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From pam, Age 14 - 12/30/01 - IP#: 205.188.192.xxx  Click here to reply  
HHHHHHHEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!Ive gained 2 pounds in a day. i already weigh 212,and im only 14. I am soooooooooo fat...please help me. :(-Big Bertha(well, thats what I feels like)
Reply from Amber, Age 14 - 03/11/02  - IP#: 156.63.129.xxx

From :(, Age 12 - 12/30/01 - IP#: 213.1.82.xxx  Click here to reply  
Can any one tell me what "Crunches" are?thanx
Reply from allisa, Age 12 - 12/30/01  - IP#: 65.6.88.xxx

From Sean, Age 13 - 12/30/01 - IP#: 202.129.95.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi im sean and im 13. I was wondering if anyone could help me loose weight. Im 142cm (dont know wats that in feet) and im 142 pounds.If anyone can help me can u reply as soon as possible. Thanx and have a merry christmas and a happy new year.
Reply from ATeamGuy, Age 17 - 12/30/01  - IP#: 64.12.101.xxx

From pam, Age 14 - 12/30/01 - IP#: 152.163.204.xxx  Click here to reply  
If n e one is willing to be friends with a really overweight person who really needs one...e-mail me at pblr333-Pam
Reply from Sean, Age 13 - 01/03/02  - IP#: 202.129.95.xxx
Reply from a person, Age 12 - 12/30/01  - IP#: 24.68.3.xxx

From .., Age 15 - 12/29/01 - IP#: 63.64.41.xxx  Click here to reply  
I'm just wondering...is there a certain way you are supposed to breath when you do situps and crunches...i heard that i'f you exhale when you sit up and not when you go back down then your muscles in your stomach harden or something and they don't get flatter. Anyone know anything about that?
Reply from Tim, Age 15 - 01/07/02  - IP#: 65.230.52.xxx

From Sam, Age 12 - 12/29/01 - IP#: 64.12.101.xxx  Click here to reply  
Oh yes I forgot my email address is amosher5@aol.comI would like to know how to lose weight fast
Reply from ATeamGuy, Age 17 - 12/30/01  - IP#: 64.12.101.xxx

From Sam, Age 12 - 12/29/01 - IP#: 205.188.197.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi I am Sam i am 12 and I am 5'4" and weigh 149 lbs. can somebody help me I excercise 5 days a week for 45 minutes each day in pe but that and other stuff dosent help much can somebody help?

From Ann, Age 15 - 12/29/01 - IP#: 66.69.70.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey, im 5'5' and wiegh 140 lbs. Ive been drinking alot of water, and eating only breakfast and lunch. Is this unhealthy? Im mean, it can't be that bad or anything. I don't need all three meals cuz im not that hungry any more with all the water that curbs my cravings. If i keep going will i lose the 20lbs i wanna lose soon?
Reply from Amber, Age 14 - 03/11/02  - IP#: 156.63.129.xxx
Reply from allisa, Age 12 - 12/30/01  - IP#: 65.6.88.xxx

From pam, Age 14 - 12/29/01 - IP#: 64.12.105.xxx  Click here to reply  
I feel like im the only one who has really embarresing things happening to me. If you ever get teased, or have n e thing embarresing happen to u, PLEASE REPLY AND TELL ME ALL!!!-2 fat 4 life(pam)
Reply from Sally, Age 14 - 11/19/09  - IP#: 209.188.120.xxx
Reply from Sam, Age 12 - 12/29/01  - IP#: 152.163.207.xxx
Reply from Ana, Age 15 - 12/29/01  - IP#: 66.69.70.xxx

