From sherry, Age 14 - 12/25/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
hi has anyone on here ever heard of T-lite it is a diet pill has anyone tried it ??? if u have please right back
Reply from Ashley, Age 25 - 03/07/02 - IP#:
From allisa, Age 12 - 12/25/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
Reply from ann, Age 16 - 12/25/01 - IP#:
Reply from henry, Age 12 - 12/25/01 - IP#:
From melissa, Age 14 - 12/25/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey anybody want to email me about some good tips on weight loss becuse i need to lose 50 pounds and i will be to my normal size. So would you plzs email me or post them polx Thanx,, P.S.
Reply from candy, Age 13 - 12/26/01 - IP#:
From ATeamGuy, Age 17 - 12/24/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
This is interesting...for some reason I cannot connect to the new chatroom. I've been trying to get in there for the past few hours. If anyone knows why this might have happened, I'm all ears. Anyway, its about 7:30 (East Coast USA time) and if anyone sees this and wants to chat, meet me in the old chatroom, i'll be there for awhile. Thanks, and Merry Christmas to all! And if you splurge during Christmas, don't worry, you won't die.
Reply from henry, Age 12 - 12/24/01 - IP#:
Reply from allisa, Age 12 - 12/24/01 - IP#:
From Ella, Age 15 - 12/24/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
When I gained weight two years ago, and was starting puberty, I had no interest or worries with my weight. then suddenly I realised I was large; my friends were thinner than me and as time went by I isolated myself from my frineds so they wouldnt see me eat. i lost confidence, and power to communicate with others. I became more moody and bad tempered. there were days when i would hate the world an myself. I felt alone and miserable. sometimes i would bing uncontrolably and other days i would starve myself. All this chaos has lead me to not only an instability towards but also emotional instability and insecurity with myself and family. I'm afraid. if you have any comforting words or advice please email to me at thank you.
Reply from Ana, Age 15 - 12/25/01 - IP#:
Reply from allisa, Age 12 - 12/24/01 - IP#:
From Ana, Age 15 - 12/24/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
If u guys want to see some SERIOUS weight loss go to - Tae-bo w/ billy blanks is awesome, and its the best way to lose wieght. When u get to his website click on the marker that says TAE-BO HEROES, and it give u a list of names, people who have even lost up to 200 lbs!, hoped i could give u some insight into this magnificant excercise secret, it works.
From Egypt, Age 12 - 12/23/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
~*~*hey i think i am overweight. someone told me the calculator on this site is wrong so im not going by it, i am 5'1 and i weigh 122 i know im probably not extremely fat, and my boyfriend say im not but all his friends make fun of me, it hurts my felin, they make fun of me they say stuff like "your bigger than egypt" because thats my name. if anybody has sort of the same problem e-mail me at sweet as, or if anybody has tips on how to loose weight reply or e-mail me thanz a mil~*~*~* ~*~*EgYpT*~*~*
Reply from Ana, Age 14 - 12/25/01 - IP#:
Reply from allisa, Age 12 - 12/24/01 - IP#:
From Zandrea, Age 15 - 12/22/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
I havent been at this site for awhile and I just kinda wanna talk about how I've been doing lately, cause I realize that Im perhaps not the only one in my situation, that has had my problem. Before I used to go on the scale and (im 5'7 by the way) and see 140 pounds and totally disgust with myself for days/weeks, and hate it, until I finally realized that after playing sports for a long time I'm muscular and I do not really look what the scale says at all. I was so convinced that the scale SAID 140 that I must look fat-so I actually began SEEING myself fatter than I am. Its taken forever, and I've still worked on toning, and people who have told me Im pretty-guy who do like me and that has raised my confidence and self esteem even higher and food was no longer necassary to snack on because the compliments are worth millions more than food. I do feel good about myself now-I know Im not... (view more)I havent been at this site for awhile and I just kinda wanna talk about how I've been doing lately, cause I realize that Im perhaps not the only one in my situation, that has had my problem. Before I used to go on the scale and (im 5'7 by the way) and see 140 pounds and totally disgust with myself for days/weeks, and hate it, until I finally realized that after playing sports for a long time I'm muscular and I do not really look what the scale says at all. I was so convinced that the scale SAID 140 that I must look fat-so I actually began SEEING myself fatter than I am. Its taken forever, and I've still worked on toning, and people who have told me Im pretty-guy who do like me and that has raised my confidence and self esteem even higher and food was no longer necassary to snack on because the compliments are worth millions more than food. I do feel good about myself now-I know Im not ugly, and before anyone can lose weight, you MUST feel good about yourself in some way, or it will never work. and the lesson I learned, is scales DO lie. I no longer go onthe scale, if I look awesome in the mirror and I feel pretty I dont need to know what I weigh. I've even gotten to be able to join dance, and cheerleading, dreams of mine I thought I'd lost. I still feel weird when I see stick girls walking around, but then i realize, well I have things they dont have, a figure, and im not flat. It is possible and with self confidence and esteem you CAN do anything, good luck!!!!!! (view less)
From David, Age 14 - 12/22/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey I need some major help. I'm 5'6" and 175 lbs. I have a 33 inch waist. I have a 39 inch gut and can pinch 9 inches of fat off. Does anyone have tips on how I can get rid of my huge stomach? Any tips would be appreciated. Also, what should my waist and gut be? And how many slices of pizza should you eat?
