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From Leigh - 11/28/03 - IP#: 65.163.106.xxx  Click here to reply  
Start: 130 lb, Today: 147 lb - Ok so i ate no bad stuff at thanksgiving and I stepped on the scale this morning and I had gained 17 lbs!!!!!!! I weighed 130 lbs. but now I weigh 147. I put on 2 inches around my waist too. I think I just might give up this diet. I mean why bother if i'm just going to get fat n e way!!!
Reply from Melissa, Age 14 - 11/28/03  - IP#: 24.107.4.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 11/28/03  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx
Reply from Rachel, Age 13 - 11/28/03  - IP#: 24.31.201.xxx

From lila, Age 13 - 11/28/03 - IP#: 65.71.66.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey i need help getting motivated!! if u wanna be my weight loss buddy leave a message! dont care how much u weigh or even if ur a guy or girl! just reply please!
Reply from TO MEL H, Age 13 - 11/28/03  - IP#: 65.71.66.xxx
Reply from Mel h, Age 15 - 11/28/03  - IP#: 80.229.130.xxx

From stef, Age 12 - 11/28/03 - IP#: 12.221.74.xxx  Click here to reply  
can ne1 tell me a meal plan that consists of 1500-2500 calories??????????????????PLZ PLZ PLZ TELL ME!!!

From ?*?*?*, Age 13 - 11/28/03 - IP#: 65.71.66.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey this is a personal question for girls - do u gain weight the week b4 ur period or the week ur going thru ur period??
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 12/01/03  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx
Reply from CLIFFORD, Age 15 - 11/30/03  - IP#: 63.229.200.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 11/30/03  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx
Reply from Melissa, Age 14 - 11/29/03  - IP#: 24.107.4.xxx
Reply from clifford, Age 15 - 11/28/03  - IP#: 63.229.200.xxx

From Sara, Age 17 - 11/28/03 - IP#: 194.230.169.xxx  Click here to reply  
Have somebody ever tried Taebo? Is it worth to buy those video tapes??? Please let me know!!!!!
Reply from Melissa, Age 14 - 11/28/03  - IP#: 24.107.4.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 11/28/03  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx

From strawberry, Age 15 - 11/28/03 - IP#: 198.81.26.xxx  Click here to reply  
omg tae bo seems to be working with everyone that has tried it. I would like to try it but ever since there is lots of tapes to choose from i don't know which one to pick since everyone seems to be a lil bit different can y'all help me choose one? please
Reply from Melissa, Age 14 - 11/29/03  - IP#: 24.107.4.xxx
Reply from Sara, Age 13 - 11/28/03  - IP#: 206.146.210.xxx

From clifford, Age 15 - 11/28/03 - IP#: 63.229.200.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ok so I am getting muscle on my thighs so they look big but they still have a lot of fat on the inside mainly how can i loose this I do this defensive stance where u bend ur knees ur bak is still straight and u walk sideways with ur knees bent but that seems to only work my outer thighs I need some tips on looseing the inner thigh fat. I have noticed my pushups are becoming easier and really are helping me with upper arm strangth. Well thanx in advance for ur help. You can im me at SeXyBiAtCh93088 on aol instant messinger
Reply from Nicole, Age 13 - 11/28/03  - IP#: 24.71.223.xxx

From lilly, Age 13 - 11/28/03 - IP#: 65.71.66.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey i saw these tv shows and some ppl who lost weight had like really really really really really lose skin after...it was really gross! how do i keep that from happening to me? Can it happen to me? I dont no!
Reply from alley, Age 14 - 11/29/03  - IP#: 63.246.175.xxx
Reply from Becca, Age 14 - 11/29/03  - IP#: 24.194.243.xxx
Reply from stef, Age 12 - 11/28/03  - IP#: 12.221.74.xxx

From BM - 11/27/03 - IP#: 67.37.154.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey this has nothing to do with losing weight or anything on this board but.....................Coldplay and Radiohead are 2 of the BEST bands!!!!!!!what bands do u guys like?
Reply from clifford, Age 15 - 11/30/03  - IP#: 63.229.200.xxx
Reply from Cherry, Age 15 - 11/30/03  - IP#: 209.179.168.xxx
Reply from CLIFFORD, Age 15 - 11/30/03  - IP#: 63.229.200.xxx
Reply from anne - 11/30/03  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx
Reply from clifford, Age 15 - 11/28/03  - IP#: 63.229.200.xxx
Reply from clifford, Age 15 - 11/28/03  - IP#: 63.229.200.xxx
Reply from clifford, Age 15 - 11/28/03  - IP#: 63.229.200.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 11/28/03  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx
Reply from Mel H, Age 15 - 11/28/03  - IP#: 81.174.216.xxx
Reply from emily, Age 16 - 11/27/03  - IP#: 24.70.188.xxx

From (*(Britt)*), Age 12 - 11/27/03 - IP#: 67.37.154.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey yaz, if you have tried tae-bo, please reply to this:How long did it take you to see and feel results? How much weight have you lost? How much have you toned up?If you know this....How many inches have you lost?also.......What tae-bo did you use? (e.g. beginner,advanced)Thanks so much if you reply to any of these questions!~Britt
Reply from Britt, Age 12 - 11/29/03  - IP#: 67.37.154.xxx
Reply from Melissa, Age 14 - 11/28/03  - IP#: 24.107.4.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 11/28/03  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx

From jess, Age 14 - 11/27/03 - IP#: 12.220.155.xxx  Click here to reply  
lol nvm sorry im kind of dumb i found the message

From jess, Age 14 - 11/27/03 - IP#: 12.220.155.xxx  Click here to reply  
could someone tell me how to do crunches?? how many should u do in a day? i think my last message was erased or something
Reply from lucky, Age 14 - 11/28/03  - IP#: 216.249.76.xxx

From chellie, Age 14 - 11/27/03 - IP#: 66.167.144.xxx  Click here to reply  
Also, have any of y'all read the book by dr. phil's son, Jay McGraw? It's just for teens, and I got it after my mom taped a dr. Phil episode with that as the topic for that show. j/k. w/b. thanks bunches,CheLLiE
Reply from Emma, Age 14 - 11/30/03  - IP#: 24.69.255.xxx
Reply from mar, Age 13 - 11/28/03  - IP#: 24.101.190.xxx
Reply from chellie to everyone, Age 14 - 11/28/03  - IP#: 66.167.144.xxx
Reply from cliford, Age 15 - 11/28/03  - IP#: 63.229.200.xxx

From Emma, Age 14 - 11/27/03 - IP#: 24.69.255.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 161 lb, Today: 140 lb (BMI %tile: 79) - Hi I am 5'6" and I weigh 140. I used to weigh 161.I want to lose some more but I need some more ways these last few pounds have been hard to lose..
Reply from chellie, Age 14 - 11/27/03  - IP#: 66.167.144.xxx

From anne, Age 16 - 11/27/03 - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx  Click here to reply  
happt thanksgiving to all americans out there! yay abe lincon!
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 11/27/03  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx

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The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
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