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From Mikaila, Age 13 - 02/13/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
i am 13 i weigh 165 and i am 5'3 i really want to look good for the summer so im gonna try it is febuary 13 2004 and i look like a pig i need a buddy so if u are intrested and have AOL i.m me at . . Eck0 ShAdii 0o9 or e-mail me at thank you soo much
Reply from ~sammy~, Age 13 - 02/19/04  - IP#:
Reply from Amber, Age 16 - 02/14/04  - IP#:

From Taylor, Age 13 - 02/13/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hey you guys, I"m in middle school, 8th grade, and i'm tired of my weight too. I'm 5'6" and 150 lbs. I want to be 140 lbs, and i'm gonna have to work for it. You'll have to work for it to. Just try to get on a regular exercise routine, or play sports, or shop or goof around to get exercise. And with the food, you can eat what you'd normally eat, just limit it and cut down, or save some for later. Like cake, have a thin slice one a week rather that every day if you normally would. Keep a diary of what you eat. Check your calorie intake, and make sure it's not over 2000 calories. E-mail me at if you have any questions, and i'll explain further. Good Luck!

From Joe, Age 12 - 02/12/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hi everybody. I need to lose weight, but I find it very hard to not eat the things I like, and need some help. I'm 6ft tall, and approaching 250 pounds, and would like to lose 50 or 60!!!!
Reply from sara, Age 12 - 11/03/04  - IP#:
Reply from someone, Age 12 - 03/09/04  - IP#:

From Katie, Age 13 - 02/11/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hi i am Katie and i am 5'5 and weight 160 pounds.....and i hate being overweight....its so embarassing and this summer i am goin to Florida with out grade and i wanna lose some weight before that and thats in June i know i can do it....if u have advice email me
Reply from ERIN, Age 14 - 05/01/04  - IP#:

From nothing, Age 11 - 02/11/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
please help
Reply from la, Age 14 - 02/11/04  - IP#:

From Emily - 02/11/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hi,MY name is Emily I always go on this website.And every time I go on I lose a lot of weight! I lose weight because I eat veggitables+fruits,exedera exedera. And if your a kid like me you will need a lot of exercise! ! ! ! ! ! ! At the bottom I posted some Tips and suggestions to help you shed pounds
(Tips and suggestions) 1.This Summer ask your parents to get you envolved in any type of sports.Like, gymnastics,football,baseball,tennis just about anything that keeps you moving. 2.Buy an exercise movie .If you're about 8 or older, you should buy Moovin' and Groovin'
Reply from fatgurl, Age 14 - 02/11/04  - IP#:

From Alex, Age 12 - 02/09/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hi, last time i wrote i waz 135 lbs now i am 145!that was like a month ago!HHHHEEEELLLLPPPP!!!!
Reply from Shawna, Age 16 - 03/26/04  - IP#:
Reply from alex, Age 12 - 02/09/04  - IP#:

From Marie, Age 42 - 02/09/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hi. I am writing about my 11-year-old son. We will call him "Alex." I'm hoping maybe you guys can help me. I need to get through to Alex about losing weight. He cries all the time because the other kids make fun of him. He wants to lose weight, but can't resist snacking. And I know I'm at fault: I work at night and can't be with him at school, so he eats all the time and I'm not there to check the situation. NOW... I don't want to NAG him. (My mom used to nag me about practicing piano, so I quit, and now I'm sorry.) What could I say that will motivate him? What could someone say to you that would help you? I love him so much and don't want to make him feel bad, but he feels bad enough already. Alex is a great kid. He's a good student. He's just so unhappy. Thanks everyone! I appreciate your input!
Reply from someone, Age 12 - 03/08/04  - IP#:
Reply from ~sammy~, Age 15 - 02/19/04  - IP#:
Reply from taylor, Age 13 - 02/13/04  - IP#:
Reply from Ray Ray, Age 12 - 02/12/04  - IP#:
Reply from Marie, Age 42 - 02/12/04  - IP#:
Reply from leah, Age 11 - 02/11/04  - IP#:
Reply from k, Age 12 - 02/10/04  - IP#:
Reply from gggggg, Age 12 - 02/09/04  - IP#:
Reply from Mar, Age 15 - 02/09/04  - IP#:

From corina, Age 12 - 02/07/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hey ok well alll i really want to kno is what is a good diet for people my age?????????????
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 13 - 12/11/04  - IP#:

From Adam, Age 12 - 02/06/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hello I'm a bit overweight Im 145lbs and I want to lose does anyone want to be my diet buddy
Reply from ~sammy~, Age 13 - 02/19/04  - IP#:
Reply from hgsksd, Age 12 - 02/10/04  - IP#:
Reply from lindsey, Age 14 - 02/07/04  - IP#:
Reply from Kelsi, Age 12 - 02/07/04  - IP#:
Reply from agirl, Age 12 - 02/06/04  - IP#:

From paul, Age 12 - 02/02/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
can you guys help me lose weight like exercises i can do to get the best results
Reply from ME, Age 13 - 02/08/04  - IP#:
Reply from Raychel, Age 11 - 02/04/04  - IP#:

From ~*Cassandra~*, Age 11 - 02/02/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Dear nicole maybe try excersising just a little every week. Im 11 and weigh 148 and i think im overwieght but i made my thys and legs thinner and way stronger by excersising.Like instead of watching tv limit it about to 2-3 houurs go play outside or go for a walk with your mom or dad or any siblings. Make sure you also drink water your body needs lots and lots of water.If you excersise it will make you look and feel better.If you take my advice remember when your excersising that its worth it! GOODLUCK!!!!!!!! YOUR FRIEND, ~*CASSANDRA~*
Reply from kali, Age 11 - 02/18/04  - IP#:

From Jenna, Age 13 - 02/02/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
A few months ago, i weighed about 135 and i am 5'1 or 5'2, now i am much healthier because i weigh 115. I lost my weight very gradually...and if anyone needs help with their weight, and wants me to help them, e mail me at
Reply from Nasia, Age 13 - 12/26/04  - IP#:
Reply from Mikaila, Age 13 - 02/13/04  - IP#:
Reply from Jenna, Age 13 - 02/09/04  - IP#:
Reply from Emma`, Age 13 - 02/07/04  - IP#:

From amy, Age 14 - 02/02/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
if you really wanna lose weight you just have to eat a balanced diet and no snack or anything in between meals , also cut down on fizzy drinks n stuff , make sure you get at least 3 hours of exercise per week, and that doesnt just mean walking round a mates house or to school , p.e at school does count though. or any sports or bike ridding , ok ? good luck .
Reply from Maggie, Age 12 - 04/21/04  - IP#:
Reply from someone, Age 12 - 03/08/04  - IP#:

From fatso, Age 12 - 02/01/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
HIYA!!! I need help I am 12 5ft6 and weigh 210/220 lbs I need a diet buddy in da UK who has the same STATS as me and has msn! if you do then add me!! chears I need help and your encouragement will so me goodXXxxXXxxXXxxXX
Reply from nekisa, Age 81 - 02/01/04  - IP#:

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