense cardio/strength trainnig for abs workout, plus I'll be dancing all night at he Halloween Dance! /Dnner: Healthy Choice grilled turkerybreast dinner (includes peaches, roast sweet potatoes, and veggies. How am I doing??
Reply from Shannon, Age 12 - 10/27/06 - IP#:
From alysa, Age 11 - 10/27/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5ft, Wt. 134 - hey i grew an inch and i don't know if i lost anyway i'm pretty sure i didn't gain any though so that's a good thing well anyway hey waz up just wanted to say hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply from breana, Age 12 - 10/28/06 - IP#:
From Isabella, Age 13 - 10/27/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5ft. 5in., Wt. 167ish lbs - A heads up to those of who are digging artificial sweetners and banning sugar...well, neither one is actually very healthy for you. I recommend this 100% organic, all-natural, calorie free sweetner called Stervia Extract. It can be found in mot health food store and'lll taste like SPlena and everything else out there! It's a smart move, and the extra effort will e worth it, believe me. :0)
Reply from Isabella, Age 13 - 10/27/06 - IP#:
Reply from Gabriella, Age 12 - 10/27/06 - IP#:
From Samantha, Age 11 - 10/26/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'6', Wt. 222 - Hey everyone its hard being me but,i live it i love my life and would not want it any other way!even though my weight is BIG doesnt mean that should stop me from achiving all my dreams!And i want all the over weight kids to know that they should do whatever there mind feels dont pull back push forward!if anyone wants to taqlk then my address is
From Isabella, Age 13 - 10/26/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5ft. 5in., Wt. 167ish lbs - Food: Breakfast: Weight Watchers muffin, No Suar Added Hot Cocoa, water/SAnack: Oreos mini snack pack, like those Halloween treat things/Lunch: lean roast beef sandwhich on whole wheat bun, 100 cal GOldfish/Snack: non fat yogurt, banana/Dinner (plan) veggie pizza, apple, lowfat pudding/Exercise: 30 min. of belly/butt/thigh cardio workout dvd (10 miniutes for each segment)
From Isabella, Age 13 - 10/25/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5 ft. 5in., Wt. S:184 N:168 G:145 - Oh and for a few days I've been posting my weight as 166.6 and well I kept weighing myself every day and I'm still 168. SO that means I misread it and I've haven't lost anything in like a month! I'm so frustrated!! How do you get off a pleatu?? I'd like o loose 5-7lbs by Christmas!! OKay today: Breakfasy: 2 whole grain fat free pancakes, banana, Candian bacon(lean ham)/Snack: South Beach pb cookies *as soon as they are all gone I'm not buying them anymore!*/Lunch: turkey and cheese sandwhich with a pickle, yogurt/Snack: bowl of butternut squah soup (fat fee, lower salt, all organic), crackers with borganic bean and veggie salsa/Dinner: homemade whole wheat vegetable pizza, broccoli, baked apple wnd a pudding. Exercise: probably about 20-30 min. of Pilates becuuase I'm still sore from yesterday. How am I doing?
Reply from breana, Age 12 - 10/25/06 - IP#:
From Isabella, Age 13 - 10/25/06 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5 ft. 5in., Wt. S:184 N:166.6 G:145 - I found a cool website for teens ad tweens who wannn get fit!