From rachel, Age 13 - 01/18/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
When you stop eating your body thinks you are out in the desert or the wilderness, with no food, and that it'll be a long while before you eat again, so it stores food to ration off later. That means lots of the fats and sugars you eat get stored. If you eat frequently, even if its just an apple or an orange you could be doing so much more for your body. Starving yourself ruins your concentration, and with school starting you'd want to get into a healthy eating plan. It takes 21 consequetive days to break a habit or start another, so why dont you make an effort to set aside half a day if possible or just a few times a week, before school or after, to do some exercise. Everyone can lose weight, if it was so easy we'd all look like supermodels, im not going to say it'll be easy, but everyone can do it. If you learn to accept yourself then you'll be twice as successful, trust me.
From heather, Age 15 - 01/18/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I just wanted to mention that before i was cutting out alot of calories (i ate 1200 a day which i was told was as low as i should go) but i also heard if you cut out to many (like lower then 1600) your body goes into semi-starvation mode and it can make you emotionally unstable and even cause you to gain more weight because your metabolism slows down soooo much so i just wanted to say that you should watch your calorie intake not to much not to little :)
From Heather, Age 15 - 01/18/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
OK well heres my story, I had lost 17 lbs as of before christmas but of course holidays mean food and that means eating everything within reach hehe so i gain back like 3 lbs but i am working on it. On to the rest of my story...I am switching schools next last day is tomorrow and then after exams i will start at my new school. I already have friends there but i want to make a good impression on their friends (make sense?) so i am going to try to lose as much as i can in 2 weeks! (by the way i am 12 lbs away from my goal weight)
Reply from Heather, Age 15 - 01/20/02 - IP#:
Reply from adrian, Age 13 - 01/20/02 - IP#:
Reply from spring, Age 12 - 01/20/02 - IP#:
From Donna, Age 14 - 01/17/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I am 15 in august (7 months away) an i really want 2 loose about 5-6 stone. I currently weigh 15 stone exactly and want to go to 9 or 10 stone. I am 5'8" and REALLY need to loose this weight! I dont get teased but i have no self confidence an if any1 could help me please email me at Thankyou. Donna xxx xx x
Reply from spring, Age 12 - 01/20/02 - IP#:
From Becky, Age 13 - 01/17/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I have to loose about 7inches on my waist to be a model I dont know how? I'm not overweight nor underweight. How can I loose it without becoming aneretsic? Please help!!!
Reply from this is 2 candy, Age 12 - 01/20/02 - IP#:
Reply from candy, Age 13 - 01/20/02 - IP#:
Reply from Guitargurl0, Age 12 - 01/18/02 - IP#:
Reply from allisa, Age 13 - 01/17/02 - IP#:
Reply from gal, Age 17 - 01/17/02 - IP#:
From Amber, Age 13 - 01/17/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi. My name is Amber. I am an 8th grader and I am almost in High School. I am 130 lbs. and at risk for becoming over weight. I am really feeling sorry for myself at this time of moment. I cry myself to sleep wishing that in the morning my stomach will be flat. If anyone has any suggestions or tips on losing weight please, PLEASE e-mail me at Thanx!
Reply from A girl..., Age 13 - 01/17/02 - IP#:
Reply from allisa, Age 13 - 01/17/02 - IP#:
From karen, Age 16 - 01/16/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
hi im 16 and a shophmore in hs. i am 130 pounds over weight. (im 5'7" and about 270 lbs) i love to swim but living in ny i can't to often and i cant run beacuse of an asthma problem. im want to drop 4 dress sizes or more before the summer (22 to a 16.) please help me i really need it. i want to be accepted in my hs and not be laughed at for my wieght. my e-mail is please help me my obessity has made me depressed and givin me emotional problems. please help
Reply from adrian, Age 13 - 01/21/02 - IP#:
From allisa, Age 12 - 01/15/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
ok for some reason i can't get the pic i want u people to see on here so i am just leaving a thing to go to and u will see what i wanted u to see. i think u guys would like it.
Reply from S, Age 12 - 01/20/02 - IP#:
Reply from allisa, Age 13 - 01/17/02 - IP#:
Reply from Lia, Age 16 - 01/16/02 - IP#:
From Beth, Age 13 - 01/15/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey ya'll. I've posted before and this time I'm asking for a few tips and/or advice. I've completley changed my eating styles. I always have breakfast, no matter what. I used to rarely have it, but now I have to. I changed my lunch from a slice of pizza, fries, and chocolate milk to a half a turkey sandwhich and skim milk. For a snack, I try to kill of all cravings and go bananas or other fruit, and dinner's the same except for smaller portions. I haven't put as much commitment into it as I can. But I'm going to start this week. I want to excersize more, but I really can't. :( My parents won't let me join a gym or buy a treadmill. I don't have so much time on my hands with homework and work around the house. And it's cold and icy out so I'm scared to go running with the little time I have. Anyone have any tips for me to squeeze some excersize into my diet?
Reply from Alex, Age 15 - 01/26/02 - IP#:
From Melissa, Age 14 - 01/15/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hello everyone, i love all of the tips that poeple have paoted but i can never remmber them. So if you want to post them agian you can or if you just want to email them that would be fine to my email address is
From Ruby, Age 13 - 01/15/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi, It's me again. I'm thirty pounds over weight. I wrote a while ago, and you guys told me to drink plenty of water. I appreciate it, but I already drink plenty of water. I've cut out the soda, but I just can't seem to lose any weight. I don't have the time for exercise because I get tons of homework everynight. I don't know what to do. About a few weeks ago, I didn't eat much. It actually worked, but I knew that I should eat healthier stuff. I had been eating cookies, and brownies for lunch. I lost 5 pounds, but as soon as I realized what I was doing, I decided to stop. I gained the 5lbs back. You guys have been very helpful. I need more help. I really want to be down to 95lbs by June 8th (my b-day & SUMMERTIME!) I'm at 125lbs right now. I really need help! :( All my friends are underweight and still think they're fat. I think they're dumb and need to get real.... (view more)Hi, It's me again. I'm thirty pounds over weight. I wrote a while ago, and you guys told me to drink plenty of water. I appreciate it, but I already drink plenty of water. I've cut out the soda, but I just can't seem to lose any weight. I don't have the time for exercise because I get tons of homework everynight. I don't know what to do. About a few weeks ago, I didn't eat much. It actually worked, but I knew that I should eat healthier stuff. I had been eating cookies, and brownies for lunch. I lost 5 pounds, but as soon as I realized what I was doing, I decided to stop. I gained the 5lbs back. You guys have been very helpful. I need more help. I really want to be down to 95lbs by June 8th (my b-day & SUMMERTIME!) I'm at 125lbs right now. I really need help! :( All my friends are underweight and still think they're fat. I think they're dumb and need to get real. They starve themselves and only eat about 1/4 of what they should be eating. They are really underweight. I'm overweight, the exact opposite. I just want to be at my ideal weight without having to stave myself and be super skinny, pale, and weak. I want to lose it the healthy way. So please help me. You can also e-mail me at if you want. Thanx. (view less)
From Page, Age 11 - 01/14/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
Dear Readers,I made a mistake that I hope you all do not do. I starved myself. Not for long (a few days) but I am very lucky that my friends noticed it and stopped me. I ate very little and sometimes nothing at school. My Mom noticed that I was losing weight, and said that I looked too thin. Before you sure that you are not thin...just seeing yourself as fat. We are all growing and need nutritien. I used to find myself going through the kitchen popping anything in sight until my nouth and as I look into the pictures, I notice that I looked a bit fat. Here are a few steps to losing weight or avoiding gaining weight:1) Keep ALL snack foods at your home in a cupboard so you have to do something to get it...and you will be sure that you REALLY want it...not only for the craving or the taste2) Only eat desserts on special occasions. Instead of having a cookie with that milk, why not... (view more)Dear Readers,I made a mistake that I hope you all do not do. I starved myself. Not for long (a few days) but I am very lucky that my friends noticed it and stopped me. I ate very little and sometimes nothing at school. My Mom noticed that I was losing weight, and said that I looked too thin. Before you sure that you are not thin...just seeing yourself as fat. We are all growing and need nutritien. I used to find myself going through the kitchen popping anything in sight until my nouth and as I look into the pictures, I notice that I looked a bit fat. Here are a few steps to losing weight or avoiding gaining weight:1) Keep ALL snack foods at your home in a cupboard so you have to do something to get it...and you will be sure that you REALLY want it...not only for the craving or the taste2) Only eat desserts on special occasions. Instead of having a cookie with that milk, why not an apple? Although the craving may be very hard to overcome, just remind yourself of how unhealthy that is for you and how you will feel if you have all of that extra weight. You don't have to give up desserts forever. I have tried to stick to "no desserts" unless it is a birthday of a friend gave you a bag of delicious chocolates! Try to make fruits seem delisous. Have images in your mind of the apple with water dripping off of it, and it coming out of the wonderful earth. 3) When possible...get the "Non-fat" or "Low-fat" things. Sure, those Lays Chips look good...but why feel heavy and possibly get heavy when you can go for the "Baked Lays"? You will feel so much better after eating an apple and "Baked Lays" and turkey sub than having "Whole-fat" chips, a burger and fries, and ice cream! 4) Exercise!!!! Having it be a rainy day is NO excuse for staying at home watching TV and eating cookies! Get all bundled up and take a low-key walk in the rain. Invite a few pals to go for a stroll in woods with you and work those legs! Maybe for Christmas you could ask for a tredmill if your parent doesn't already have one. They can be a blast in front of a TV!I hope these tips have helped and if you have any questions or comments please email me at! (view less)
From jordan, Age 15 - 01/14/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
I'm about 5'8 and 140lbs, im not totally overweight,, but i could mannage to lose a few pounds, my ideal weight would me about 120-125 pounds. I play basketball everyday and lift weights about 4 times a week.. i dont seem to be getting results.. I have a best friend and i always used to be smaller than her, im not anymore and it makes me feel as if i've gained tons of weight. if any of you have any suggestions, i'd really appreciate it.. Thanks!
Reply from Laurie, Age 13 - 01/15/02 - IP#:
Reply from Dawn, Age 16 - 01/15/02 - IP#:
From Big Boy, Age 14 - 01/13/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
hi its me again, just hear to say gained 10 more lbs if your keeping track im 190 and 5'8"
Reply from Krista, Age 14 - 01/15/02 - IP#:
From amanda, Age 12 - 01/12/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
guess whut!i used to be 110lbs, but i went on a diet and in 2 weeks i lost 5 lbs! yeah!
Reply from Jakia, Age 14 - 03/23/02 - IP#:
Reply from Dawn, Age 16 - 01/15/02 - IP#:
Reply from spring, Age 12 - 01/14/02 - IP#:
Reply from misty, Age 14 - 01/13/02 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |