From Trevor, Age 14 - 12/10/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 6'4", Today: 300 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 200 lb - Hi, I have a major problem. I'm overweight, 300 pounds, and I'm 6ft 4 inches tall. I'm bigger than everybody in class, including the teachers, priciple, everybody! I get teased alot, and would like to lose 80 to 100 pounds. Even my older sisters friends who are like 23,24, 25 years old come over to the house, and they act scared of me, cuz they are so small, and they are like....Oh my god....please don't crush me. I dont think I over eat, so i don't know why I'm so overweit. Help!
Reply from Cody, Age 14 - 12/10/03 - IP#:
Reply from henry, Age 14 - 12/10/03 - IP#:
From ashley, Age 12 - 12/09/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
i need to lose weight, but i always get cravings and eat more thinking one bite will be ok, then i keep eating, then a gain it back, and then some. please help me by e-mailing me at
Reply from katie, Age 16 - 12/10/03 - IP#:
From Marlee, Age 14 - 12/09/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Heyy...Guys im sick oday and i only eat like.....rice, apples, soda crackers. Thast all and i have so much energey...This is totally inspiring to eat less since that is my mane problem..... :)
Reply from ashley, Age 12 - 12/09/03 - IP#:
From Emily, Age 14 - 12/09/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi this has nothing to do with weight...But I'm feeling very upset right now and need some comfort.My dad is gay.And my grandpa(from my dads side) has very bad prostate cancer..and my other grandpa from my moms side has very bad lung cancer..I'm really close to them..I dont know wat to do..This is going to be there last Christmas and I never thought that they would ever go..No1 close to me has ever died before.
Reply from Cody, Age 14 - 12/10/03 - IP#:
Reply from Catherine, Age 14 - 12/09/03 - IP#:
From clifford, Age 15 - 12/09/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Today: 175 lb - Hey I had basketball today and when I got home I had a salad and then did homework now I am here. I am going to do some crunches in a second and I will drink a lot of water I want to be 168 by sunday and I am on my period so I gained like 4 or 5 water pounds that I can loose by sunday along with anything else I need to loose to get to 168 by sunday. I want to be 160 by xmas I am 174 or 175 now because of my slight weight gain with my period but that should ed in a day or two so I am gonna keep truckin down the numbers on my scale. Well good luck to everyone. Oh yea anne you can not leave we have our sontest that I want everyone to see on line here at blubberbusters so anne you cant leave. So please reconsider this choice please
Reply from sorry, Age 14 - 12/10/03 - IP#:
From B.L.B., Age 13 - 12/09/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey Everyone! I would like to tell all of those who are discouraged from their diets to start aren't going to get ANYWHERE right here in front of the may get info and inspiration, but theres more to it! I feel so good right now, because I stuck with my diet...I quit drinking pop and soda about 5 months ago, and cut down on "high in fat" foods, such as Mcdonals or chocoolate. I started a new Tri 2 weeks ago in P.E., and every day we either do 30-45 minutes of weight lifting, or volleyball games against the, I drink as much water during the day as I can, eat a lot of fruit and veggies, and watch what I eat...but don't become obbsessed with dieting and calories, its not good for you! And other excersize I do besides wieghht lifting, is Power Tumbling, because Im on the gymnastics team, and I do about 3 hours of it a week...and its tough! You... (view more)Hey Everyone! I would like to tell all of those who are discouraged from their diets to start aren't going to get ANYWHERE right here in front of the may get info and inspiration, but theres more to it! I feel so good right now, because I stuck with my diet...I quit drinking pop and soda about 5 months ago, and cut down on "high in fat" foods, such as Mcdonals or chocoolate. I started a new Tri 2 weeks ago in P.E., and every day we either do 30-45 minutes of weight lifting, or volleyball games against the, I drink as much water during the day as I can, eat a lot of fruit and veggies, and watch what I eat...but don't become obbsessed with dieting and calories, its not good for you! And other excersize I do besides wieghht lifting, is Power Tumbling, because Im on the gymnastics team, and I do about 3 hours of it a week...and its tough! You can't just look for diet tips on the interent all the time...make a goal, and hop to it! My goal is to get a six pack by summer, so I will be confident and feel good in my swiming suit at the "End of the year" swimming party! I hope this will be an inspiration to all of you, so that you will finally have enough motivation inside of you to start...RIGHT NOW! :D (view less)
From YOU CANT LEAVE, Age 14 - 12/09/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Dont leave anne you inspire me so much and it would be a great mistake if you left SO YOU CANT LEAVEIma happy that you lost 20 pounds.I bet that hanah wasn't quite sure what she was talking about or who she was talking about. SoDONT leave pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Reply from henry, Age 14 - 12/10/03 - IP#:
From Zach, Age 16 - 12/09/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'9", Today: 315 lb (BMI %tile: 98) - Hi, this is my first time here. I want to lose some weight but I'm not sure how to get started. I'm 5 feet 9 inches tall, and weigh 315 pounds.
