From help cb, Age 12 - 06/07/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
i need a weight buddy be free to email me at
From help cb, Age 12 - 06/07/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
i am 5'5 and 155lbs anything at all possible help
From help cb, Age 12 - 06/07/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
i need some serious help i need to lose 10lbs. in 1 week any suggestions
From Melissa, Age 14 - 06/07/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I need help!! I am 5'5'' and i weight 180 pounds plzs if ne1 has any diets plzs send them to me at or you can post them
From Brandy, Age 13 - 06/07/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi guys. My name is Brandy and I have really thick thighs, and some fat on my stomache. I was wandering if anyone has any exercise routines to help me lose most of that fat. Thanx
Reply from emmy, Age 14 - 06/07/02 - IP#:
From nicole, Age 12 - 06/07/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey ppl, i know that u may have heard this alot but i would really like sum help, ive written stuff b4 but no 1 weites ne thing, has ne 1 lost weight from this site?? ne way if u could give me all da advice u got, that would b really cool! p.s: if ya wanna buddy, email me, i promice to write back with advice or anything u want! luv
Reply from Karry, Age 15 - 06/07/02 - IP#:
From Sara, Age 15 - 06/07/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Okay you guys this is a really serious thing and i need your help. Im not writing for me but for my friend Antonia. Shes not fat or ne thing but she thinks she is. At the most she may be 15 pounds over weight. Today she told me shes throwin up after she eats. I told her about belemia and she didnt care her goal is just to be skinny. I told her it could get so bad she could die but she seriously doesnt care she just wants to be skinny even though shes only like 130! please help me i dont want her to die but she want listen to me! Its really hard to get her to listen because shes a very stubborn person and wants she sets her mind on somethin she usually does it which is scarin me so bad. Shes such an awesome friend and shes got alot of friends and we dont want to see her like this. Shes really active ( shes in show choir and shes on the pom squad ) and im afraid that if she doesnt eat, shes gonna get weak and really hurt herself even more. If anyone can help me itd be the world to me. I dont want to lose her as a friend! please reply with any suggestions im very worried!!! Sara
Reply from anna marie, Age 13 - 06/08/02 - IP#:
Reply from Kate, Age 13 - 06/08/02 - IP#:
Reply from Kate, Age 13 - 06/08/02 - IP#:
Reply from candy, Age 14 - 06/08/02 - IP#:
From cassie, Age 14 - 06/07/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
i went from 129 to 135 is one week.. and throughout the past month i think half my clothes dont fit well anymore.
Reply from nicole, Age 12 - 06/07/02 - IP#:
From me, Age 14 - 06/07/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
ok im not over wieght or n e thing but a got a lil bit of strechmarks and i NEED to kno how to get rid of them !!!! where can i find some and for how much
Reply from haha i dunno, Age 14 - 06/21/02 - IP#:
From cherrie, Age 14 - 06/06/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
i was wondering what u take if ur on the fat flush plan? i read a message about some tablet? which is it and wat dosage do u take? thanks
From Amanda, Age 14 - 06/06/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Does anyone know a good diet that works?
From karyn, Age 16 - 06/05/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
pilates are awesome!! I did them for an hour and a 1/2 yesterday and i did them tonight and i already lost 3 lbs! they really burn, specially the exercises that target your abs, butt and thighs but its so great. even after only doing it two days i feel so much better. im now 135 and i have 10 lbs left! the home stretch! e-mail me at if you wanna know more about pilates. good luck everyone
Reply from Debbie, Age 14 - 06/06/02 - IP#:
From big boy, Age 15 - 06/05/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
wha diet works the best -weight watchers -No sweets at all what?
Reply from Nastassia, Age 14 - 06/24/02 - IP#:
From Beth S., Age 14 - 06/05/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey guys... I am having a lot of trouble staying motivated. A LOT. I'm trying to lose the weight, but I don't know if I'm doing the right thing or if I would be a happier person if I just stopped worrying about it. Anyone who wants a diet buddy e-mail me at
From Melissa, Age 14 - 06/05/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hello, i am 14 and i weighabout 160 pounds i need a diet bad so if you have any tips plzs send them to me. You can email me at ~~~ 3:o
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