From Greg, Age 16 - 12/28/22 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8", Start: 521 lb, Today: 521 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 499 lb - My dad told me about this place but it seems pretty dead now? Does anyone else struggle with having so much weight like me? It would be nice to talk with other people my size but the chat seems really weird
Reply from Greg, Age 16 - 01/12/23 - IP#:
Reply from Leon, Age 13 - 01/12/23 - IP#:
Reply from Greg, Age 16 - 01/11/23 - IP#:
Reply from Leon, Age 13 - 01/10/23 - IP#:
Reply from Leigh, Age 17 - 01/03/23 - IP#:
Reply from Greg, Age 16 - 12/30/22 - IP#:
Reply from Molly, Age 17 - 12/28/22 - IP#:
From Emily, Age 16 - 11/21/22 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'6", Start: 17 st 5, Today: 18 st 0 (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 13 st 5 - Hi I’m Emily, my TikTok is itzpengemilyxo even if you don’t use it get it and drop me a message, as it doesn’t matter how fat or skinny you’re someone will love you for who you’re and you all deserve someone special so I’m curious to know your story and being fat is okay and society will eventually accept you for who you’re so please if you’re reading this just keep being you and never let anyone tear you down as I promise it gets easier and never feel less of a person as they’re just scared because you’re bigger than them and would probably hurt them just thought I’d say (Note: 18 st 0 is 252 lb.)
From a, Age 19 - 11/14/22 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 4'11", Start: 150 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 100 lb - these are my thoughts
From Leigh, Age 16 - 10/24/22 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'11", Start: 21 st 8, Today: 37 st 2 (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 15 st 0 - Not sure why I still post on here as no one else seems to but I've been doing so for so long I can't get out.of the habit. I had another month off my feet recently. I turned my ankle after having a few drinks ks and couldn't walk for over a month. As I'm to fat to get around on crutches I had to be in a wheelchair for three weeks. The upset is I've gained another half stone and although I'm walking again, life is a real struggle now. My fitness is hopeless and if I walk anywhere I have to rest after 10 minutes, I can't dress myself as I can't reach my feet and I have to wear loose clothes. If anyone does read this and wants to chat is (Note: 37 st 2 is 520 lb.)
From Leigh, Age 17 - 06/30/22 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'10", Start: 21 st 8, Today: 36 st 9 (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 18 st 0 - I haven't been here for a while but thought I'd post an update. I injured my knee at the start of the year and couldn't walk for three months a result I absolutely ballooned in size. I should have been able to start walking after a month but because of my weight it took a lot longer. I am mobile again now but everything is a real struggle. I can no longer dress and wash myself as I can't reach my feet so my dad has to help me, and I can't walk more than about 10 minutes without getting out of breath. Is there anyone else on here who would like to chat, my email is (Note: 36 st 9 is 513 lb.)
Reply from as, Age 19 - 11/14/22 - IP#:
Reply from Howard, Age 17 - 07/03/22 - IP#:
From Nicki, Age 15 - 05/13/22 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'1", Start: 90 lb, Today: 218 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 110 lb - (Here’s My OCD Recount of whatever i can remember) (ALSO I DIDNT MENTION AFTER MID MARCH SCHOOL WAS ONLINE BECAUSE OF CONSTRUCTION) Ok so basically i’m on here bc i rly don’t know who to talk to abt this. So basically i’ve been very skinny my whole life. I’m 5’1 now (15) and 5ish months ago i was like 5’ (14). The issue is ive gotten pretty big and chubby since then, and now i’m overweight. In January my doctor said i was five feet and 90 pounds which is like pretty small for my age and I was self conscious all the time and stuff. So anyways around a month later i noticed clothes were getting tight and i had just got some new ones that were like a few months old and they didnt fit me easily and i had to struggle to put them on. I figured I grew or something the last think i couldve thought was that i was getting fat bc like i said ive been skinny all my life and stuff. So anyways a week ... (view more)(Here’s My OCD Recount of whatever i can remember) (ALSO I DIDNT MENTION AFTER MID MARCH SCHOOL WAS ONLINE BECAUSE OF CONSTRUCTION) Ok so basically i’m on here bc i rly don’t know who to talk to abt this. So basically i’ve been very skinny my whole life. I’m 5’1 now (15) and 5ish months ago i was like 5’ (14). The issue is ive gotten pretty big and chubby since then, and now i’m overweight. In January my doctor said i was five feet and 90 pounds which is like pretty small for my age and I was self conscious all the time and stuff. So anyways around a month later i noticed clothes were getting tight and i had just got some new ones that were like a few months old and they didnt fit me easily and i had to struggle to put them on. I figured I grew or something the last think i couldve thought was that i was getting fat bc like i said ive been skinny all my life and stuff. So anyways a week or so later i noticed my tummy was a little bit soft and I wasnt sure but i thought my thighs looked bigger so I got on my scale and I weighed 99 or so pounds. I remember this was feb 23 bc it was my brothers birthday. SO NOT EVEN 20 MINUTES after i did this i waked outta my room and my mom was standing there looking at me and she was like “Oh you put on some weight” and I said yeah but she was ok with it obv bc i needed some weight at that point. So i kinda ignored it bc i thought it was good I gained a little weight. Now i noticed that since after winter break i started eating a lot more but it was mostly when i was alone in my room when i was doing stuff i would eat junk food but i rly didn’t think it was a lot and i hadnt payed much attention to calories. Anyways up until maybe early march??? I didnt think abt my weight until i was getting ready and not having worn jeans in a while could not get them above my hips. I was super embarrassed and weighed myself again and was something like 105 i dont remember but i was like oh shoot bc i was getting actually fat. So i just decided to wear my sweats that day to school instead. Obviously that kinda got me worried about my weight and I was relieved when i measured myself and was 5’1 hopefully meaning i was going through a growth spurt or something. When I got home that day after school tho is when i noticed my belly was sticking out a little bit and my thighs were getting filled out and they were both mush softer and i wasnt used to that. SO once again i didnt sweat it until April fools day when my family just roasts eachother not even pranks (i bet you can imagine what kinda jokes I got.) So that kinda bummed me out bc i didnt think i got a lot fatter but turns out I did. Weighed myself again that day and I was 110 😬. I measured my height as well and it was the same. Thats when i felt like I was actually fat. Especially because a few days before then I had to go out and buy the husky version of my jeans size bc m dad was curious why i hadnt worn them in a while and I told him the truth. He also mentioned he noticed I put on some weight but it wasn’t anything to be worried about. So after april fools day my little brother started getting really open about my weight gain all of a sudden and whenever we ate breakfast he would stare at me and laugh. He also put pillows under his shirt and walked around in my clothes (all aside from the name calling). Ill be honest this really bothered me but I didn’t say anything. At this point i didn’t really think of losing weight and kinda accepted it. Also, I liked the way my clothes fit a more chubby body and actually felt better then I was when I was underweight. The thing with that tho is i barely ever got made fun of for being skinny and now it felt like everyone was calling me fat plus I WASNT EVEN FAT. Anyways, after all that i was very mindful about my weight and definitely noticed i was getting chubbier day by day. The 1st of this month is when i felt like it was out of control. I looked in the mirror at myself and i was shocked. I almost didnt recognize myself and I was chubby everywhere. My tummy was huge and my legs were too. I could grab my belly with both of my hands and pick it up. When school went remote i really didnt get out of bed much nor did i do barely anything outside the house because covid went around my house for a solid month. Anyways, that was when I started to hate it. Now, may 13, I am 118 pounds and I feel like a blob. I’ve been trying to get more active and watch my calories but my kitchen is a surplus of junk and my bed is too comfy to do much of anything. I just want to get back down to 110 when I felt thick but now i feel like i’m huge. It doesnt’t bother me so much but I just don’t want to gain anymore weight or not as fast so i can exercise and feel healthy again. Also, EVERYTHING is tight on me now that the covid is over in my house and I can’t just wear my pajamas. And everything wobbles when I walk which is unnerving. Can someone on here tell me how I can still eat and enjoy life but still lose weight? Thanks so Much. Best wishes -Nick (view less)
Reply from bailey, Age 13 - 08/17/24 - IP#:
Reply from bailey, Age 13 - 08/17/24 - IP#:
From Leigh, Age 16 - 12/14/21 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'11", Start: 21 st 8, Today: 34 st 10 (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 15 st 0 - It's that time of the year again, and I'm piling weight on again. It's getting harder to do daily tasks, I get out of breath walking more than a short distance or if I try and walk too fast. (Note: 34 st 10 is 486 lb.)
From Leigh, Age 16 - 09/03/21 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'10", Start: 21 st 8, Today: 34 st 1 (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 15 st 0 - Not been here for a while but nothings changed, still piling on the pounds. I really struggle doing loads of things now and get out of breath dead easy. (Note: 34 st 1 is 477 lb.)
Reply from Malachai, Age 15 - 09/27/21 - IP#:
From Kian, Age 16 - 05/14/21 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8", Start: 283 lb, Today: 194 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 175 lb - Weight has tricked on recently and I’ve gained around 20lbs of the 100 plus I lost.
From Haley, Age 13 - 04/29/21 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2", Start: 210 lb, Today: 331 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 120 lb - im so fat i keep getting bullied by my mom.. she calls me a blimp and i cant stop putting on weight would any one like to chat sometime i really need some support and stuff..
Reply from Harper, Age 14 - 09/07/21 - IP#:
Reply from savanna, Age 15 - 05/12/21 - IP#:
Reply from Callum, Age 13 - 05/01/21 - IP#:
From Daniel, Age 16 - 03/30/21 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 172 cm, Start: 182 kg, Today: 182 kg (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 80 kg - Hey, I'm kinda new to this thing. I'm Daniel and I'm from Poland. I've always been big, thanks to my dad and grandma who always gave me any food I wanted. Unfortunately as you can probably guess by my weight, I always wanted food. I got used to being fat, as I weighted 125kg last year, but since covid I put a ton of weight. My belly is very wide and hangs lower and lower, my boobs grew a lot and my tighs and butt won't fit comfortably in anything apart from sweatpants, but they already start to feel tight under my belly. I sweat a lot and have no energy so I just stay in my room and eat more food to feel better but afterwards I only feel heavier and fatter. The gyms are closed, swimming pools too, which is the main reason why I got so fat so quick. I love swimming, and apart from PE at school it was the only activity I was feeling good at. I really want to lose... (view more)Hey, I'm kinda new to this thing. I'm Daniel and I'm from Poland. I've always been big, thanks to my dad and grandma who always gave me any food I wanted. Unfortunately as you can probably guess by my weight, I always wanted food. I got used to being fat, as I weighted 125kg last year, but since covid I put a ton of weight. My belly is very wide and hangs lower and lower, my boobs grew a lot and my tighs and butt won't fit comfortably in anything apart from sweatpants, but they already start to feel tight under my belly. I sweat a lot and have no energy so I just stay in my room and eat more food to feel better but afterwards I only feel heavier and fatter. The gyms are closed, swimming pools too, which is the main reason why I got so fat so quick. I love swimming, and apart from PE at school it was the only activity I was feeling good at. I really want to lose weight, because summer is close and I can't even put my legs into my swimshorts, not to mention the rest... not to mention that I look enormous and I'm ashamed of it. My younger brother who is skinny is bullying me all the time, slapping my belly and calling me names. When he invites his friends for a sleepover they all make fun of me. I feel like s**t. I wnat to change something in my life but it's so hard. (view less) (Note: 172 cm, 182 kg is 5'8", 400 lb.)
Reply from Malachai, Age 15 - 09/27/21 - IP#:
Reply from Leigh, Age 16 - 04/11/21 - IP#:
Reply from Jenna, Age 16 - 04/05/21 - IP#:
Reply from Daniel, Age 16 - 04/01/21 - IP#:
Reply from Derek, Age 16 - 03/31/21 - IP#:
From Jason, Age 13 - 03/28/21 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'7", Start: 176 lb, Today: 239 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 115 lb - I'm becoming so fat lately. As of 2 weeks ago I weigh 239 pounds so by now I probably weigh 250+. I've been gaining about 2 pounds a week since the beginning of the year and can't stop. I was just 226 pounds on february 5th. My clothes are getting to tight and I need xxl shirts. I'm so afraid when I go to the doctors in may and my mom sees my weight that she'll be so mad. I eat 2900 calories a day and snack constantly. If I don't do something now, I'll be immobile before I'm 18.
Reply from haley, Age 13 - 04/29/21 - IP#:
From chris, Age 19 - 03/16/21 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'1", Start: 350 lb, Today: 320 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 310 lb - iam overweight
Reply from savanna, Age 15 - 05/12/21 - IP#:
From Lita, Age 15 - 03/04/21 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8", Start: 35 st 4, Today: 35 st 4 (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 19 st 2 - I am so heavy and weigh so much, in school their is this super muscular student who goes around lifting people, when he tried to lift me he couldn't do it. This was doubly as embarrasing since all of his friends was laughing at the fact he couldn't pick me up. We had to buy a stronger scale as I am 11 stone too heavy for our old one, I weigh more than both of my parents. Me and my friends go to the park a lot, but I hate the seesaw because they can never lift my side up! (Note: 35 st 4 is 494 lb.)
From Jackson, Age 15 - 03/03/21 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'9", Start: 220 lb, Today: 288 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 200 lb - Before quarantine I was already a bit chubby at 220Lbs, but not bad. I expected I gained a few pounds, but until I got on the scale today I was expecting to see 235-250lbs, but I am now 288lbs! I hate how I look, and I have noticed I am not able to be as active as I used to be, I get winded easily, and I can’t fit in my clothes and I know I need help because I don’t want to be just like my parents (my dad is 450lbs and my mom is 380lbs). I know if I can’t get this under control I will be over 300lbs by summer and it is so scary, in a year I gained 68lbs and if I repeat that next year I will be 356lbs shortly after my 16th birthday and according to my dad he wasn’t even over 200lbs until after high school so where does that put me?
Reply from Leigh, Age 15 - 03/07/21 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |