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From guess who - 01/03/02 - IP#: 65.6.88.xxx  Click here to reply  

From Sam, Age 12 - 01/02/02 - IP#: 205.188.197.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey if n e one wants to be like a diet buddy or something with me, email me at amosher5@aol.com , or if u have aol or AIM u can also IM me. thanx a lot and have a great day!
Reply from Sean, Age 13 - 01/03/02  - IP#: 202.129.95.xxx

From *ChickaDee*, Age 15 - 01/02/02 - IP#: 206.102.156.xxx  Click here to reply  
I just wanna let everyone know who's trying or is on a diet that they CAN do it! I went from 215-220 lbs. to 140 lbs. It's taken me almost a year (since the end of last March) but it's so worth it! I went from a size 18 which were soooo tight to a size 8-10. I'm still not where I wanna be since I'm only 5'3. I want to be aroud 110 - 115 and I know I will reach that in a matter of months. Everyone needs to have confidence to lose weight. When you're eating food ask yourself why you are eating this food and if you REALLY want it or are you just bored. Drink as much water as you possible can! You have to be happy with yourself or you won't be able to achieve anything. You'll just sit around feeling sorry for yourself like I did for many many years. I had been fat my whole entire life but now I'm finally getting to where I should and wanna be. People I've known my whole life don't even... (view more)
Reply from Jenni, Age 15 - 01/03/02  - IP#: 24.49.223.xxx
Reply from ana 2 chickade, Age 15 - 01/02/02  - IP#: 66.69.70.xxx
Reply from *ChickaDee to Ana*, Age 15 - 01/02/02  - IP#: 206.102.156.xxx
Reply from Ana, Age 15 - 01/02/02  - IP#: 66.69.70.xxx

From Vinessa, Age 12 - 01/02/02 - IP#: 24.100.37.xxx  Click here to reply  
HI guyz it me again! i am going into high school in 2 years and i dont wanan look so fat. i wanna be able towear skimpy shirts! what should i do! I am a size 4 in womans! HELP!
Reply from Me, Age 14 - 01/11/02  - IP#: 172.162.55.xxx
Reply from Misty, Age 14 - 01/05/02  - IP#: 64.12.103.xxx
Reply from allisa, Age 12 - 01/02/02  - IP#: 65.6.88.xxx

From Vinessa, Age 12 - 01/02/02 - IP#: 24.100.37.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi guyz, my name is Vinessa! I am twelve years old and weigh 135lbs and i am 5''2. Thi swebsite says im overweight but i dont really think i am! I am going on a diet by cutting down portions, but ppl say excercise makes u fatter! Its getting really hard for me to cut down my portions cuz our family eats out alot and i love eating at resteraunts and there are so many good things that i cant help it! I AM REALLY TRYING!!!!!!! but i also need sum advice, what should i do? thankx!
Reply from Misty, Age 14 - 01/05/02  - IP#: 64.12.103.xxx
Reply from candy to skinny, Age 13 - 01/04/02  - IP#: 202.156.2.xxx
Reply from Skinny, Age 13 - 01/03/02  - IP#: 216.67.203.xxx
Reply from cathy, Age 12 - 01/02/02  - IP#: 24.237.206.xxx

From rachel, Age 13 - 01/02/02 - IP#: 203.166.96.xxx  Click here to reply  
i was just wondering how long it takes to see results if you work out with taebo everyday
Reply from Jennifer, Age 17 - 01/01/02  - IP#: 206.150.163.xxx

From Darleene, Age 13 - 01/02/02 - IP#: 62.254.133.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey Guyz, my name is Darleene and I am an obese girl. You see, i way over 250 pounds!!beleive it or not!!!My mom dont care if I miss school so I just lye in bed all day. At school they call me Wobble-eene instead of darleene and it gets me down, so I just dont go no more. I try to loose weight but in dont work and i eat alot. Please help me freindz!
Reply from misty, Age 14 - 01/05/02  - IP#: 64.12.103.xxx
Reply from pam to darleen, Age 14 - 01/02/02  - IP#: 64.12.102.xxx
Reply from pam, Age 14 - 01/02/02  - IP#: 64.12.102.xxx

From Vinessa, Age 12 - 01/02/02 - IP#: 24.100.37.xxx  Click here to reply  
Reply from ASH, Age 13 - 04/02/02  - IP#: 12.250.244.xxx
Reply from Misty, Age 14 - 01/05/02  - IP#: 64.12.103.xxx
Reply from allisa, Age 12 - 01/03/02  - IP#: 65.6.88.xxx

From Tayisha, Age 17 - 01/01/02 - IP#: 4.54.226.xxx  Click here to reply  
I have a problem. I am 5'5 and 210 lbs. I have a cotillion coming up in March and I need to lose weight. I am a size 18, some 16's. I want to be in a size 14 to look good in a dress. What should I do? I am open to all diet and exercise plans.
Reply from Jennifer, Age 17 - 01/05/02  - IP#: 206.155.174.xxx
Reply from Misty, Age 14 - 01/05/02  - IP#: 64.12.103.xxx

From ANOTHER FAT BOY, Age 14 - 01/01/02 - IP#: 205.188.199.xxx  Click here to reply  
Why am I so fat? why am i huge? it fells like someone is fattening me up with a fat pump? i'm 5'7" and weigh 175lbs Help
Reply from Jeremy, Age 14 - 01/02/02  - IP#: 207.218.212.xxx
Reply from *ME*, Age 14 - 01/02/02  - IP#: 64.12.103.xxx
Reply from allisa, Age 12 - 01/01/02  - IP#: 65.6.88.xxx

From Natalija, Age 12 - 01/01/02 - IP#: 203.134.24.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey i'm 145cm not sure in feet and i weigh 60kg them people who live in australia always good to tell your parents how much you hate being over i told my mum and she is going to put me on lite n easy lite n easy make your food so it high in flavour but low in fat i'm trying it out i'll let you know how it was :) bye anyone hate being over weigh email me on natalija_luv_u@hotmail.com

From Jennifer, Age 17 - 01/01/02 - IP#: 206.150.163.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hello :) I was just wondering if anyone out there wanted to keep in touch and write back and forth with me. I thought it would be a help not only for me, but for you too :) We could help keep each other incouraged and help each other through these hard, and good times :)
Reply from clare, Age 16 - 01/02/02  - IP#: 195.92.67.xxx
Reply from Courtney to Jennifer, Age 15 - 01/02/02  - IP#: 206.102.156.xxx

From Sam, Age 12 - 12/31/01 - IP#: 205.188.197.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey if n e one wants to be a diet buddy or something, email me or IM me at amosher5@aol.com
Reply from Sean, Age 13 - 01/03/02  - IP#: 202.129.95.xxx

From dolly, Age 11 - 12/31/01 - IP#: 203.220.156.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi i am about 90 kilos over waigt and i need some idears thanks all

From angela, Age 12 - 12/31/01 - IP#: 24.4.252.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi everyone..i'm 12 years old and i weigh 175..and i'm 5'3..i would like to get down to 100-120 anywhere in that range..if u have any diets or anything that u think would help me email them to me and also if u know how long it would take to lose around 60 pounds..my email is lady_bug3126@hotmail.com
Reply from ana, Age 15 - 01/02/02  - IP#: 66.69.70.xxx

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