Reply from allisa, Age 12 - 12/23/01 - IP#:
Reply from Ana, Age 15 - 12/22/01 - IP#:
From allisa, Age 12 - 12/21/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
HI, every 1 is feard of holidays because of all the food, right? well it is very simple not to eat the food. gum, gum will help cravings and try to keep yourself more busy. i heard drinking tons of water and eating bananas before going to a christams part will make u full and not want to eat. try to keep busy, like playing with your presents!!! keep your mind on presents!!! go sledding, do exercize like that. and don't be afraid to have cookies, just not more then 3. and try to have healthier stuff in stead, bring your own healthy meals or snack if u can. if u want, u dont' have to worry bout food. injoy your holiday to the fullest! eat cookies and punch and every thing u want! then when holiday is over u have to be serius and lose weight that u have gained. u can gain weight fast if u r not careful, but u can also lose it fast with my deit (my diet sold sepratly, lol) if u want my diet for after christmas fat, then reply!
Reply from rachel, Age 13 - 12/22/01 - IP#:
Reply from Michelle, Age 14 - 12/21/01 - IP#:
From Dee, Age 15 - 12/21/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi everyone! I'm 5'7" and 148 pounds, not considered "overweight" but I feel terrible about myself and cannot stand myself like this. I had an eating disorder last year and got down to 104, then gained everything back. Now I just want to be thin and healthy. If there is anyone who would like to be diet buddies with my, my email is ~dee~
From jrock, Age 13 - 12/20/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey, i 'm 4'11 and 140lbs and i was just wondering how much possible weight can i lose before new years? healthy or not plz tell me and help me! i don't care if its pills or a fad diet..or if im gonna gain it back,just PLEASE HELP! p.s.what is the grapefruit diet?chicken noodle soup diet? and apple cider vinegar pills? thanks,please please someone reply asap. -jrock also my email is XROCKGRRLYX@AOL.COM
Reply from JUSTINE, Age 10 - 12/24/01 - IP#:
From candy, Age 13 - 12/20/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
is everyone celebrating xmas? why isn't anyone talkin? yeah and btw.. we all know xmas is coming and that means candy and food. so.. i read up about this and wanna share. before you go for any party, drink 2 glasses of water 2 make you full. and try 2 go for fruits instead of sweet deserts
Reply from maggie, Age 12 - 03/01/02 - IP#:
Reply from allisa, Age 12 - 12/20/01 - IP#:
From Ana, Age 15 - 12/20/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
X-mas is coming up, and we all know what that means. sweets and fatty foods...yikes. Those of us trying to lose weight dread the holidays cuz of things like this, as hard as it is for me to do, i gotta bite the bullet, like all of yall and i wanna lose 10 lbs before i gotta go back to school. Im 5'5' and wiegh 141 lbs. My dream is to be 120 lbs and a size 4, i can sqeeze into a size 7 jeans though. I want to get rid of my love handles and small gut, and have skinny arms and firm thighs. *sigh*, but im gonna try and work for it, do tae-bo everyday, eat healthy and drink nothing but water, wish me luck, hope yall do good on the holidays too.
Reply from allisa to ana, Age 12 - 12/22/01 - IP#:
Reply from allisa to ana, Age 12 - 12/22/01 - IP#:
Reply from allisa, Age 12 - 12/22/01 - IP#:
Reply from Ana 2 allisa, Age 15 - 12/22/01 - IP#:
Reply from allisa to ana, Age 12 - 12/22/01 - IP#:
Reply from ana to allisa, Age 15 - 12/22/01 - IP#:
Reply from allisa, Age 12 - 12/21/01 - IP#:
From JrOcK, Age 13 - 12/19/01 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey, i 'm 4'11 and 140lbs and i was just wondering how much possible weight can i lose before new years? healthy or not plz tell me and help me!
Reply from allisa, Age 12 - 12/19/01 - IP#:
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