From Summer, Age 13 - 12/29/01 - IP#: 65.6.88.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey, yall may know my friend Allisa? (I live down the street from her) well she told me bout this site cuzz i am a ity bity over weight, but i am getting better because she told me bout this diet thing that will work. but if any 1 wants to be like a diet buddy thingy or whatever, e mail me at Girlflower33@aol.com.(it is Allisa's too, i don't got internet at my house)please say in the e mail that it is for Summer and please be around my age and gender. THANKs!!!
Reply from Spring, Age 13 - 02/04/02  - IP#: 62.7.111.xxx
Reply from kez, Age 12 - 01/27/02  - IP#: 62.7.124.xxx
Reply from Spring, Age 12 - 01/26/02  - IP#: 62.7.42.xxx
Reply from spring, Age 12 - 01/15/02  - IP#: 62.7.57.xxx
Reply from summer, Age 12 - 01/14/02  - IP#: 65.6.88.xxx
Reply from spring, Age 12 - 01/13/02  - IP#: 62.7.111.xxx
Reply from Spring, Age 12 - 01/11/02  - IP#: 213.1.109.xxx
Reply from Summer, Age 12 - 01/11/02  - IP#: 65.6.88.xxx
Reply from Spring, Age 12 - 01/07/02  - IP#: 213.1.62.xxx
Reply from Summer, Age 12 - 01/06/02  - IP#: 65.6.88.xxx
Reply from spring, Age 13 - 01/05/02  - IP#: 213.1.69.xxx
Reply from spring, Age 13 - 01/03/02  - IP#: 213.122.212.xxx
Reply from Summer, Age 12 - 01/03/02  - IP#: 65.6.88.xxx
Reply from reply from Spring, Age 13 - 01/03/02  - IP#: 62.7.13.xxx
Reply from Summer, Age 13 - 01/01/02  - IP#: 65.6.88.xxx
Reply from Summer, Age 13 - 01/01/02  - IP#: 65.6.88.xxx
Reply from Spring, Age 13 - 01/01/02  - IP#: 213.123.20.xxx
Reply from Spring 2 Summer (Diet ), Age 13 - 01/01/02  - IP#: 213.123.20.xxx
Reply from Spring to Summer, Age 13 - 12/31/01  - IP#: 213.123.20.xxx
Reply from Spring to Summer, Age 13 - 12/31/01  - IP#: 213.123.20.xxx
Reply from Summer to Spring, Age 13 - 12/30/01  - IP#: 65.6.88.xxx
Reply from Spring, Age 13 - 12/30/01  - IP#: 213.1.82.xxx

From Matthew, Age 13 - 12/29/01 - IP#: 62.7.152.xxx  Click here to reply  
I went through the notices today and realised u were all female maybe this is because men just dont care about their weight i weigh approx 182 pounds which is more than i could see anyone elses lately i have been staying up till 4 oclock working out and filling in tables which i designed myself to see whether i had a healthy day and like i always say i may be fat but i can diet whereas others will always be in situations in which they cant change their apperance so next time you complain about yourself realise that there are people in worse situations about their apperance than you and that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Reply from angela, Age 12 - 12/31/01  - IP#: 24.4.252.xxx
Reply from chic, Age 16 - 12/29/01  - IP#: 66.69.70.xxx

From pam, Age 14 - 12/29/01 - IP#: 205.188.192.xxx  Click here to reply  
Does anyone know how much you have to weigh to be considered obese???and has anyone ever been to "fat camp"???Please reply to this if you know ANYTHING about the answers. Thanx <3
Reply from Dawn, Age 16 - 12/30/01  - IP#: 152.163.201.xxx

From Danielle, Age 17 - 12/28/01 - IP#: 4.54.191.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi everyone. I was just wondering if you guys think that if I drink a lot of liquids and eat once or twice a day, will I lose weight? How much weight do you think I'll lose in a month? I'm 5'5 and 210 lbs. Also, has anyone tried Greer Childers "Bodyflex" program?
Reply from Kandianna, Age 15 - 02/28/02  - IP#: 208.6.62.xxx
Reply from allisa, Age 12 - 12/29/01  - IP#: 65.6.88.xxx

From girlie, Age 12 - 12/28/01 - IP#: 24.68.3.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey! does anyone know the difference between a crunch and a sit-up? What's the difference? which is harder to do? Which works better? if u know the answers pls reply!!!!!!!!!
Reply from allisa, Age 12 - 12/29/01  - IP#: 65.6.88.xxx
Reply from amanda, Age 14 - 12/28/01  - IP#: 205.245.177.xxx

From pam, Age 14 - 12/28/01 - IP#: 205.188.199.xxx  Click here to reply  
I hope to make some friends from the blubber busters. I have never had a friend. Im extremly fat for my age. Im only 14 and weigh 205 pounds. Im very sad. I dont have any sucess stories, only sad ones. I tried playing sports a few years ago, but was benched all the time, i quit sports after the bench broke from my weaight. It was very embarresing. Ive been called every name, including fatty, fatso, big bertha, bertha, hog, pig. One of my teachers called me bertha b/c she thought that was my name from hearing other kids call me that. Once i fell in the cafeteria and needed 6 teachers to come help me up. Thats when i quit school with no friends. Im too fat for clothes, ive turned to spandex. I think im too fat for life. I hope blubber busters can help me and maybe ill make a friend. Please talk to me, im lonely and fat :'(-Pam(14/205lbs)
Reply from sunita, Age 18 - 02/23/02  - IP#: 62.252.128.xxx
Reply from matt, Age 13 - 12/29/01  - IP#: 62.7.152.xxx
Reply from ana, Age 15 - 12/28/01  - IP#: 66.69.70.xxx
Reply from Alina, Age 13 - 12/28/01  - IP#: 12.88.85.xxx

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