Reply from Må®k, Age 16 - 12/09/03 - IP#:
Reply from BRIAN, Age 14 - 12/09/03 - IP#:
From Missy, Age 14 - 12/09/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'6", Today: 155 lb (BMI %tile: 90) - Hi I wanna know how much weight you ppl think I should lose, I am 5'6 and 155 lbs.And how much weight can u lose drinking green tea? please answer me thanx
Reply from Linda, Age 16 - 12/09/03 - IP#:
Reply from Må®k, Age 16 - 12/09/03 - IP#:
From Samantha, Age 14 - 12/09/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Start: 158 lb, Today: 126 lb (BMI %tile: 66), Goal: 115 lb - hey, everyone's been asking me how i went from 5'3" 158 pounds to 5'4.5" 126.5 pounds. well the first thing i wanna say is that it was not easy. weight loss is not any easy goal to acomplish, so if you dont suceed the first time dont give up, it'll take a couple of tries before it actually works. over summer i was very active. i didnt go out and take a jog or anything, just normal activities, walking around with friends, swimming, stuff like that. i also watched what i was eating. it took awhile to get it all off, but eventually it did. be patient and dont give up. good luck everyone!
From hanah, Age 14 - 12/09/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
anne sorry youre having problems at home, but some of the stuff you say is awsome advise and i really appreicate it,so dont stop coming to this site OK!
From chellie, Age 14 - 12/09/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
HEy y'all haven't posted in a while, but just wanted to see how everyone was doin. I felt really bad earlier(like when i got home)And so i donno wut i was thinkin but i had a small cup of chacolate ice cream. :( NOw i sorta feel worse. Well i really want to lose weight this week so i geuss i better be gettin up to the plate and take responcibility for my actions. well i don't really have any questions or not. just cheaking in with everyone. ttyl much luv ~~*~CHELLIe~*~~
From Veronica, Age 17 - 12/09/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey everyone! Have a question for those out there on any kind of low carb diet (even those of you who aren't but know a thing or two =). Okay, my meals lately are pretty bland and I was wondering if anyone has any ideas for a more colorful low carb meal and also if ya'll know of any good high protein shakes or meal replacement shakes and bars? Thanx so much to all who answer. -Veronica
Reply from Becca, Age 14 - 12/09/03 - IP#:
From anne, Age 16 - 12/09/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Today: 149 lb (BMI %tile: 84) - one more thing(yeah it seems like i'm addicted. lol.) my eamil's to anyone who wants to be diet or exersize buddy(so i keeo up doing my exersize) or just wants to plain talk to a 149 pound 5'5" girl. you don't need the same stats but if you do there they are...
From Kayleigh, Age 12 - 12/09/03 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hiya i havent posted a message lately because i have been feeling a bit down. I weighed my self about 5 minsand i had lost 6 pounds in a couple of months but the thing is i havent been on a diet. I have just been doing pe twice a week dancing lessons on a saturday and gym on a thursday. I woz sooooooooo suprised and afta xmas im goin on a diet but im goin 2 try to cut down on junk food now. Thanks XxX
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |